
Embracing for AI,a How-to Guide to Ride on the AI Movement

From time to time, there are widespread buzz on how significant a non-Human factory would churn out goods or products without shops, leading mass workforce effectively of no use. Is it a true reality or something to happen quickly in the TechCom industry? For TC practioner alike, what should we do?

First and foremost, subscribe to a wide variety of AI sources, for instance, the AXA source at https://www.axa.com/en/spotlight/story/china-the-powerhouse-of-ai#xtor=EPR-5-alerte-story-20180724#xtor=CS1-7-[Linkedin]-[IAChina]-[Newsfeed]

Secondly, choose AI online courses that are affordable. For example, the Coursera courses on AI by the AI thought leader Andrew Ng at https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning and MIT programs at https://www.edx.org/course/machine-learning-with-python-from-linear-models-to-deep-learning. It is not exhaustive in nature, however, these shall give you a better understanding of what AI entails, and how it works in general.

Thirdly, in case a CMS is in use in your business setting, start to think about how to make Structured Content avaiable to Chatbot from within a CMS.

To put AI into practical use, building Chatbot is oneway to pursue.

This video offers some insights on how to make content avaialble to Chatbot through the use of a DITA CMS system.

When you come to realize that as illustrated below, AI is an embodiment of a bunch ofdifferent technologies, its potential is just limited to people's imaginationand use cases.

More thoughts and ideas on AI shall ensue, please stay tuned.

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