
A New Miraculous Camera:Google's AI-Powered Clips Camera

April 5, 2018 | 10:20 p.m.(Beijing time)

By Shan Qiqing

Sources:The Paper, The Washington Post, CNBC, Engadget, The Verge, iJustine.

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A woman is showing how to use Google Clips camera in the video.Video retrieved from iJustine on April 5, 2018.

Abstract: A new AI-powered camera Clips producted by Google has been on sale recently. It can decide what to record on its own. Is it a miraculous tool or a terrible artificial intelligence?

Photo retrieved from The Verge on April 5, 2018.

When Google presented its new AI-based camera Google Clips, it caused people to freak out.

The funky pocket-sized Clips camera is on sale for$249 (about 1570 RMB). It candecide on its own what to recordwithout people clicking the shutter. Whenever it’s on, theartificial intelligenceinside is watching. Google Clips is constantly looking out for certain people, facial expressions like smiles, and other indications that it should record footage, Google product manager Juston Payne said at Google's hardware event in San Francisco on October 4, 2017.



The photos show the look of Google Clips camara. Photos retrieved from The Verge on April 5, 2018.

Clips is like a GoPro with a mind of its own. It’s the first camera that seeks touse AI to replace the main job of photographers: pressing the shutter button. It’s not hard to imagine the appeal to helicopter parents (parents who care too much about their children) and anyone who spends too much time operating a smartphone camera. You can set this thing near your baby (human, feline or canine), and it willsift through all the boring moments to recordseven-second video bursts of some of the interesting ones. Many of us record far more than we ever edit, or even look at. To Google, that looks like a problem AI might solve.

A seven-second snippet of a cat at KitTea Cat Cafe captured by Google Clips.Photo retrieved from The Washington Post by Geoffrey A. Fowler on April 5,2018 .

With Clips, in AI you must trust. There is a button you can use to force it to capture, but if you’re using that, you might as well get out your phone. There’s no screen on the back to show you what it sees. It can learn which faces are important if you take a three-second close-up or give it permission to learn from shots in an existing Google Photos library.

How does Clips know what’s interesting? Google says it spent three years studying what people do with cameras. Then ithired three professionals— a documentary filmmaker, a photojournalist and a fine arts photographer — to train its camera how to pick good shots when they happen. They taught it to look for joyous faces, especially of children, and to recognize dogs and cats.

As for the privacy, Google replied that they have considered. Firstly, the Clips camera has no recording function. When it’s on,an LED light will come onto tell you that it is shooting. Besides, the camera willnot transfer photos automaticallywithout permission. All photos and videos can be removed from the camera if you want.Yet even so, many people still worry about privacy. “This doesn’t even *seem*innocent,” tweeted Elon Musk,the founder, CEO and lead designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; and co-founder and CEO of Neuralink,after Google announced Clips on October 8, 2017.

Elon Musk commented on the Clips on Twitter on October 8, 2017.Photo retrieved from The Paper on April 5, 2018.






至于隐私问题,谷歌回应说他们考虑过这个问题。首先,Clips没有录音功能。当它处于工作状态的时候,LED灯会亮起来,告诉你它正在拍摄。此外,Clips不会通过网络自动传输照片。所有的照片和视频只能在得到你的允许之后离开相机。但是即使如此,仍然有很多人对隐私问题表示担忧。太空探索技术公司CEO、特斯拉公司CEO以及太阳城公司董事长Elon Musk在谷歌去年十月份推出Clips的时候就在推特上发表过评价:“This doesn’t even *seem* innocent.”

Translated and edited by Shan Qiqing

April 5, 2018

Keywords: Google, Clips, camera.

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1.Google Clips camera, aimed at parents, can't compete with GoPro


2.Google Clips is a tiny camera that watches everything, then figures out what to capture using A.I.


3. Google Clips camera is now selling for $249


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Click “Read More” to read more functions of Google Clips camera! (The article is written in Chinese.)

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