





2019 年 5 月 1 日,以太币交易总额为 2,612,177 ETH ,比前日下降 12.23%;日活跃用户量 198,220,比前日上升 3.08%;新增合约 20,407 个,比前日下降 4.17%;平均交易费用为 9.72 GWEI,比前日下降 3.84%;最活跃合约为 VPCTOKEN (VPC);通证代币交易总额为 401,979 个,比前日下降 7.23%。

May 1, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 2,612,177 ETH, decreasing 12.23% (compared to April 30); the number of daily active users is 198,220, increasing 3.08%; the number of new contracts is 20,407, decreasing 4.17%; average fees are 9.72 GWEI, decreasing 3.84%; the most active contract is VPCTOKEN (VPC); tokens transferred volume is 401,979, decreasing 7.23%.




Blockchain Adopted By Canadian Banks To Verify Client Identities

SecureKey Technologies Inc.'s Verified.Me digital identity system is now available for customers of five Canadian banks through a mobile App, the Toronto-based firm said Wednesday (May 1) in a statement. The system works at Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Desjardins Group, and is coming soon to Bank of Montreal and National Bank of Canada. Sun Life Financial Inc. also signed on to be the first North American insurer on the service.


据AMBCrypto消息,美国第二大银行美国银行(BoA) 获得了加密货币风险检测系统的专利。根据日前提交给美国专利商标局(USPTO)的一份文件,授予美国银行的专利是基于一个专门针对加密货币的风险检测系统。在该系统的基础上,将对客户与第三方之间的加密货币交易进行风险评分。美国银行通过这项专利,旨在保持加密货币交易的透明度和可信性,从而确保降低风险。据悉,该系统将包括一个“处理器”,它可以接收来自客户的请求,与被请求的第三方执行加密交易。在这里,处理器可以执行一系列功能,检索区块链信息,确定交易中的加密货币价值,或者根据前面的因素计算交易的“风险得分”。

Bank Of America Secures Patent For Risk Assessment

Bank of America, the second largest bank in the United States based on assets held, signalled their concern for the cryptocurrency community. The North Carolina-headquartered bank secured a patent for a cryptocurrency risk detection system.According to an April 30 filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office [USPTO], the patent granted to BoA is primed on a risk detection system specifically geared towards virtual currencies. Based on the system, a risk score will be levied on cryptocurrency transactions between a customer and a third party. The statement reads: "As technology advances, financial transactions involving cryptocurrency have become more common. For some enterprises, it may be desirable to calculate the risk for performing a cryptocurrency transaction."


据CoinSpeaker消息,在2019年ANON区块链峰会上,荷兰欧盟委员会代表Jolanda ter Maten接受采访时表示,区块链初创公司气氛非常好,有一些大企业已真正开始进入区块链,如Rabobank,荷兰银行也正在进入区块链领域。但同时对于大规模采用,Jolanda ter Maten表示,人们需要更多地了解区块链,区块链是什么以及如何以开放的心态帮助其发展,这一点也很重要。

We Have A Very Good Climate For Blockchain Startups, Says EU Blockchain Observatory Official

Jolanda ter Maten from the EU Blockchain Observatory answered the questions from EAK TV at ANON Blockchain Summit in Vein 2019. Speaking about blockchain businesses in the Netherlands, she admitted that they have good perspectives for big businesses. "I think we have a very good climate for blockchain startups, we have some big businesses that are really getting into blockchain like banks: Rabobank. ABN AMRO is also getting into blockchain. I see that the Notary Association in the Netherlands is also involved in blockchain, the Chamber of Commerce, so a lot of really big companies are involved, also academic institutions," said Jolanda.



Ethereum-Based Cloud Crypto MaxiMine Promises To Recompensate HitBTC Users' Losses

HitBTC users were getting the shaft when trying to withdraw their MXM tokens from Hong Kong-based crypto exchange HitBTC, which no longer allows trading of the token. MaxiMine has announced that they will rectify the lost coins. MaxiMine writes that they are "taking responsibility" for the losses, and after receiving the tokens they sent to HitBTC back, they will fund the token swaps themselves. MaxiMine said, "After active communication with HitBTC, it was agreed upon that MXM team will take responsibility for affected traders of HitBTC during this token swap. HitBTC will send the new MXM tokens back to the project team and the swap will be performed manually."





Can't wait for the day they give out bitcoin medals at Olympia

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