
DEFCON SZ meetup on car hacking 黑客大会深圳小聚:一起聊聊汽车黑客袭击

Over many years, car makers have been adding automation and embedded computers to improve the performance and convenience of their products to the point where today’s new car is a sophisticated computer network, featuring dozens of computers and even its own Internet connection. Car makers have only recently woken up to the fact that they are network engineers and Internet software developers and have not been prepared to build secure devices.

We have seen over the last few years many reports of how easily cars can be hacked, and the bad news is that this could get much worse as cars are given over to higher levels of automation. Of course, the good news is that many car designers are re-engineering their car systems to better defend against these attacks.

Peter Wesley

Tonight, join Peter Wesley at the Shenzhen’s DEFCON Group at Chaihuo x.factory for a demonstration and discussion about current and new attacks we face on the roads, and how car designers can protect us better. Wesley has been a technology security specialist since the birth of the Web and now he is working to secure electric cars.

Time:7:30-9 p.m., Sept. 27

Scan the QR code to sign up for the event:

Venue:x.factory, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi Road 2, Nanshan District (南山区打石二路万科云设计公社 x.factory)

Metro:Line 5 to Liuxiandong Station (留仙洞站), Exit A

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Source/ Shenzhen Daily Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editor/ Doria

Shenzhen Daily

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