


10月6日,Diar的前编辑兼The Block的首席分析师Larry Cermak报告说,领先的加密交换Bitfinex在汇丰银行获得了一个银行合作伙伴,汇丰银行是一家总部位于伦敦的价值1330亿美元的银行巨头。

“Bitfinex现在通过Global Trading Solutions的私人账户与汇丰银行合作。如果你问我,非常合适。值得一提的是,所有欧元,日元和英镑的存款都暂停了,但Bitfinex预计这种情况会在一周内恢复正常,“Cermak说。



交易所与中国台湾银行的冲突已有充分证据,2017年4月,Bitfinex对美国银行巨头富国银行(Wells Fargo)提起诉讼,要求阻止Bitfinex银行账户存款,并扰乱业务运营。


从那以后,Bitfinex已经离开中国台湾搬迁到加勒比地区,并且在5月份,彭博社报道说,该交易所与Noble Bank合作处理其客户发送的交易。




Bitfinex通讯总监卡斯帕拉斯穆森在接受The Block采访时表示,该公司无法评论交易所与汇丰银行之间合作关系的性质。

“Bitfinex没有,也从未对实际或潜在的业务关系发表评论,现在不会发生变化,”Rasmussen 表示。






English Editor:okfinecoin

On Oct. 6, Larry Cermak, former editor at Diar and head analyst at The Block, reported that leading crypto exchange Bitfinex obtained a banking partner in HSBC, a $133 billion banking giant based in London.

“Bitfinex is now banking with HSBC through a private account of Global Trading Solutions. Very good fit if you ask me. It’s also worth mentioning that all EUR, JPY and GBP deposits are paused but Bitfinex ‘expects the situation to normalize within a week’” Cermak said.

Why is HSBC Accommodating Bitfinex?

As one of the oldest cryptocurrency exchanges, Bitfinex has experienced some of the most difficult challenges an exchange could face, particularly before major cryptocurrency markets like Japan, South Korea, and the US offered clarity on cryptocurrency regulation.

The exchange’s conflict with Taiwanese banks is well-documented, and in April 2017, Bitfinex initiated a lawsuit against Wells Fargo, a US-based banking giant, for blocking deposits to the banking account of Bitfinex and disrupting operations of the business.

“The decision to initiate legal action is because we cannot allow precedents in this industry where clearing houses can disrupt businesses that are by all metrics complying with the rules in place. If we allow them to simply flip a switch and disrupt business, then there becomes a precedent in the bitcoin industry beyond just Bitfinex, so we believe it is the appropriate time to take action,” Bitfinex said at the time.

Since then, Bitfinex has moved out of Taiwan and relocated to the Caribbean and in May, Bloomberg reported that the exchange partnered with Noble Bank to process transactions sent by its clients.

However, Noble Bank has announced to file for bankruptcy following an in-principle deal to restructure debt in January and with that, the only banking partner of Bitfinex vanished.

bitfinex cryptocurrency exchange bitcoin

HSBC is really the first proper banking partner Bitfinex has obtained since Wells Fargo in 2017. If the deal between Bitfinex and HSBC can be sustained throughout the long-term, it will bring a level of stability to the operations of Bitfinex which the exchange failed to secure in the past four years.

Speaking to The Block, Kasper Rasmussen, director of communications at Bitfinex said that the firm cannot comment on the nature of the partnership between the exchange and HSBC.

“Bitfinex does not, and has never, commented on actual or potential business relationships and this is not subject to change now,” Rasmussen stated.

Given the the $200 million dollar daily trading volume of Bitfinex and the amount of fiat deposits the exchange receives from its international customers, it is not possible for the exchange to unilaterally announce its dependence on HSBC as a banking partner through a private banking account.

It is highly probable that the exchange, with strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements, obtained the banking service of HSBC through a strictly regulated channel.

Positive Impact on the Industry

Already, most exchanges in major markets like Japan and South Korea have obtained banking services by large financial institutions and commercial banks in their respective countries. If Bitfinex can sustain its partnership with HSBC, it will have a positive impact on the stability of the crypto market.

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