

IEPER, Belgium — May 15, 2024 — The ITM 2024 exhibition takes place at the TÜYAP Fair Convention & Congress Center in Istanbul from June 4 – 8, 2024. At this important event, the Ultimax will be presented for the very first time in Türkiye at the Picanol booth (Hall 8, Booth 802). Furthermore, there will also be an OmniPlus-i Connect airjet weaving machine on display and the novelties of the digital platform PicConnect will be highlighted. All of the innovations that will be shown are driven by Picanol’s four design principles: Smart Performance, Sustainability Inside, Driven by Data, and Intuitive Control. Together, these design principles enable Picanol’s customers to follow their weaving instincts and get the best possible results.

比利时IEPER——2024年5月15日——ITM 2024展览将于2024年6月4日至8日在伊斯坦布尔TU YAP Fair会展中心举行。在这一重要活动中,Ultimax将首次在土耳其Picanol展位(8号展厅,802号展位)展出。此外,还将展出OmniPlus-i Connect喷气织机,并将突出数字平台PicConnect的新颖性。所有将展示的创新都是由Picanol的四个设计原则驱动的:智能性能、内部可持续性、数据驱动和直观控制。总之,这些设计原则使Picanol的客户能够遵循他们的编织本能,并获得尽可能好的结果。

Picanol booth at ITM 2024

“With our strong presence at this exhibition, we once again want to make a clear statement on the importance of the Turkish market for Picanol and reconfirm our commitment to it. That said, we also hope to welcome customers and potential partners from other countries. Our team is looking forward to explaining to those visiting our booth about how our innovations will ensure we continue to grow together with the global textile industry and our customers in particular,” explains Mr. Kurt Lamkowski, Manager Worldwide Sales at Picanol.

Picanol全球销售经理Kurt Lamkowski先生解释道:“凭借我们在此次展会上的强大影响力,我们再次明确表示土耳其市场对Picanol的重要性,并再次确认我们对该市场的承诺。也就是说,我们也希望欢迎来自其他国家的客户和潜在合作伙伴。我们的团队期待着向参观我们展位的人解释我们的创新将如何确保我们继续与全球纺织行业,特别是我们的客户一起发展。”。

The all-new, revolutionary Ultimax rapier weaving machine


Picanol’s all-new and revolutionary rapier weaving machine, the Ultimax, focuses on three main benefits: ultimate performance and high-quality output, readiness for the sustainability requirements of tomorrow, and the greatest ease of use thanks to a maximum level of digitalization. In addition, the classic Picanol exterior design of the machine has been radically disrupted in order to make it clear from the outside just how revolutionary the Ultimax is on the inside. The Ultimax excels in the fields of performance and quality, it has been designed with sustainability as the baseline, and the high degree of digitalization results in a previously unseen ease of use. At ITM 2024, three Ultimax machines will be on display with different shedding motions, different machine widths, and a variety of features. One machine will be weaving denim fabric, another one will be weaving voile, and there will also be an Ultimax Terry.

Picanol的全新革命性剑杆织机Ultimax专注于三大优势:极致的性能和高质量的产量,为未来的可持续发展要求做好准备,以及由于最大程度的数字化而带来的最大易用性。此外,该机器的经典Picanol外观设计被彻底颠覆,以从外部清楚地表明Ultimax在内部的革命性。Ultimax在性能和质量领域表现出色,其设计以可持续性为基准,高度数字化带来了前所未有的易用性。在ITM 2024上,三台Ultimax机器将展出,它们具有不同的脱落运动、不同的机器宽度和各种功能。一台机器将编织牛仔布,另一台将编织voile,还有一台Ultimax Terry。

OmniPlus-i Connect airjet weaving machine

OmniPlus-i Connect喷气织机

At ITM 2024, Picanol will be presenting an OmniPlus-i Connect airjet weaving machine with SmartShed, weaving double-face. Visitors can also experience the speed increase that Picanol recently launched on its airjet platform.

在ITM 2024上,Picanol将展示一款配备SmartShed双面织造功能的OmniPlus-i Connect喷气织机。游客还可以体验Picanol最近在其喷气式飞机平台上推出的速度提升。

Digital innovations in PicConnect


With PicConnect, Picanol is centralizing its digital tools and services in one new fully digital platform. At a corner in the exhibition that will be dedicated to PicConnect, visitors will be able to discover all the benefits and latest features of PicConnect to leverage the full extent of the possibilities offered by Picanol weaving machines. Integrated machine manuals and tutorial videos, a central weaving styles management system, and enhanced machine stop insights are just a few of the new PicConnect features that Picanol recently released.


Visit the PicConnect corner of the Picanol booth to discover everything you need to know about this platform. All of the Picanol weaving machines will be connected to PicConnect.


Posted: May 15, 2024

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