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orion的简单测试 (r8笔记第75天)

发布2018-03-19 15:33:43
发布2018-03-19 15:33:43

orion是一个做IO测试的小巧工具,可以测试随机读写,模拟混合负载等。 在oracle 11g已经自带包含了这一工具,无须额外的安装了,为IO方面的测试带来了不少的便利。 当然如此简单的小工具我在使用时还是碰到了些小问题。简单总结一下。 首先是使用orion,直接提示依赖链接库的问题 [oracle@db117 bin]$ orion orion: error while loading shared libraries: libclntsh.so.11.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 因为这个数据库是新安装的,所以感觉是不是克隆安装没初始化好,但是发现还是和变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH有关。 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/local/lib 添加环境变量,就马上可以了。 [oracle@db117 ~]$ orion ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version Error in input parameters. For help, run: orion -help. orion就这样正式启用了,就如同sqlplus一样,都是$ORACLE_HOME/bin小的小工具。 我们测试的环境如下,使用的是机械硬盘。 [oracle@db117 ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda5 9.9G 2.4G 7.0G 26% / tmpfs 32G 0 32G 0% /dev/shm /dev/sda1 388M 62M 307M 17% /boot /dev/sda6 1.1T 92G 908G 10% /home /dev/sda2 20G 344M 19G 2% /var 在使用orion的时候,需要定义一个文件,以.lun结尾。比如iotest.lun 我们要测试的设备为/dev/sda6,在iotest.lun里面就写这个设备即可。 可以使用下面的方式来尝试启用 testname对应的参数值就是iotest orion -run oltp -testname iotest 当然这个命令使用还是有一些小技巧的,比如直接启用,会有下面的错误。 [oracle@db117 temp]$ orion -run oltp -testname iotest ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version ************************ Large Pages Information ******************* Parameter use_large_pages = onlyPer process system memlock (soft) limit = 64 KB Large Pages unused system wide = 0 (0 KB) Large Pages configured system wide = 0 (0 KB) Large Page size = 2048 KB ERROR: Failed to allocate shared global region with large pages, unix errno = 1. Aborting the run of Orion. ORA-27137: unable to allocate Large Pages to create a shared memory segment ACTION: 1. Check the permission to access system large pages. 2. Large pages are automatically locked into physical memory. Increase the per process memlock (soft) limit to at least 8192 KB to lock 100% Orion I/O Buf Area's large pages into physical memory ******************************************************************* Increase huge pages as suggested or set -hugenotneeded flag on command line Failed to create shared memory of size 1051296 (orion_setup_shmem:skgmcreate) Linux-x86_64 Error: 1: Operation not permitted Additional information: 2097152 orion_parse_args: orion_setup_shmem failed 当然提示信息已经很明显了,当前环境没有配置大页,所以还是需要配置大页或者声明不需要大页。 可以使用hugenotneeded来声明,当然还是有一些小问题。 [oracle@db117 temp]$ orion -run simple -testname iotest -hugenotneeded ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version iotest_20160420_1609 Calibration will take approximately 9 minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. ORA-56727: orion must be invoked using its full, absolute path orion_main: orion_spawn sml failed Test aborted due to errors. 这个命令要求使用完整路径,不要用相对路径,修改为完整路径继续测试。 [oracle@db117 temp]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orion -run simple -testname iotest -hugenotneeded ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version iotest_20160420_1610 Calibration will take approximately 9 minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. Error identifying file /dev/sda6 (storax_skgfr_openfiles:skgfifi) ORA-27041: see Oracle documentation for information on error Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied Additional information: 9 Test aborted due to errors. 这个时候提示是权限不足,原来使用的oracle用户没有更高的权限来操作/dev/sda6,所以可以调整权限或者直接使用root来运行。 使用dd命令来测试/dev/sda6是否可用。 [root@db117 ~]# dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/dev/null bs=32k count=1024 1024+0 records in 1024+0 records out 33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 0.052941 s, 634 MB/s 当然把oracle用户下的.bash_profile中的环境变量初始化到root用户下,即可使用orion 如果想简单一试,可以使用下面的命令,生成的测试时间是不能改动的。简单等待之后,输出的简单报告如下 [root@db117 temp]# /U01/app/oracle/product/ -run simple -testname iotest -hugenotneeded ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version iotest_20160420_1631 Calibration will take approximately 9 minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. Maximum Large MBPS=210.16 @ Small=0 and Large=2 Maximum Small IOPS=894 @ Small=5 and Large=0 Small Read Latency: avg=5591 us, min=32 us, max=35791 us, std dev=2949 us @ Small=5 and Large=0 Minimum Small Latency=4320 usecs @ Small=1 and Large=0 Small Read Latency: avg=4320 us, min=78 us, max=18253 us, std dev=1378 us @ Small=1 and Large=0 Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=1 and Large=0 Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write) 0 - 1 us: 0 0 2 - 4 us: 0 0 4 - 8 us: 0 0 8 - 16 us: 0 0 16 - 32 us: 0 0 32 - 64 us: 0 0 64 - 128 us: 11 0 128 - 256 us: 0 0 256 - 512 us: 0 0 512 - 1024 us: 2 0 1024 - 2048 us: 538 0 2048 - 4096 us: 5625 0 4096 - 8192 us: 7680 0 8192 - 16384 us: 22 0 16384 - 32768 us: 1 0 32768 - 65536 us: 0 0 65536 - 131072 us: 0 0 131072 - 262144 us: 0 0 262144 - 524288 us: 0 0 524288 - 1048576 us: 0 0 1048576 - 2097152 us: 0 0 2097152 - 4194304 us: 0 0 4194304 - 8388608 us: 0 0 8388608 - 16777216 us: 0 0 16777216 - 33554432 us: 0 0 33554432 - 67108864 us: 0 0 67108864 - 134217728 us: 0 0 134217728 - 268435456 us: 0 0 当然还可以使用oltp的选项来测试 /U01/app/oracle/product/ -run oltp -testname iotest -hugenotneeded [root@db117 temp]# /U01/app/oracle/product/ -run oltp -testname iotest -hugenotneeded ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version iotest_20160420_1641 Calibration will take approximately 22 minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. Maximum Small IOPS=1940 @ Small=20 and Large=0 Small Read Latency: avg=10305 us, min=42 us, max=209322 us, std dev=8938 us @ Small=20 and Large=0 Minimum Small Latency=4311 usecs @ Small=1 and Large=0 Small Read Latency: avg=4311 us, min=58 us, max=16964 us, std dev=1376 us @ Small=1 and Large=0 Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=1 and Large=0 或者测试8k的随机读写 /U01/app/oracle/product/ -run advanced -num_large 0 -size_small 8 -type rand -simulate raid0 -write 0 -duration 10 -matrix row -testname iotest [root@db117 temp]# /U01/app/oracle/product/ -run advanced -num_large 0 -size_small 8 -type rand -simulate raid0 -write 0 -duration 10 -matrix row -testname iotest ORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version iotest_20160420_1708 Calibration will take approximately 2 minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. Maximum Small IOPS=895 @ Small=5 and Large=0 Small Read Latency: avg=5581 us, min=55 us, max=41177 us, std dev=2968 us @ Small=5 and Large=0

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