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该接口可通过上传包含人脸的照片获取人物面部特征信息,包括眼睛、眉毛、发型、肤色、性别、年龄等。该接口需要联网环境下才可通过 SDK 把照片上传到 Server 端进行解析。


首先需要集成腾讯特效 SDK,具体请参见 独立集成腾讯特效



+ (void)getFaceFeatureFromPhoto:(UIImage * _Nullable)image success:(nullable void (^)(FaceDetailAttributesinfo *_Nullable faceInfo))success failure:(nullable void (^)(NSInteger errorCode, NSString *_Nullable msg))failure;

参数 image:请尽量让人脸位于画面中间,建议画面中只包含一个人脸。如果有多个人脸,SDK会随机选择一个。建议照片的短边大于等于500px,尺寸过小会影响识别效果。
参数 success、failure:返回识别的结果。
// 成功回调,返回识别结果
(nullable void (^)(FaceDetailAttributesinfo *_Nullable faceInfo))success;
// 失败回调
(nullable void (^)(NSInteger errorCode, NSString *_Nullable msg))failure;

failure 回调:解析失败时会回调此接口,错误码如下。

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TEAvatarErrorCode) {
    TEAvatarErrorCodeNoAuth = 1,                // 没有权限
    TEAvatarErrorCodeResInValid = 5,            // 传入的Avatar素材路径无效
    TEAvatarErrorCodePhotoInValid = 10,         // 读取照片失败
    TEAvatarErrorCodeNetReqFailed = 20,         // 网络请求失败
    TEAvatarErrorCodeNetResParseFailed = 30,    // 网络返回数据解析失败
    TEAvatarErrorCodeAnalyzeFailed = 40,        // 人脸分析失败
    TEAvatarErrorCodeAvatarSourceEmpty = 50     // 加载Avatar源数据失败
success 回调:解析成功时回调此接口,FaceDetailAttributesInfo 说明如下。
/// @brief 拍照捏脸配置数据      Snapping face configuration data

// 眼睛     eye
@interface Eye : NSObject
 Identify whether double eyelid. -1: not recognized, 0: no, 1: yes
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyelidType;

 eye size. -1: No recognition, 0: Small eyes, 1: Normal eyes, 2: Big eyes
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyeSize;

 Identify whether glasses are worn. -1: No recognition, 0: No glasses, 1: Ordinary glasses, 2: Sunglasses
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger glass;

 Identify if eyes are open. -1: No recognition, 0: Open, 1: Closed eyes
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyeOpen;

// 眉毛     Eyebrow
@interface Eyebrow : NSObject
 The length of the eyebrows. 0: short eyebrows, 1: long eyebrows
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyebrowLength;

 thick eyebrows. 0: light eyebrow, 1: thick eyebrow
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyebrowDensith;

 The eyebrows are curved. 0: not curved, 1: curved eyebrow
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger eyebrowCurve;

// 头发     Hair
@interface Hair : NSObject
 Hair length information. 0: bald, 1: short hair, 2: medium hair, 3: long hair, 4: tied hair
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger length;

 Bangs information. 0: no bangs, 1: with bangs
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger bang;

 Hair color information. 0: black, 1: gold, 2: brown, 3: off-white
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger color;

// 帽子     Hat
@interface Hat : NSObject
 The state of wearing the hat. 0: no hat, 1: ordinary hat, 2: helmet, 3: security hat
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger style;

 hat color. 0: no hat, 1: red, 2: yellow, 3: blue, 4: black, 5: off-white, 6: mixed color
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger color;

@interface FaceDetailAttributesinfo : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger age; // [0,100]

 0: Natural, 1: Happy, 2: Surprised, 3: Angry, 4: Sad, 5: Disgusted, 6: Scared
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger emotion;

 gender. -1: not identified, 0: male, 1: female
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger gender;

 eye information
@property (nonatomic, strong) Eye * _Nonnull eye;

 eyebrow information
@property (nonatomic, strong) Eyebrow * _Nonnull eyebrow;

 hair information
@property (nonatomic, strong) Hair * _Nonnull hair;

 hat information
@property (nonatomic, strong) Hat * _Nonnull hat;

 Whether there is a mask, -1: no recognition, 0: no, 1: yes
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger mask;

 Beard information. -1: no recognition, 0: no beard, 1: beard
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger moustache;

 nose information. -1: No recognition, 0: Upturned nose, 1: Hooked nose, 2: Normal, 3: Round nose
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger nose;

 face information. -1: No recognition, 0: Square face, 1: Triangular face, 2: Oval face, 3: Heart-shaped face, 4: Round face
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger shape;

 Skin color information. -1: not identified, 0: yellow skin, 1: brown skin, 2: black skin, 3: white skin
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger skin;

 Smile level [0,100]
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger smile;