
八位数A轮,我们的话 Our 8-digit A Roun

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今年8月,我们结束了由友仑集团和一家专注于金融服务的国际投资管理机构领投的千万级美元A轮融资。DNA Capital以及现有股东SOSV和Artesian Capital也进行了跟投。对康语来说,这是一个里程碑,也是一份可贵的嘉奖,同时我们也深切地感受到了这份肯定的重量。这一轮是一个新旅程的起点,意味着我们肩负着更多的责任,也要用更高的标准来衡量我们的工作。

This August, we closed an eight-figure USD Series A Round led by LUN Partners and an investment management group specialized in financial services. DNA Capital, as well as returning investors, SOSV and Artesian Capital, also joined the round. It’s a big milestone and a badge of honor for us, but we are also keenly aware of the weight of this support and affirmation. This round is the starting point of another journey, one where we carry more responsibility on our shoulders and hold our work to a higher standard.


The CareVoice started in 2014 with a hospital review and navigation platform, aiming to provide Chinese consumers with better healthcare information. We had the initial success of seeing substantial traffic on our platform. However, over time, we came to realize that the barrier to better serving consumers is not one-directional. The core pain point of this industry is the lack of connectivity between stakeholders, which is hampering the operational efficiency of insurers and the experience of policy holders. This inspired us to become a SaaS company that services insurers, care providers, and TPA’s to drive efficiency in this aged, disconnected value chain.


In 2019, we built out CareVoiceOS, an operating system that is a culmination of everything we have worked on. It is more systematic, organized, and flexible than the original SaaS. We now have over 15 insurance clients, a network of over 100 hospitals, and over half a million users. The reach of our service grew from Shanghai to Greater China. This year, we also opened our office in Hong Kong. As proud as we are of our growth, we’ve only set a foundation for what’s to come.

这轮融资标志着康语的新篇章。在CareVoiceOS上,我们能够将重点从一开始的框架搭建转移到细化细节、增强功能、以及可定制能力上。在与保险公司共同开发产品方面,我们正在加速提升生产力, 为传统保险产品带来新的生命力, 并将我们倡导的健康生活方式注入消费市场。非常感谢我们的投资者、客户、以及团队中每一个员工对我们一直以来的信任以及对我们未来的信心,我们继续努力!

This funding round signals a new chapter for the CareVoice. On CareVoiceOS, we are able to shift our focus from building out a frame to building up an ecosystem of connected health services and becoming more flexible and customizable. On co-developing products with insurers, we are doubling down on our productivity to design brand new health insurance products to inject lifestyle influence into the consumer market. Accomplishing old goals calls for setting new ones. We hold immense gratitude for our investors, customers, as well as everyone on our team for having faith in us all along and believing in our future. We will keep moving fast!


For more information, please click on "read more" in the lower left corner to view our official press release

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The CareVoice is a health insurtech company. We empower insurers with our cutting-edge, effective solutions. Looking for more efficiency and better experience for your customer? Please contact us!


For more information, please click on "read more" to view our official press release

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