

We write the rules of the game into code on the blockchain, but we really don't want to trade on the chain at every step of the predictive quiz game. However, there is no reason not to let the blockchain itself manage the rules of the game - and more importantly, manage the code that executes the game rules. If we create a state machine function on the game and publish it on the chain, it can be pre-verified to be correct and can be referenced by anyone.

More importantly, however, the function can be executed under the chain, which is faster and cheaper than dozens of times on the chain. (Note: The form of the state machine itself does not introduce side effects, so it is actually a commonly used function.)

Therefore, if we replace the local client state machine execution in our example above with the chain code execution, both parties will have more confidence in the accuracy of the running code and the information they sign.

But the biggest advantage is that we now have a way to deal with cheating. If the signature message sent by the cheater contains an invalid state transition - just like not following the code rules on the chain - we can take arbitration! The receiver can call the chain dispute resolution function to pass the signed invalid state transition. This function can call the same chain state machine code and show that it is invalid, and the cheater dispute will be invalid.

Therefore, in this way, we can construct a variety of state machines for various purposes, and can insist on using chain logic to advance under the chain in a verifiable way, and can perform verification and arbitration on the chain in the event of a dispute.

This approach does not limit the complexity of the state machine, state, or transition state of the action, except for the portion that can be executed on the chain - so the state machine is as Turing-complete as the blockchain that executes the state machine.

In the second part, I intend to discuss:

· On the Gaming platform, how do we implement practical solutions based on this concept, and some of the challenges we face

· How do we inject randomness into this process?

· How to deal with some disputes about the results

· Discuss gambling games that set fixed odds for different rules for each participant, and the differences between states in a series of games played in the same state channel

· How to extend this method to hundreds of games that implement different rules

Carlos Callejo, CTO of BetComm –6July 2018













Callejo,BetComm首席技术官- 2018年7月6日


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