社区首页 >专栏 >导师团队霸气登场,“微信全球MBA创新大赛”再掀高潮!


发布2018-03-19 17:03:10
发布2018-03-19 17:03:10


“微信全球MBA创新大赛——创意中国2015”(We Win with WeChat——INNOVATEChina 2015)六支顶尖团队脱颖而出,入围决赛。本次大赛邀请到6位国内外互联网和投资界领军人物担任导师和评委,对申报项目进行指导和评判。同时,还邀请三位学术专家现场对各团队方案进行点评。3月8日之前,参赛团队将与导师会面,接受导师的指导,对参赛方案进行完善。3月22日,决赛将于中欧国际工商学院隆重举行。



作为游戏界重量级人物,Patrick Kelly 将带来互联网游戏领域最前沿的创新理念,国际视野以及专业的分析评判视角,他将给予国外商学院团队更多的指导。












目前,Willy教授更是专注研究微信的发展历程,正在撰写关于微信的创新案例,是个不折不扣的“微信通”。决赛当天, Willy教授还将首次分享关于微信的主题演讲。








February 9th, Shanghai, 6 mentors are in position to guide the 6 teams made to the finals of We Win with WeChat——INNOVATEChina 2015, a worldwide business plan competition that will be held at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) Shanghai campus on March 22nd. The mentors are leaders from Chinese mobile Internet industry, executives of world renowned Internet firms and sophisticated investors.

They will coach the 6 teams to further improve the business plans of the teams before March 8th. During the final on March 22nd, they will then judge those plans made by teams other than the ones they will have coached

The mentors/judges are as follows:

Patrick Kelly

Chief Operating Officer of Activision Blizzard, Inc. He leads its global studios , in charge of the development of all Blizzard games, including Call of Duty Online, co-developed with Tencent. As the world's largest third-party developer and distributor of video games, Activision Blizzard enjoys high reputation in the gaming industry.

Kelly will bring state of the art concept in online gaming sector. His familiarity with Chinese mobile Internet will also be beneficial to overseas finalist teams.


Consultant of WeChat. He entered mobile Internet industry in its early stage, and thus gained deep understanding of and becomes visionary to the industry.

Jiang Tao

Senior investor, founder of CSDN and Geekband. He has 15 years working experience in software industry and mobile Internet industry. He was the team leader of Kingsoft ciba, an dictionary software and then an online dictionary with virtual community. As the founder of CSDN, world's largest online IT community for the Chinese, he has deep insight on the mobile Internet innovation.

He is sharp on web based products, and will advice on the tech and investment side of the business plans of 6 finalist teams.

Wang Xiaochuan

Chief Executive Officer of Sogou.com , and former senior vice president and Chief Technology Officer of Sohu.com. He is in charge of development of Sogou search engine, electronic input systems, web browsers and many other products. He facilitates Sohu to become a tech-driven company, making it the third largest Internet company in China in terms of user base.

Wang will bring gene of innovation to the final.

Yu Dunde

Chief Executive Officer of Tuniu.com, an online travel service. He found the company in 2006, and make it listed in NASDAQ under his reign. With rich experience in Internet startups, he and his team built a database in half a year that incorporates information about around 50,000 scenic spots worldwide. Tuniu has facilitated more than 8 million people on their travel, to date. Two of the finalist team proposed travel related innovation and will be coached by him.

Zhu Jianhuan

Venture partner of IDG Capital, an American venture capital company that made the earliest entry to China among all its peers. It has invested more than 200 Internet companies in China such as Tencent, Sohu, Ctrip, Baidu, Kindee.

Invested in many startups, Zhu excels at technology, management and operation of venture capital. He believes mobile Internet is still young and needs much tech and financial support, other than enhanced communication in all aspects of the industry. He will coach and comment the finalist teams with investor's perspective.

Besides, three professors from world top business schools are invited to comment on teams' performance on the day of final-March 22nd.

Willy C. Shih

Professor of management practice in business administration at Harvard Business School. He served at multinationals such as IBM, Kodak, Thomson as executives, and gained rich managerial experience and global view. He focuses on technology strategy, merger and acquisition power of enterprises in emerging markets and regional competitiveness. He believes in Made in the USA, and advocates more attention on the balance between production and innovation.

At present, Shih focuses on the development of WeChat, writing case on WeChat-based innovation. He will deliver a keynote speech on the day of final.

Chen Weiru

Professor of strategy at CEIBS. He focuses on industry and competitive analysis, business model innovation, and china strategy. He published a book entitled “Platform Strategy—Business Model in Revolution” in 2013.. He has developed cases like Baidu vs. Google in China’s Internet Market (2009 EFMD Best Case Award), McDonald’s vs. KFC in China, Galanz—the Chinese firm’s internationalization, Nokia’s strategic change in the new mobile ecosystem, Platform competition in eReading market. He excels on the innovation of platform strategy.

Gong Yan

Dr. Gong Yan is assistant professor of entrepreneurship at CEIBS. Before joining CEIBS, he was an assistant professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine.

Dr. Gong’s research focuses on capabilities, routines and unexpected events in entrepreneurial firms. His current research explores dynamic paths of how new firms develop routines and capabilities, and how they respond to surprise events in entrepreneurial processes. His research has appeared in the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Technology Transfer, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Handbook of Organizational Routines, and Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.

We also invite the CEO of Secret China Duan Xia to join the panel discussion to share the insight and experience. More guests will be invited to the final and they will have in-depth conversation on innovation of mobile Internet.

The 6 aforementioned mentors will instruct the 6 finalist teams on the aspects of creativity of business plans, product design, financial control, marketing and finance. the teams will submit their final proposals at March 8th. Their plans will be judged by the mentors who are not assigned to coach them previously and will be commented by the two professors during the final on March 22nd. Stay tuned.

Written by / 汪一洲 WANG Yizhou, CEIBS MBA 2016


For more information, please follow the WeChat official account: WeWinwithWeChat

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2015-02-10,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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