

FOR THE easily embarrassed, getting tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a less excruciating process than it used to be. A kit is delivered to the patient’s home in plain packaging, no more than 48 hours after it is ordered, typically including a container for a urine sample, a swab or the tools for a blood test. The test is done at home and, once returned, results are delivered by text, within four days. Nervous types who want to avoid a trip to their local clinic will be glad that this free service is now available in areas including Birmingham, Essex, Norfolk and much of London.


A decade ago sexual-health clinics tended to be conservative facilities, hidden away in quiet corners of hospitals. Since then there has been something of a consumer revolution. Clinics have become more open, tech-savvy and attentive to their users, who are growing in number. Despite cuts of 14% to local-authority funding of such services between 2013 and 2017, the number of visits to sex clinics rose by 13%, to 3.3m a year. At a time when the health service is rethinking how it operates, the burst of innovation in sex clinics holds lessons for other parts of the NHS.


Sexual-health services have been given a boost by improvements in HIV care. Finding people who have the disease is a priority in public health, because with treatment they will no longer pass on the infection and can now lead long, healthy lives. But there are also organisational reasons for the innovation. In most of the NHS, patients are sent to specialist services by GPs, or family doctors, who act as gatekeepers. By contrast, anyone can walk into a sex clinic without a referral. As a result there is a strong incentive for clinics to attract patients, who bring funding and help doctors with research, says Axel Heitmueller of Imperial College Health Partners, a network of health-innovation experts.

艾滋病毒医护的改善促进了性健康服务行业。找到艾滋病患者是公共卫生部门的首要任务,因为通过治疗,他们可以停止传染给其他人,现在的技术也可以大大延长患者寿命,让他们过上健康的生活。不过,这种创新也有组织层面的原因。大多数NHS机构当中,担任守门人一职的全科医生或家庭医生送到专科医疗服务机构。相比之下,任何人去性诊所看病都不需要转诊手续。帝国理工学院健康合伙的Axel Heitmueller表示,诊所会有很大的吸引患者的动力,因为他们为医生提供资金并帮助医生开展研究。

In parts of the country with multiple specialist providers, there is also competition between clinics. As one clinician in London puts it, “There is a sense of keeping up with the Joneses.” 56 Dean Street, which opened in 2009 in Soho, London’s gay village, was a pioneer. On a Friday lunchtime it does a brisk trade as a diverse crowd pops in to use its services. Two members of staff were given freedom by the local NHS trust to come up with a new approach, tailored to the needs of patients. The result mixes sharp design, a central location and convenient services. Next came Dean Street Express, an automated facility which gives users quick results.

在英国一些地方有多家专业医疗服务机构,诊所之间也存在竞争。正如伦敦的一位临床医生所说:“有一种跟别人攀比的感觉。”迪恩街道56号(56 Dean Street)诊所2009年在伦敦同性恋村Soho开业,是这方面的先驱。在周五的午餐时间,当各种各样的人涌入该诊所寻求医疗服务时,它会快速进行交易。当地NHS信托基金会的两名工作人员可以自由根据患者的需求提出新的方法。结果融合了锐利的设计、中心位置和便捷的服务。接下来是迪恩街速递(Dean Street Express),这一自动化设施可以为用户快速提供结果。

Since then other trusts have opened more convenient clinics, including one under the arches by Waterloo station to target commuters. The focus on the lifestyle of users is apparent in other parts of the country, too. In Leicester a clinic will soon open in a shopping centre, replacing an old branch of TK Maxx, a discount fashion chain. Mobile clinics visit underserved districts or vulnerable groups. In rural areas, this means dropping by market towns. In urban ones it can mean hosting clinics in gay saunas. (There is “no obligation to use the sauna facilities”, the website assures.)

从那时起,其他信托基金机构设立更便利的诊所,其中包括在滑铁卢车站的拱门下开设一家诊所,目标用户为通勤人士。英国其他地区显然也很关注用户的生活方式。莱斯特的一家诊所很快将在购物中心开业,取代了折扣时尚连锁店TK Maxx的旧分店。移动诊所访问服务欠缺的地区或弱势群体。在农村地区,移动诊所可能开在集镇。在城市地区则可能在同性恋桑拿房(网站保证“没有义务使用桑拿设施”)。

Happy clappy


Trusts have been quick to copy good ideas, often from women’s or LGBT groups, who can offer insights into affected communities. Since 2003 free chlamydia self-testing kits have been offered to under-25s. Every year Public Health England, a government agency, funds pilot schemes (including one to spread HIV knowledge on prison radio and another to offer testing kits in vending machines).

信托基金一直以来都擅长快速复制好的想法,而这些想法通常来自女性或LGBT群体,对受影响社区提供不一样的见地。自2003年以来,免费的衣原体自测套装提供给25岁以下人群。每年,英国公共卫生部(Public Health England)作为政府机构,都会为试点项目(其中一个项目是在监狱电台传播HIV知识,还有一个是在自动售货机上提供检测套装)提供资金。

Innovation has helped to maintain standards at a time of tight budgets. Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust in London has cut its number of sexual-health clinics from six to three, but helps more people than before, partly thanks to better use of technology to do things like manage queues and target high-risk patients. In some regions follow-ups for people being given the all-clear are now done by phone, rather than in person. The use of technology can lead to cock-ups: in 2016 the trust that runs 56 Dean Street was fined £180,000 ($236,000) after the clinic mistakenly copied 781 people into an email, revealing the identities of HIV patients. But on the whole it has made services more convenient, while driving down costs. STI self-testing costs the state around £25 a pop, a sixth of the cost of an initial visit to a clinic.


Nevertheless, there are signs that the cuts may be harming accessibility. A mystery-shopping exercise published in 2017 found a fall in the proportion of people with STI symptoms who were able to get an appointment in 48 hours—a worrying finding at a time when rates of syphilis and gonorrhoea are rising. A big organisational shake-up has also caused disruption. In 2012-13 responsibility for commissioning sexual-health services (except HIV) moved from the NHS to local authorities. A survey by Public Health England found it hampered “seamless care”. It has also delayed the roll-out of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a drug that protects against HIV.


Current NHS plans seek to overcome fragmentation (both in sexual-health services and elsewhere) by bringing providers and commissioners together, in the hope that they can work out how to raise standards. The example of sex clinics suggests it is worth thinking more about the incentives they have to innovate, whether coming from patient choice or elsewhere, says Mr Heitmueller. Changing behaviour is hard in any big organisation. Sexual selection offers one model for how it can be brought about.








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