(PHP 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)
IntlCalendar::setTime — Set the calendar time in milliseconds since the epoch
Object oriented style
public bool IntlCalendar::setTime ( float $date )
Procedural style
bool intlcal_set_time ( IntlCalendar $cal , float $date )
Sets the instant represented by this object. The instant is represented by a float whose value should be an integer number of milliseconds since the epoch (1 Jan 1970 00:00:00.000 UTC), ignoring leap seconds. All the field values will be recalculated accordingly.
The IntlCalendar resource.
An instant represented by the number of number of milliseconds between such instant and the epoch, ignoring leap seconds.
Return Values
Returns TRUE
on success and FALSE
on failure.
Example #1 IntlCalendar::setTime()
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Lisbon');
ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'fr_FR');
$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(2013, 5 /* May */, 1, 12, 0, 0);
echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
/* In Europe/Lisbon, on 2013-10-27 at 0200, the clock goes back one hour and
the timezone from UTC+01 to UTC+00 */
$cal->setTime(strtotime('2013-10-27 00:30:00 UTC') * 1000.);
echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
$cal->setTime(strtotime('2013-10-27 01:30:00 UTC') * 1000.);
echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
The above example will output:
samedi 1 juin 2013 12:00:00 heure avancée d’Europe de l’Ouest
dimanche 27 octobre 2013 01:30:00 heure avancée d’Europe de l’Ouest
dimanche 27 octobre 2013 01:30:00 heure normale d’Europe de l’Ouest
← IntlCalendar::setSkippedWallTimeOption
IntlCalendar::setTimeZone →
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