

Functions are an essential part of programming and play a crucial role in organizing and reusing code. Think of a function as a set of instructions that perform a specific task. Instead of writing the same code over and over, you can define a function and call it whenever you need that task to be executed.


You can create a function using the void keyword (if it doesn’t return any value) followed by the function name, parentheses for parameters (if any), and curly braces to enclose the function body.

你可以使用' void '关键字(如果它不返回任何值)创建一个函数,后面跟着函数名,参数括号(如果有)和花括号来括住函数体。

Let’s look at an example to understand functions better:


// Function to greet a personvoid greetPerson(String name) {print(‘Hello, $name! How are you today?’);}

// Function to calculate the sum of two numbersint calculateSum(int a, int b) {return a + b;}

void main() { // Calling the greetPerson function greetPerson(‘John’); // Calling the calculateSum function and storing the result in a variable int result = calculateSum(10, 20); print(‘The sum is: $result’);}

In this example, we have defined two functions: greetPerson and calculateSum. The greetPerson function takes a name as a parameter and greets the person using their name. The calculateSum function takes two parameters a and b, calculates their sum, and returns the result. The return keyword here is like a messenger that allows a function to send back a specific result or value after it has completed its task. It’s like the function saying, “Here’s what I found or calculated, and now you can use this information elsewhere in your code.”

在这个例子中,我们定义了两个函数:' greetPerson '和' calculateSum '。' greetPerson '函数以' name '作为参数,并使用他们的名字向该人打招呼。' calculateSum '函数接受两个参数' a '和' b ',计算它们的和,并返回结果。这里的“return”关键字就像一个信使,允许函数在完成任务后返回特定的结果或值。这就像函数说:“这是我发现或计算的结果,现在您可以在代码的其他地方使用这些信息。”

In the main function, we call the greetPerson function with the argument ‘John’, which prints ‘Hello, John! How are you today?’ to the console. Then, we call the calculateSum function with arguments 10 and 20 and store the result in the variable result. Finally, we print ‘The sum is: 30’ to the console.

在' main '函数中,我们用' John '参数调用' greetPerson '函数,输出' Hello, John!你今天好吗?对着控制台说。然后,我们使用参数10和20调用' calculateSum '函数,并将结果存储在变量' result '中。最后,我们向控制台输出' The sum is: 30 '。

As a note, a function argument in programming is like a special instruction or piece of information that you can give to a function, helping it perform a specific task or calculation. Functions make code more organized, easier to maintain, and promote code reusability. You can define functions for various tasks in your program, making it more efficient and modular.


While functions have a wide range of use cases and are fundamental to programming, we won’t go into a deep dive into them in this book. Our primary focus is on modern UI development using Flutter.


However, understanding functions is essential for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Functions play a significant role in organizing your code and making it more maintainable, efficient, and reusable. As we progress through this book, we’ll utilize functions when necessary to enhance the UI development process and create engaging user experiences.



int add(int a, int b) { return a + b;}

void main() { int sum = add(33, 333); print(sum);}



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