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1984: 月下“毛景树”

发布2018-04-11 11:04:59
发布2018-04-11 11:04:59
文章被收录于专栏:HansBug's Lab

1984: 月下“毛景树”

Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB

Submit: 1003  Solved: 324



毛毛虫经过及时的变形,最终逃过的一劫,离开了菜妈的菜园。 毛毛虫经过千山万水,历尽千辛万苦,最后来到了小小的绍兴一中的校园里。爬啊爬~爬啊爬~~毛毛虫爬到了一颗小小的“毛景树”下面,发现树上长着他最爱吃的毛毛果~~~ “毛景树”上有N个节点和N-1条树枝,但节点上是没有毛毛果的,毛毛果都是长在树枝上的。但是这棵“毛景树”有着神奇的魔力,他能改变树枝上毛毛果的个数:  Change k w:将第k条树枝上毛毛果的个数改变为w个。  Cover u v w:将节点u与节点v之间的树枝上毛毛果的个数都改变为w个。  Add u v w:将节点u与节点v之间的树枝上毛毛果的个数都增加w个。 由于毛毛虫很贪,于是他会有如下询问:  Max u v:询问节点u与节点v之间树枝上毛毛果个数最多有多少个。


第一行一个正整数N。 接下来N-1行,每行三个正整数Ui,Vi和Wi,第i+1行描述第i条树枝。表示第i条树枝连接节点Ui和节点Vi,树枝上有Wi个毛毛果。 接下来是操作和询问,以“Stop”结束。



Sample Input

4 1 2 8 1 3 7 3 4 9 Max 2 4 Cover 2 4 5 Add 1 4 10 Change 1 16 Max 2 4 Stop

Sample Output

9 16 【Data Range】 1<=N<=100,000,操作+询问数目不超过100,000。 保证在任意时刻,所有树枝上毛毛果的个数都不会超过10^9个。







