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EM agent无法启动的原因及分析 (r6笔记第75天)

发布2018-03-16 16:21:52
发布2018-03-16 16:21:52

昨天收到一条报警短信,短信内容大体如下: Agent is Unreachable(REASON=javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException:xxxx.com:cn=xxxxx).Host is unreachable. 看着短信内容,应该是agent罢工了。可能出现了网络问题。 结果不一会儿就接到了同事的电话,让我看看是不是有问题。 登录到agent所在的服务器,查看agent进程还是存在的。 这个时候尝试agent的upload操作失败,就准备重新启动一下agent试试,但是尝试重启的时候报了下面的错误。 $ ./emctl start agent Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 5 Grid Control Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting agent ....... failed. Failed to start HTTP listener. Consult the log files in: /U01/app/oracle/product/agent10g/sysman/log 在指定的目录下查看日志,里面提示进程自动退出,也没有给出很明确的信息来 41921 :: Wed Sep 30 09:07:34 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Exited loop with retCode=1 9380 :: Wed Sep 30 10:06:27 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Processing status agent 9380 :: Wed Sep 30 10:06:27 2015::AgentStatus.pm:Processing status agent 9380 :: Wed Sep 30 10:06:27 2015::AgentStatus.pm:emdctl status returned 1 22086 :: Wed Sep 30 11:06:50 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Processing status agent 22086 :: Wed Sep 30 11:06:50 2015::AgentStatus.pm:Processing status agent 22086 :: Wed Sep 30 11:06:50 2015::AgentStatus.pm:emdctl status returned 1 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:27 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Processing start agent 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:27 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: EMHOME is /U01/app/oracle/product/agent10g 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:27 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: service name is 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:28 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm:status agent returned with retCode=1 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:32 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm:Watch dog processs id: 906 exited with an exit code of 55 861 :: Wed Sep 30 11:40:32 2015::AgentLifeCycle.pm: Exited loop with retCode=1 查看历史日志,发现这个agent已经已经很久没有使用了,可能这个问题还没有想象的那么简单。算是个遗留问题吧。 ----- Sat Jun 27 15:09:49 2015::Checking status of EMAgent : 24232 ----- -- Timestamp (2014,07,01,14,53,38) of file /U01/app/oracle/product/agent10g/sysman/emd/upload/rawdata4.dat is more than 24 hours old. Current Time is Sat Jun 27 15:09: 52 2015----- Sat Jun 27 15:09:52 2015::Received restart request from EMAgent : 24232 ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:09:52 2015::Stopping EMAgent : 24232 ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:02 2015::Failed to reap child process EMAgent : 24232 ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:02 2015::Agent Launched with PID 20174 at time Sat Jun 27 15:10:02 2015 ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:02 2015::Execing EMAgent process is taking longer than expected 120 secs. ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:02 2015::Time elapsed between Launch of Watchdog process and execing EMAgent is 15996749 secs ----- (pid=20174): starting emagent version (pid=20174): emagent now exiting abnormally - initialization failure. Consult '.trc' and '.log' files. ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::Checking status of EMAgent : 20174 ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::EMAgent exited at Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015 with return value 55. ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::EMAgent has exited due to initialization failure. ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::Stopping other components. ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::Commiting Process death. ----- ----- Sat Jun 27 15:10:05 2015::Exiting watchdog loop 查看最近的日志 --- Standalone agent ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:40 2015::Agent Launched with PID 3354 at time Wed Sep 30 11:44:40 2015 ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:40 2015::Time elapsed between Launch of Watchdog process and execing EMAgent is 0 secs ----- (pid=3354): starting emagent version (pid=3354): emagent now exiting abnormally - initialization failure. Consult '.trc' and '.log' files. ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::Checking status of EMAgent : 3354 ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::EMAgent exited at Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015 with return value 55. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::EMAgent has exited due to initialization failure. