鉴于目前全国“新型冠状病毒”的疫情形势,本着对观众和艺人的健康和安全负责的态度。经慎重考虑,我们决定将原定于3月13-14日的「THE BIRTHDAY 2020中国巡演」(3/13上海@MODERN SKY LAB,3/14北京@疆进酒Omni Space)延期举办。
与此同时,我们也在积极与THE BIRTHDAY协商延期的具体时间。一旦确认,将第一时间在影响城市之声微信和微博公众号中公布。
Given the ongoing situation with coronavirus in China, and as a result of giving top priority to the health and safety of the audiences and artist,we made a decision to postpone 「THE BIRTHDAY 2020 China Tour」 (Mar.13 @Shanghai MODERN SKY LAB, Mar.14 Beijing @Omni Space).
We shall make our utmost effort to confirm the reschedule date with THE BIRTHDAY. Please stay tuned to Wechat and Weibo official account of Sound Of The Xity(@影响城市之声).
We will make full refund to all ticket purchasers of「THE BIRTHDAY 2020 China Tour」during the refund period below.
For any questions on ticket refund, please contact respective ticketing agencies
(247 tickets, Modern Sky Now, Damai, and Showstart.)
Refund Period: Feb.10 (Mon) 2020 - Feb.28 (Fri) 2020(Start/end time varies by ticket agencies.)
领取专属 10元无门槛券
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