  1 /**************************************************************
  2     Problem: 1984
  3     User: HansBug
  4     Language: Pascal
  5     Result: Accepted
  6     Time:13800 ms
  7     Memory:58596 kb
  8 ****************************************************************/
 10 {$M 6552000,0,655360000}
 11 type
 12     point=^node;
 13     node=record
 14                g,f:longint;
 15                next:point;w:int64;
 16     end;
 17 var
 18    i,j,k,l,m,n,tot,root:longint;ch:char;
 19    a:array[0..100005] of point;
 20    e:array[0..1000005,0..3] of int64;
 21    c:array[0..20,0..100005] of longint;
 22    d:array[0..1000005] of int64;
 23    f:array[0..100005] of int64;
 24    top,tip,len,siz,son,g,num,anum:array[0..100005] of longint;
 25 procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
 26           var z:longint;
 27           begin
 28                z:=x;x:=y;y:=z;
 29           end;
 30 function max(x,y:longint):longint;
 31          begin
 32               if x>y then max:=x else max:=y;
 33          end;
 34 function min(x,y:longint):longint;
 35          begin
 36               if x<y then min:=x else min:=y;
 37          end;
 38 procedure add(x,y,z,t:longint);
 39           var p:point;
 40           begin
 41                new(p);p^.g:=y;p^.w:=z;p^.f:=t;
 42                p^.next:=a[x];a[x]:=p;
 43           end;
 44 procedure dfs(y,x:longint);
 45           var p:point;
 46           begin
 47                len[x]:=len[y]+1;
 48                c[0,x]:=y;siz[x]:=1;
 49                son[x]:=0;p:=a[x];
 50                while p<>nil do
 51                      begin
 52                           if p^.g<>y then
 53                              begin
 54                                   dfs(x,p^.g);tip[p^.w]:=p^.g;f[p^.g]:=p^.f;
 55                                   if (son[x]=0) or (siz[p^.g]>siz[son[x]]) then son[x]:=p^.g;
 56                                   inc(siz[x],siz[p^.g]);
 57                              end;
 58                           p:=p^.next;
 59                      end;
 60           end;
 61 procedure dfs2(y,x,z:longint);
 62           var p:point;
 63           begin
 64                top[x]:=z;inc(tot);num[x]:=tot;anum[tot]:=x;
 65                if son[x]<>0 then dfs2(x,son[x],z);p:=a[x];
 66                while p<>nil do
 67                      begin
 68                           if (p^.g<>y) and (p^.g<>son[x]) then dfs2(x,p^.g,p^.g);
 69                           p:=p^.next;
 70                      end;
 71           end;
 72 procedure ext(z,x,y:longint);
 73           begin
 74                if e[z,1]<>0 then
 75                   begin
 76                        d[z]:=e[z,2];
 77                        if x<>y then
 78                           begin
 79                                e[z*2,1]:=1;e[z*2,2]:=e[z,2];
 80                                e[z*2+1,1]:=1;e[z*2+1,2]:=e[z,2];
 81                           end;
 82                        e[z,2]:=0;e[z,1]:=0;e[z,3]:=0;
 83                   end
 84                else if e[z,3]<>0 then
 85                     begin
 86                          inc(d[z],e[z,3]);
 87                          if x<>y then
 88                             begin
 89                                  if e[z*2,1]<>0 then ext(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2);
 90                                  if e[z*2+1,1]<>0 then ext(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y);
 91                                  inc(e[z*2,3],e[z,3]);
 92                                  inc(e[z*2+1,3],e[z,3]);
 93                             end;
 94                          e[z,3]:=0;e[z,2]:=0;e[z,1]:=0;
 95                     end;
 96           end;
 97 procedure built(z,x,y:longint);
 98          begin
 99               if x=y then
100                  d[z]:=f[anum[x]]
101               else
102                   begin
103                        built(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2);
104                        built(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y);
105                        if d[z*2]>d[z*2+1] then d[z]:=d[z*2] else d[z]:=d[z*2+1];
106                   end;
107               e[z,1]:=0;e[z,2]:=0;e[z,3]:=0;
108          end;
109 function addd(z,x,y,l,r:longint;t:int64):int64;
110          var a1,a2:int64;
111          begin
112               if l>r then
113                  begin
114                       ext(z,x,y);
115                       exit(d[z]);
116                  end;
117               ext(z,x,y);if (x=l) and (y=r) then
118                             begin
119                                  inc(e[z,3],t);
120                                  exit(d[z]+e[z,3]);
121                             end;
122               a1:=addd(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2),t);
123               a2:=addd(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y,max((x+y) div 2+1,l),r,t);
124               if a1>a2 then d[z]:=a1 else d[z]:=a2;
125               exit(d[z]);
126          end;
127 function cover(z,x,y,l,r:longint;t:int64):int64;
128          var a1,a2:int64;
129           begin
131                if l>r then
132                   begin
133                        ext(z,x,y);
134                        exit(d[z]);
135                   end;
136                if (x=l) and (y=r) then
137                   begin
138                        e[z,1]:=1;
139                        e[z,2]:=t;
140                        exit(t);
141                   end;
142                ext(z,x,y);
143                a1:=cover(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2),t);
144                a2:=cover(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y,max((x+y) div 2+1,l),r,t);
145                if a1>a2 then d[z]:=a1 else d[z]:=a2;
146                exit(d[z]);
147           end;
148 function getmax(z,x,y,l,r:longint):int64;
149          begin
150               if l>r then exit(-maxlongint);
151               if e[z,1]<>0 then exit(e[z,2]);
152               ext(z,x,y);
153               if (x=l) and (y=r) then exit(d[z]);