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::Stopping other components. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::Commiting Process death. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:44:43 2015::Exiting watchdog loop ----- --- Standalone agent ----- Wed Sep 30 11:51:57 2015::Agent Launched with PID 6076 at time Wed Sep 30 11:51:57 2015 ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:51:57 2015::Time elapsed between Launch of Watchdog process and execing EMAgent is 1 secs ----- (pid=6076): starting emagent version (pid=6076): emagent now exiting abnormally - initialization failure. Consult '.trc' and '.log' files. ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::Checking status of EMAgent : 6076 ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::EMAgent exited at Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015 with return value 55. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::EMAgent has exited due to initialization failure. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::Stopping other components. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::Commiting Process death. ----- ----- Wed Sep 30 11:52:00 2015::Exiting watchdog loop 查看其它相关的日志,发现了这么一段内容。 2015-09-30 13:53:08,557 Thread-37161840 ERROR engine: [oracle_emd,sadb.com:3872,EMDUploadStats] : nmeegd_GetMetricData failed : em_error=failed to get upload statistics: Inappropriate ioctl for device Error connecting to https://sadbcom:3872/emd/main/ 2015-09-30 13:53:08,557 Thread-37161840 WARN collector: <nmecmc.c> Error exit. Error message: em_error=failed to get upload statistics: Inappropriate ioctl for device Error connecting to https://sadb.com:3872/emd/main/ 这部分日志算是唯一能够看明白,而且相关的了。那么到底是怎么回事,为什么尝试连接的时候出错了? 排查了EM sever段的网络连接情况,是没有问题的。 那么我们还是按部就班来看看这个地址为什么不通。试试老办法ping # ping sadb.com PING sadb.com (10.127.xxx.34) 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from sadb.com (10.127.xxx.34): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.185 ms 64 bytes from sadb.com (10.127.xxx.34): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.182 ms 查看网卡配置的IP情况 # ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr C8:1F:66:B8:97:xxxx inet addr:10.127.xxx.71 Bcast:10.127.xxx.255 Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::ca1f:66ff:feb8:975a/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:7609183417 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6700541034 errors:0 dropped:162 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:957747424255 (891.9 GiB) TX bytes:1573971126949 (1.4 TiB) Interrupt:35 这个时候就有些奇怪了,ping的主机名应该是本机,怎么ping出来的IP不同了。 看看配置文件里怎么写的。 # cat /etc/hosts # localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 #::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 xxx.no.xxxxx.com 10.127.xxxx.34 sadb.com localhost localhost.localdomain localhost ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 10.127.xxx.134 adb.com 10.127.xxx.88 sadb3.com sadb2.com 10.127.xxx.71 sadb.com newcomm.com xxx.no.xxx.com 这段内容还是蛮考验眼力的。 如果眼尖还是会发现配置上有问题,那就是adb.com出现了两个IP,一个是xxx.34 一个是xxx.71 这个错误还是一个很常规的错误,但是结合具体的问题分析就很容易被误导。 再次尝试ping就会发现IP地址已经指向了正确的地址了。 # ping sadb.com PING sadb.com (10.127.xxx.71) 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from sadb.com (10.127.xxx.71): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms 这个时候再没有尝试启动,只是做了一个简单验证,发现upload已经没有问题了。 $ ./emctl status agent Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 5 Grid Control Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------- Agent Version : OMS Version : Protocol Version : Agent Home : /U01/app/oracle/product/agent10g Agent binaries : /U01/app/oracle/product/agent10g Agent Process ID : 24232 Parent Process ID : 39174 Agent URL : https://sadb.com:3872/emd/main/ Repository URL : https://emserver.com:1159/em/upload Started at : 2015-06-27 13:09:43 Started by user : oracle Last Reload : 2015-06-27 13:09:43 Last successful upload : 2015-09-30 14:08:02 Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 897.22 Number of XML files pending upload : 0 Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 0.00 Available disk space on upload filesystem : 72.83% Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2015-09-30 08:17:43 --------------------------------------------------------------- Agent is Running and Ready

明白了问题的原因,其实发现还是一个蛮低级的错误,但是为什么会出现这种情况呢,还是因为做了故障转移,主备进行了切换,结果/etc/hosts里面的主机信息只是做了追加。 所以这些潜在的问题细小,但是出现问题的时候又很容易被误导。尤其需要注意一下。

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原始发表:2015-10-01,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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