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开发 | Keras版faster-rcnn算法详解(RPN计算)

发布2018-03-14 10:45:58
发布2018-03-14 10:45:58

AI科技评论按:本文首发于知乎专栏Learning Machine,作者张潇捷, AI科技评论获其授权转载。

前段时间学完Udacity的机器学习和深度学习的课程,感觉只能算刚刚摸到深度学习的门槛,于是开始看斯坦福的cs231n(http://cs231n.stanford.edu/syllabus.html),一不小心便入了计算机视觉的坑。原来除了识别物体,还可以进行定位(localization),检测(object detection),语义分割(semantic segmentation),实例分割(instance segmentation),左右手互搏(GAN),风格学习(transfer learning)等等。。。真是一下开了眼。从detection学起,开干!

detection的话,自然是rgb大神的一系列工作,从rcnn一路到YOLO。这里贴一个YOLO的视频,给各位看官鉴赏一下:YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOC3huqHrss&feature=youtu.be) 。也可以直接看这个地址,有更详细的内容:YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection(https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/)。Faster-rcnn的原文在这里:Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks(https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497)。

由于tensorflow使用的不是很熟练,大部分项目都是用keras做的 ,因此在github上找到了一个keras版的faster-rcnn(https://github.com/yhenon/keras-frcnn),学习一下。基本上clone下来以后稍微调整几处代码就能成功跑起来了。我用Oxford的pet数据集进行了训练,在我的老爷卡gtx970上训练了差不多1个多小时,就能够比较有效的实现detection了。下面是效果图。

接下来就是理解代码了,faster-rcnn的核心思想就是通过RPN替代过往的独立的步骤进行region proposal,实现完全的end-to-end学习,从而对算法进行了提速。所以读懂RPN是理解faster-rcnn的第一步。下面的代码是如何得到用于训练RPN的ground truth的,完全理解之后也就理解RPN的原理了。



def calc_rpn(C, img_data, width, height, resized_width, resized_height, img_length_calc_function): downscale = float(C.rpn_stride) anchor_sizes = C.anchor_box_scales anchor_ratios = C.anchor_box_ratios num_anchors = len(anchor_sizes) * len(anchor_ratios) # calculate the output map size based on the network architecture (output_width, output_height) = img_length_calc_function(resized_width, resized_height) n_anchratios = len(anchor_ratios) # initialise empty output objectives y_rpn_overlap = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors)) y_is_box_valid = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors)) y_rpn_regr = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors * 4)) num_bboxes = len(img_data['bboxes']) num_anchors_for_bbox = np.zeros(num_bboxes).astype(int) best_anchor_for_bbox = -1*np.ones((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(int) best_iou_for_bbox = np.zeros(num_bboxes).astype(np.float32) best_x_for_bbox = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(int) best_dx_for_bbox = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(np.float32) # get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing gta = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4)) for bbox_num, bbox in enumerate(img_data['bboxes']): # get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing gta[bbox_num, 0] = bbox['x1'] * (resized_width / float(width)) gta[bbox_num, 1] = bbox['x2'] * (resized_width / float(width)) gta[bbox_num, 2] = bbox['y1'] * (resized_height / float(height)) gta[bbox_num, 3] = bbox['y2'] * (resized_height / float(height))




for anchor_size_idx in range(len(anchor_sizes)): for anchor_ratio_idx in range(n_anchratios): anchor_x = anchor_sizes[anchor_size_idx] * anchor_ratios[anchor_ratio_idx][0] anchor_y = anchor_sizes[anchor_size_idx] * anchor_ratios[anchor_ratio_idx][1] for ix in range(output_width): # x-coordinates of the current anchor box x1_anc = downscale * (ix + 0.5) - anchor_x / 2 x2_anc = downscale * (ix + 0.5) + anchor_x / 2 # ignore boxes that go across image boundaries if x1_anc < 0 or x2_anc > resized_width: continue for jy in range(output_height): # y-coordinates of the current anchor box y1_anc = downscale * (jy + 0.5) - anchor_y / 2 y2_anc = downscale * (jy + 0.5) + anchor_y / 2 # ignore boxes that go across image boundaries if y1_anc < 0 or y2_anc > resized_height: continue # bbox_type indicates whether an anchor should be a target bbox_type = 'neg' # this is the best IOU for the (x,y) coord and the current anchor # note that this is different from the best IOU for a GT bbox best_iou_for_loc = 0.0