154               exit(max(getmax(z*2,x,(x+y) div 2,l,min(r,(x+y) div 2)),getmax(z*2+1,(x+y) div 2+1,y,max((x+y) div 2+1,l),r)));
155          end;
156 function getup(x,y:longint):longint;
157          var i:longint;
158          begin
159               i:=0;
160               while y<>0 do
161                     begin
162                          if odd(y) then x:=c[i,x];
163                          inc(i);y:=y div 2;
164                     end;
165               exit(x);
166          end;
167 function getcom(x,y:longint):longint;
168          var i:longint;
169          begin
170               if len[x]<len[y] then swap(x,y);
171               x:=getup(x,len[x]-len[y]);
172               if x=y then exit(x);
173               for i:=trunc(round(ln(len[x])/ln(2))) downto 0 do
174                   if c[i,x]<>c[i,y] then
175                      begin
176                           x:=c[i,x];
177                           y:=c[i,y];
178                      end;
179               exit(c[0,x]);
180          end;
181 procedure treechange(x,y:longint;t:int64);
182           var i,z,z1:longint;
183           begin
184                z:=getcom(x,y);
185                if x<>z then
186                   begin
187                        z1:=getup(x,len[x]-len[z]-1);
188                        repeat
189                              if len[top[x]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[x];
190                              cover(1,1,n,num[i],num[x],t);
191                              if i=z1 then break;
192                              x:=c[0,i];
193                        until false;
194                   end;
195                if y<>z then
196                   begin
197                        z1:=getup(y,len[y]-len[z]-1);
198                        repeat
199                              if len[top[y]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[y];
200                              cover(1,1,n,num[i],num[y],t);
201                              if i=z1 then break;
202                              y:=c[0,i];
203                        until false;
204                   end;
205           end;
206 procedure treeadd(x,y:longint;t:int64);
207           var z,i,z1:longint;
208           begin
209                z:=getcom(x,y);
210                if x<>z then
211                   begin
212                        z1:=getup(x,len[x]-len[z]-1);
213                        repeat
214                              if len[top[x]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[x];
215                              addd(1,1,n,num[i],num[x],t);
216                              if i=z1 then break;
217                              x:=c[0,i];
218                        until false;
219                   end;
220                if y<>z then
221                   begin
222                        z1:=getup(y,len[y]-len[z]-1);
223                        repeat
224                              if len[top[y]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[y];
225                              addd(1,1,n,num[i],num[y],t);
226                              if i=z1 then break;
227                              y:=c[0,i];
228                        until false;
229                   end;
230           end;
231 function treemax(x,y:longint):int64;
232          var i,z,z1:longint;a1:int64;
233           begin
234                z:=getcom(x,y);treemax:=0;
235                if x<>z then
236                   begin
237                        z1:=getup(x,len[x]-len[z]-1);
238                        repeat
239                              if len[top[x]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[x];
240                              a1:=getmax(1,1,n,num[i],num[x]);
241                              if a1>treemax then treemax:=a1;
242                              if i=z1 then break;
243                              x:=c[0,i];
244                        until false;
245                   end;
246                if y<>z then
247                   begin
248                        z1:=getup(y,len[y]-len[z]-1);
249                        repeat
250                              if len[top[y]]<len[z1] then i:=z1 else i:=top[y];
251                              a1:=getmax(1,1,n,num[i],num[y]);
252                              if a1>treemax then treemax:=a1;
253                              if i=z1 then break;
254                              y:=c[0,i];
255                        until false;
256                   end;
257           end;
258 begin
259      readln(n);
260      for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=nil;
261      for i:=1 to n-1 do
262          begin
263               readln(j,k,l);
264               add(j,k,i,l);add(k,j,i,l);
265          end;
266      root:=random(n)+1;dfs(0,root);dfs2(0,root,root);
267      for i:=1 to trunc(round(ln(n)/ln(2))) do
268          for j:=1 to n do
269              c[i,j]:=c[i-1,c[i-1,j]];
270      built(1,1,n);
271      while not(eof) do
272            begin
273                 read(ch,ch);
274                 case upcase(ch) of
275                      'A':begin
276                               readln(ch,i,j);
277                               writeln(treemax(i,j));
278                      end;
279                      'O':begin
280                               readln(ch,ch,ch,i,j,k);
281                               treechange(i,j,k);
282                      end;
283                      'D':begin
284                               readln(ch,i,j,k);
285                               treeadd(i,j,k);
286                      end;
287                      'H':begin
288                               readln(ch,ch,ch,ch,i,j);
289                               treechange(c[0,tip[i]],tip[i],j);
290                      end;
291                      'T':halt;
292                 end;
293            end;
294 end.
本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2015-05-13 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 1984: 月下“毛景树”
  • Description
  • Input
  • Output
  • Sample Input
  • Sample Output
  • HINT
  • Source
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