IntlBreakIterator (class)
(No version information available, might only be in Git)
A “break iterator” is an ICU object that exposes methods for locating boundaries in text (e.g. word or sentence boundaries). The PHP IntlBreakIterator serves as the base class for all types of ICU break iterators. Where extra functionality is available, the intl extension may expose the ICU break iterator with suitable subclasses, such as IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator or IntlCodePointBreaIterator.
This class implements Traversable. Traversing an IntlBreakIterator yields non-negative integer values representing the successive locations of the text boundaries, expressed as UTF-8 code units (byte) counts, taken from the beggining of the text (which has the location 0). The keys yielded by the iterator simply form the sequence of natural numbers {0, 1, 2, …}.
Class synopsis
IntlBreakIterator implements Traversable {
/* Constants */
const integer DONE = -1 ;
const integer WORD_NONE = 0 ;
const integer WORD_NONE_LIMIT = 100 ;
const integer WORD_NUMBER = 100 ;
const integer WORD_NUMBER_LIMIT = 200 ;
const integer WORD_LETTER = 200 ;
const integer WORD_LETTER_LIMIT = 300 ;
const integer WORD_KANA = 300 ;
const integer WORD_KANA_LIMIT = 400 ;
const integer WORD_IDEO = 400 ;
const integer WORD_IDEO_LIMIT = 500 ;
const integer LINE_SOFT = 0 ;
const integer LINE_SOFT_LIMIT = 100 ;
const integer LINE_HARD = 100 ;
const integer LINE_HARD_LIMIT = 200 ;
const integer SENTENCE_TERM = 0 ;
const integer SENTENCE_TERM_LIMIT = 100 ;
const integer SENTENCE_SEP = 100 ;
const integer SENTENCE_SEP_LIMIT = 200 ;
/* Methods */
private __construct ( void )
public static ReturnType createCharacterInstance ([ string $"locale" ] )
public static ReturnType createCodePointInstance ( void )
public static ReturnType createLineInstance ([ string $"locale" ] )
public static ReturnType createSentenceInstance ([ string $"locale" ] )
public static ReturnType createTitleInstance ([ string $"locale" ] )
public static ReturnType createWordInstance ([ string $"locale" ] )
public ReturnType current ( void )
public ReturnType first ( void )
public ReturnType following ( string $"offset" )
public ReturnType getErrorCode ( void )
ReturnType intl_get_error_code ( void )
public ReturnType getErrorMessage ( void )
ReturnType intl_get_error_message ( void )
public ReturnType getLocale ( string $"locale_type" )
public ReturnType getPartsIterator ([ string $"key_type" ] )
public ReturnType getText ( void )
public ReturnType isBoundary ( string $"offset" )
public ReturnType last ( void )
public ReturnType next ([ string $"offset" ] )
public ReturnType preceding ( string $"offset" )
public ReturnType previous ( void )
public ReturnType setText ( string $"text" )
Predefined Constants
Table of Contents
- IntlBreakIterator::__construct — Private constructor for disallowing instantiation
- IntlBreakIterator::createCharacterInstance — Create break iterator for boundaries of combining character sequences
- IntlBreakIterator::createCodePointInstance — Create break iterator for boundaries of code points
- IntlBreakIterator::createLineInstance — Create break iterator for logically possible line breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createSentenceInstance — Create break iterator for sentence breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createTitleInstance — Create break iterator for title-casing breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createWordInstance — Create break iterator for word breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::current — Get index of current position
- IntlBreakIterator::first — Set position to the first character in the text
- IntlBreakIterator::following — Advance the iterator to the first boundary following specified offset
- IntlBreakIterator::getErrorCode — Get last error code on the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getErrorMessage — Get last error message on the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getLocale — Get the locale associated with the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator — Create iterator for navigating fragments between boundaries
- IntlBreakIterator::getText — Get the text being scanned
- IntlBreakIterator::isBoundary — Tell whether an offset is a boundaryʼs offset
- IntlBreakIterator::last — Set the iterator position to index beyond the last character
- IntlBreakIterator::next — Advance the iterator the next boundary
- IntlBreakIterator::preceding — Set the iterator position to the first boundary before an offset
- IntlBreakIterator::previous — Set the iterator position to the boundary immediately before the current
- IntlBreakIterator::setText — Set the text being scanned
← Transliterator::transliterate
IntlBreakIterator::__construct →
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