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关于ORA-01779问题的分析和解决 (r4笔记第22天)

发布2018-03-15 15:08:06
发布2018-03-15 15:08:06

最近同事问我一个问题,是关于一个update语句的问题,需求有点特别,结果在使用update语句尝试了各种方法后,仍然是不依不饶的报出ORA-01779的错误。今天专门花时间分析了一下这个问题,还是有些收获。 为了说明问题,我们先来看两组数据 有两个表data,link,现在希望更新data表中的amount列值,和link表的credit_class做关联。 如果data.credit_class=link.credit_class,就直接把data.amount修改为link.score。 逻辑的难点是,如果data.credit_class!=link.credit_class就把data.amount修改为link.credit_class='*'对应的score值 以下面的数据为例, 对于id为1的数据来说,data.credit_class在link.credit_class中存在,所以就需要把amount从110修改为100 对于id未9的数据来说,data.credit_class在link.credit_class中不匹配,所以就找到link.credit_class='*'的值1,然后把data.amount的值从9修改为1 SQL> select *from data; ID CREDIT_CLASS AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- 1 vip 110 2 vip 110 3 vip 110 4 vip 110 5 vip 110 6 vip 110 7 vip 110 8 vip 110 9 normal 9 10 normal 9 10 rows selected. SQL> select *from link; CREDIT_CLASS SCORE ------------------------------ ---------- vip 100 agent 10 * 1 关于关联update的问题,比较经典的错误就是 ERROR at line 11: ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table 问题的解释如下: SQL> !oerr ora 01779 01779, 00000, "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which // map to a non-key-preserved table. // *Action: Modify the underlying base tables directly.

我们来首先复现一下这个问题,准备基础的数据。 create table data (id number,credit_class varchar2(100),amount number); create table link (credit_class varchar2(100),score number); insert into link values('vip',100); insert into link values('agent',10); insert into link values('*',1); begin for i in 1..8 loop insert into data values(i,'vip',110); end loop; end; / begin for i in 9..10 loop insert into data values(i,'normal',9); end loop; end; / alter table data modify(id primary key); --给表data加上主键,可以保证在关联update能够校验唯一性。 有些数据的credit_class匹配link.credit_class,有些不匹配。我们先一股脑把数据都配上,然后再过滤。 select a.id,a.credit_class,x.credit_class ,a.amount,x.score From data a, link x where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or x.credit_class ='*') order by id; ID CREDIT_CLASS CREDIT_CLASS AMOUNT SCORE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 1 vip vip 110 100 1 vip * 110 1 2 vip vip 110 100 2 vip * 110 1 3 vip * 110 1 3 vip vip 110 100 4 vip * 110 1 4 vip vip 110 100 5 vip * 110 1 5 vip vip 110 100 6 vip vip 110 100 6 vip * 110 1 7 vip vip 110 100 7 vip * 110 1 8 vip vip 110 100 8 vip * 110 1 9 normal * 9 1 10 normal * 9 1 看看id=1和id=9的数据,就能看出差别了。id=1的数据存在匹配的credit_class,而id=9却没有匹配的ccredit_class,所以关联表link之后得到的score也不同。 现在的问题是如何把id=1的数据进行去重。如果存在匹配的credit_class,就修改对应的score为amount值,对于credit_class='*’ and id=1的那条记录如何做排除是这个问题的关键。 尝试了各种方法之后,发现还是把数据一分为二,creidt_class匹配的一组,credit_class不匹配的一组。根据count(id) 做group by来分组。 --存在匹配credit_class的数据为: ID OLD CREDIT_CLASS AMOUNT SCORE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 1 vip vip 110 100 6 vip vip 110 100 2 vip vip 110 100 4 vip vip 110 100 5 vip vip 110 100 8 vip vip 110 100 3 vip vip 110 100 7 vip vip 110 100 8 rows selected. --不匹配credit_class的数据为: select *from(select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class ,x.amount,a.score From link a, data x where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*') ) where id in( select id from ( select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class ,a.score From link a, data x where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*') )group by id having count(*)=1 ); 得到的数据如下: ID OLD CREDIT_CLASS AMOUNT SCORE ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 9 * normal 9 1 10 * normal 9 1 得到了数据集,但是使用update语句却是困难重重。 无论是使用Hint /*+BYPASS_UJVC*/ 还是使用各种可用的update方法。都会抛出ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table SQL> update ( 2 select*from ( 3 select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class ,x.amount ,a.score From link a, data x 4 where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*') ) 5 where id in( 6 select id from ( 7 select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class ,a.score From link a, data x 8 where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*') 9 )group by id having count(*)=2 10 ) and old!='*' 11 ) set amount=score 12 / ) set amount=score * ERROR at line 11: ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table 最后使用的方法是通过pl/sql来完成,写了一个小的pl/sql脚本。

 cursor part1_cursor is select*from (
  select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class ,x.amount ,a.score From link a, data x
  where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*')  )
  where id in(
  select id from (
select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class  ,a.score From link a, data x
  where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*')    
 )group by id   having count(*)=2
  ) and old!='*'
 cursor part2_cursor is 
  select *from(select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class  ,x.amount,a.score From link a, data x
  where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*')  )
  where id in(
  select id from (
select x.id,a.credit_class old,x.credit_class  ,a.score From link a, data x
  where (a.credit_class=x.credit_class or a.credit_class ='*')    
 )group by id   having count(*)=1
 for tmp_part1_cursor in part1_cursor loop
 dbms_output.put_line('update data set amount is '||tmp_part1_cursor.score||' for id:'||tmp_part1_cursor.id);
 update data set amount=tmp_part1_cursor.score where id=tmp_part1_cursor.id;
 end loop;
  for tmp_part2_cursor in part2_cursor loop
 dbms_output.put_line('update data set amount is '||tmp_part2_cursor.score||' for id:'||tmp_part2_cursor.id);
 update data set amount=tmp_part2_cursor.score where id=tmp_part2_cursor.id;
 end loop;

脚本运行结果如下: update data set amount is 100 for id:1 update data set amount is 100 for id:6 update data set amount is 100 for id:2 update data set amount is 100 for id:4 update data set amount is 100 for id:5 update data set amount is 100 for id:8 update data set amount is 100 for id:3 update data set amount is 100 for id:7 update data set amount is 1 for id:9 update data set amount is 1 for id:10 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 可以看到还是很快就处理完成了,而且也没有多次更新。基本是完成了期望的结果。 通过这个问题,方法总比困难多,一种方式不合适还可以通过其它的方式实现。能够最大限度的保证数据的准确性才是根本。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2015-01-21,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 杨建荣的学习笔记 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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