October 29th 2018
知常曰明 不知常 妄作 凶
开发环境MacOS(Mojave 10.14 (18A391))
整个工程更新为 四大前端-大后端 的结构
四大前端分为:客户端前端 -> 运营前端 -> 管理前端 -> 开发前端 (实现业务解耦)
本次来开荒 ‘开发前端’
作为首尾的‘客户端前端’和‘开发前端’是 项目的必要选项
ok 现在来配置‘开发前端’的环境
一个下拉选择栏: 用于选择测试接口(就是在开发阶段 我们选择把数据传给后端的指定接口)
input输入框:根据上面的选择 这里输入的是准备发给后端的数据
测试按钮:当点击测试按钮的时候 会调用我们上面选中的函数 和 数据 向后端发起请求
sudo npm init -y
add webpack and webpack-cli as a dev dependency to our project
We installed webpack-cli so that we can use webpack in the command line
sudo npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
sudo npm install react react-dom --save
In order for React to work, we need to install Babel alongside with it
We need Babel to transpile ES6 and JSX to ES5
sudo npm install @babel/core babel-loader @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react --save-dev
babel-core: Transforms ES6 code to ES5
babel-loader: Webpack helper to transpile code, given the the preset
babel-preset-env: Preset which helps babel to convert ES6, ES7 and ES8 code to ES5
babel-preset-react: Preset which Transforms JSX to JavaScript
The less-loader requires less as peerDependency
Thus you are able to control the versions accurately.
Use the css-loader or the raw-loader to turn it into a JS module and
the ExtractTextPlugin to extract it into a separate file
npm install less-loader less css-loader style-loader --save-dev
Chain the less-loader with the css-loader and the style-loader to immediately apply all styles to the DOM
Create an index.js file inside root of the /src folder
for now add the following line code inside it
This file will be the entry point to our app
Create an index.html file inside root of the /src folder and add following code inside it
Create a webpack.config.js in the root directory of the project
so that we can define rules for our loaders
Define the entry point and output directory of our app inside the webpack.config.js
In the above code
Webpack will bundle all of our JavaScript files into bundle.js file inside the /dist directory
Add some loaders inside this file, which will be responsible for loading and bundling the source files
Here babel-loader is used to load our JSX/JavaScript files and
less-loader is used to load all of the Less files to CSS files
css-loader is used to load and bundle all of the CSS files into one file and
style-loader will add all of the styles inside the style tag of the document
Create a .babelrc file inside root of the project directory with the following contents inside of it
This file will tell babel which presets to use for transpiling the code
Here we are using two presets:
env: This preset is used to transpile the ES6/ES7/ES8 code to ES5
react: This preset is used to transpile JSX code to ES5
Add the following lines of code inside the script object of the package.json file as below:
Here i have used watch flag
So whenever there is a change in source files
Webpack will automatically compile all the source files
There are two modes in webpack 4
the production mode which produces optimized files ready for use in production
and development mode which produces easy to read code
and gives you best development experience
Now we also need to install html-webpack-plugin
this plugin generates an HTML file
injects the script inside the HTML file and writes this file to dist/index.html
sudo npm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev
Here the value of template key is the file index.html
that we created earlier and it uses this file as a template
and generates new file named index.html inside the /dist folder
with the script injected
But this approach has a downside that you have to manually refresh the webpage
in order to see the changes you have made
To have webpack watch our changes and refresh webpage whenever any change
is made to our components, we can install webpack-dev-server
npm install webpack-dev-server --save-dev
And change the package.json start script like below:
因为 有一些比较细节的地方 使用英文来理解比较准确
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