UConverter (class)
(PHP 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)
Class synopsis
UConverter {
/* Constants */
const integer REASON_UNASSIGNED = 0 ;
const integer REASON_ILLEGAL = 1 ;
const integer REASON_IRREGULAR = 2 ;
const integer REASON_RESET = 3 ;
const integer REASON_CLOSE = 4 ;
const integer REASON_CLONE = 5 ;
const integer UNSUPPORTED_CONVERTER = -1 ;
const integer SBCS = 0 ;
const integer DBCS = 1 ;
const integer MBCS = 2 ;
const integer LATIN_1 = 3 ;
const integer UTF8 = 4 ;
const integer UTF16_BigEndian = 5 ;
const integer UTF16_LittleEndian = 6 ;
const integer UTF32_BigEndian = 7 ;
const integer UTF32_LittleEndian = 8 ;
const integer EBCDIC_STATEFUL = 9 ;
const integer ISO_2022 = 10 ;
const integer LMBCS_1 = 11 ;
const integer LMBCS_2 = 12 ;
const integer LMBCS_3 = 13 ;
const integer LMBCS_4 = 14 ;
const integer LMBCS_5 = 15 ;
const integer LMBCS_6 = 16 ;
const integer LMBCS_8 = 17 ;
const integer LMBCS_11 = 18 ;
const integer LMBCS_16 = 19 ;
const integer LMBCS_17 = 20 ;
const integer LMBCS_18 = 21 ;
const integer LMBCS_19 = 22 ;
const integer LMBCS_LAST = 22 ;
const integer HZ = 23 ;
const integer SCSU = 24 ;
const integer ISCII = 25 ;
const integer US_ASCII = 26 ;
const integer UTF7 = 27 ;
const integer BOCU1 = 28 ;
const integer UTF16 = 29 ;
const integer UTF32 = 30 ;
const integer CESU8 = 31 ;
const integer IMAP_MAILBOX = 32 ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ string $destination_encoding [, string $source_encoding ]] )
public string convert ( string $str [, bool $reverse ] )
public mixed fromUCallback ( integer $reason , string $source , string $codePoint , integer &$error )
public static array getAliases ( string $name )
public static array getAvailable ( void )
public string getDestinationEncoding ( void )
public integer getDestinationType ( void )
public integer getErrorCode ( void )
public string getErrorMessage ( void )
public string getSourceEncoding ( void )
public integer getSourceType ( void )
public static array getStandards ( void )
public string getSubstChars ( void )
public static string reasonText ([ integer $reason ] )
public void setDestinationEncoding ( string $encoding )
public void setSourceEncoding ( string $encoding )
public void setSubstChars ( string $chars )
public mixed toUCallback ( integer $reason , string $source , string $codeUnits , integer &$error )
public static string transcode ( string $str , string $toEncoding , string $fromEncoding [, array $options ] )
Predefined Constants
Table of Contents
- UConverter::__construct — Create UConverter object
- UConverter::convert — Convert string from one charset to another
- UConverter::fromUCallback — Default "from" callback function
- UConverter::getAliases — Get the aliases of the given name
- UConverter::getAvailable — Get the available canonical converter names
- UConverter::getDestinationEncoding — Get the destination encoding
- UConverter::getDestinationType — Get the destination converter type
- UConverter::getErrorCode — Get last error code on the object
- UConverter::getErrorMessage — Get last error message on the object
- UConverter::getSourceEncoding — Get the source encoding
- UConverter::getSourceType — Get the source convertor type
- UConverter::getStandards — Get standards associated to converter names
- UConverter::getSubstChars — Get substitution chars
- UConverter::reasonText — Get string representation of the callback reason
- UConverter::setDestinationEncoding — Set the destination encoding
- UConverter::setSourceEncoding — Set the source encoding
- UConverter::setSubstChars — Set the substitution chars
- UConverter::toUCallback — Default "to" callback function
- UConverter::transcode — Convert string from one charset to another
← IntlPartsIterator::getBreakIterator
UConverter::__construct →
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