# bbox_type indicates whether an anchor should be a target bbox_type = 'neg' # this is the best IOU for the (x,y) coord and the current anchor # note that this is different from the best IOU for a GT bbox best_iou_for_loc = 0.0for bbox_num in range(num_bboxes): # get IOU of the current GT box and the current anchor box curr_iou = iou([gta[bbox_num, 0], gta[bbox_num, 2], gta[bbox_num, 1], gta[bbox_num, 3]], [x1_anc,y1_anc, x2_anc, y2_anc]) # calculate the regression targets if they will be needed if curr_iou > best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num] or curr_iou > C.rpn_max_overlap: cx = (gta[bbox_num, 0] + gta[bbox_num, 1]) / 2.0 cy = (gta[bbox_num, 2] + gta[bbox_num, 3]) / 2.0 cxa = (x1_anc + x2_anc)/2.0 cya = (y1_anc + y2_anc)/2.0 tx = (cx - cxa) / (x2_anc - x1_anc) ty = (cy - cya) / (y2_anc - y1_anc) tw = np.log((gta[bbox_num, 1] - gta[bbox_num, 0]) / (x2_anc - x1_anc)) th = np.log((gta[bbox_num, 3] - gta[bbox_num, 2]) / (y2_anc - y1_anc))



if img_data['bboxes'][bbox_num]['class'] != 'bg': # all GT boxes should be mapped to an anchor box, so we keep track of which anchor box was best if curr_iou > best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num]: best_anchor_for_bbox[bbox_num] = [jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx, anchor_size_idx] best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num] = curr_iou best_x_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [x1_anc, x2_anc, y1_anc, y2_anc] best_dx_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [tx, ty, tw, th] # we set the anchor to positive if the IOU is >0.7 (it does not matter if there was another better box, it just indicates overlap) if curr_iou > C.rpn_max_overlap: bbox_type = 'pos' num_anchors_for_bbox[bbox_num] += 1 # we update the regression layer target if this IOU is the best for the current (x,y) and anchor position if curr_iou > best_iou_for_loc: best_iou_for_loc = curr_iou best_regr = (tx, ty, tw, th) # if the IOU is >0.3 and <0.7, it is ambiguous and no included in the objective if C.rpn_min_overlap < curr_iou < C.rpn_max_overlap: # gray zone between neg and pos if bbox_type != 'pos': bbox_type = 'neutral' # turn on or off outputs depending on IOUs if bbox_type == 'neg': y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1 y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0 elif bbox_type == 'neutral': y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0 y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0 elif bbox_type == 'pos': y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1 y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1 start = 4 * (anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx) y_rpn_regr[jy, ix, start:start+4] = best_regr



for idx in range(num_anchors_for_bbox.shape[0]): if num_anchors_for_bbox[idx] == 0: # no box with an IOU greater than zero ... if best_anchor_for_bbox[idx, 0] == -1: continue y_is_box_valid[ best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios * best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3]] = 1 y_rpn_overlap[ best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios * best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3]] = 1 start = 4 * (best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios * best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3]) y_rpn_regr[ best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], start:start+4] = best_dx_for_bbox[idx,:]


y_rpn_overlap = np.transpose(y_rpn_overlap, (2, 0, 1)) y_rpn_overlap = np.expand_dims(y_rpn_overlap, axis=0) y_is_box_valid = np.transpose(y_is_box_valid, (2, 0, 1)) y_is_box_valid = np.expand_dims(y_is_box_valid, axis=0)y_rpn_regr = np.transpose(y_rpn_regr, (2, 0, 1)) y_rpn_regr = np.expand_dims(y_rpn_regr, axis=0)pos_locs = np.where(np.logical_and(y_rpn_overlap[0, :, :, :] == 1, y_is_box_valid[0, :, :, :] == 1)) neg_locs = np.where(np.logical_and(y_rpn_overlap[0, :, :, :] == 0, y_is_box_valid[0, :, :, :] == 1))num_pos = len(pos_locs[0])


num_regions = 256 if len(pos_locs[0]) > num_regions/2: val_locs = random.sample(range(len(pos_locs[0])), len(pos_locs[0]) - num_regions/2) y_is_box_valid[0, pos_locs[0][val_locs], pos_locs[1][val_locs], pos_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0 num_pos = num_regions/2 if len(neg_locs[0]) + num_pos > num_regions: val_locs = random.sample(range(len(neg_locs[0])), len(neg_locs[0]) - num_pos) y_is_box_valid[0, neg_locs[0][val_locs], neg_locs[1][val_locs], neg_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0


y_rpn_cls = np.concatenate([y_is_box_valid, y_rpn_overlap], axis=1) y_rpn_regr = np.concatenate([np.repeat(y_rpn_overlap, 4, axis=1), y_rpn_regr], axis=1) return np.copy(y_rpn_cls), np.copy(y_rpn_regr)



def rpn(base_layers,num_anchors): x = Convolution2D(512, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu', kernel_initializer='normal', name='rpn_conv1')(base_layers) x_class = Convolution2D(num_anchors, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer='uniform', name='rpn_out_class')(x) x_regr = Convolution2D(num_anchors * 4, (1, 1), activation='linear', kernel_initializer='zero', name='rpn_out_regress')(x) return [x_class, x_regr, base_layers]


得到了region proposals,接下来另一个重要的思想就是ROI,可将不同shape的特征图转化为固定shape,送到全连接层进行最终的预测。等我学习完了再更新。由于自己也是学习过程,可能很多地方的理解有误差,欢迎指正~

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