长期以来,人们对云母的结构、构造形态和地球化学成分开展了大量的研究,无论是云母的结构、构造形态和地球化学成分对岩浆-热液演化作用的响应,还是与成矿事件的密切联系,尤其是云母的形变和变形能够反应受力变形、区域变质热事件等。近期,云母的变形与形变作用反应也引起了人们的极大关注,尤其是美国阿拉巴马州奥本市奥本大学,Raphaël Gottardi和Gabriele Casale等在地球科学领域顶级期刊《Geology》发表了A little mica goes a long way: Impact of phyllosilicates on quartz deformation fabrics in naturally deformed rocks,针对糜棱岩中石英和云母的力学变形对矿物流动规律、地壳中的剪切作用和应变局部化机制提出了卓有成效的约束。
图1:(A) 筏河滑脱带的综合垂直剖面。(B) 石英c轴和a轴的电子背散射衍射(EBSD)极图,取向如c.CPO晶体优先取向所示的薄片;M、 U.D.-均匀分布的倍数。(C) 样品的代表性微观结构(偏振器朝向叶理∨45°拍摄的交叉偏振光薄片照片,以最大限度地提高白云母照明度)。白云母;以下叶理。(D) EBSD图显示了重结晶(蓝色)和残留(红色)石英颗粒以及两个子集区域:一个包含纯石英(1区)和一个包含白云母(2区)。
Figure 1. (A) Synthetic vertical profile of the Raft River detachment zone. (B) Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) pole figures of quartz c-axis and a-axes oriented like the thin sections shown in C. CPO—crystallographic preferred orientation; M.U.D.—multiples of uniform distribution. (C) Representative microstructures of the samples (cross-polarized thin section photos taken with polarizer oriented at ∼45° to foliation to maximize muscovite illumination). musc—muscovite; Fol—foliation. (D) EBSD maps showing recrystallized (blue) and relict (red) quartz grains and two subset areas: one consisting of pure quartz (zone 1) and one containing muscovite (zone 2).
igure 2. (A–D) Cross polarized thin section photomicrographs of representative microstructures of the Raft River detachment shear zone quartzite mylonite. Relict and recrystallized grains are shown by black arrows. Yellow arrows indicate grain boundary pinning by muscovite. (E–G) Relict grains show undulose extinction (ue) and contain deformation lamellae (dl). Thin sections are cut perpendicular to foliation (Fol) and parallel to lineation; photos were taken with polarizer oriented at 45° to foliation to maximize muscovite illumination.
图3:(A) 筏河滑脱剪切带的综合垂直剖面。符号说明见图1A。(B) 通过X射线计算机断层扫描获得白云母(Ms)含量。(C) 通过电子背散射衍射分析获得的再结晶石英颗粒(RxGS)平均直径的均方根。(D) 使用Cross等人(2017)压力计估算流动应力。(E) 基于Hirth et al.(2001)石英岩流动定律的应变率估计。半透明的蓝色和绿色框分别表示筏板河滑脱剪切带的独立流动应力和应变率估计(见讨论文本)
Figure 3. (A) Synthetic vertical profile of the Raft River detachment shear zone. See Figure 1A for symbol explanations. (B) Muscovite (Ms) content obtained from X-ray computed tomography. (C) Root mean square of mean diameter of recrystallized quartz grain (RxGS) obtained by electron backscatter diffraction analysis. (D) Flow stress estimates using the Cross et al. (2017) piezometer. (E) Strain rate estimates based on the Hirth et al. (2001) quartzite flow law. Semi-transparent blue and green boxes indicate independent flow stress and strain rate estimates, respectively, for the Raft River detachment shear zone (see text for discussion)
图4:流动应力-应变率-分析样品的高度。灰色阴影表面表示使用Hirth et al.(2001)石英岩流动定律在400°C下计算的应变率。红色阴影区域指Gottardi和Teyssier(2013)的独立应变率估计值。
Figure 4. Flow stress versus strain rate versus elevation of the analyzed samples. Grey shaded surface represents strain rate calculated using the Hirth et al. (2001) quartz ite flow law at 400 °C. Red shaded area refers to independent strain rate estimates of Gottardi and Teyssier (2013).
In this project, we have investigated the effect of muscovite on quartz deformation in the RRDSZ. Our results demonstrate a strong inverse relationship between quartz RxGS and muscovite content both between samples and within sub-millimeter-scale subregions within individual samples. The range in grain sizes between our proximal samples translates into variation in calculated strain rate of greater than one order of magnitude (∼1.1×10−14to 2.4×10−13s−1) and more than doubling of the calculated flow stress from most- to least pure quartzite (32–70 MPa). These estimates are incompatible with previous field and ther mochronology integrated strain rate estimates of the RRDSZ. Elsewhere, similar textural observations have been interpreted as evidence for polyphase deformation, reactivation, and superposition. We offer a simpler explanation that relatively small amounts of mica exert a disproportionate influence on quartz deforma tion fabrics, which has important implications for the application of flow laws in quartzite mylonites and the interpretation of strain local ization mechanisms.
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