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AbstractQueuedSynchronizer 源码分析

发布2018-04-26 13:38:52
发布2018-04-26 13:38:52

AQS是通过CHL队列来实现锁请求阻塞列表的。可以通过acquire(int arg)来分析,当前线程竞争锁时的流程,然后再通过release(int arg)方法来分析,当前线程释放一个锁时的流程。这两个方法都是独占锁的流程。相对应的acquireShared(int arg) ,releaseShared(int arg)是共享锁的获取释放流程。

 * Provides a framework for implementing blocking locks and related
 * synchronizers (semaphores, events, etc) that rely on
 * first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queues.  This class is designed to
 * be a useful basis for most kinds of synchronizers that rely on a
 * single atomic <tt>int</tt> value to represent state. Subclasses
 * must define the protected methods that change this state, and which
 * define what that state means in terms of this object being acquired
 * or released.  Given these, the other methods in this class carry
 * out all queuing and blocking mechanics. Subclasses can maintain
 * other state fields, but only the atomically updated <tt>int</tt>
 * value manipulated using methods {@link #getState}, {@link
 * #setState} and {@link #compareAndSetState} is tracked with respect
 * to synchronization.
 * 这个类根据fifo策略,实现一个阻塞锁同步器。他设计的基础,是依靠一个int 型的原子变量代表同步器的状态。
 * <p>Subclasses should be defined as non-public internal helper
 * classes that are used to implement the synchronization properties
 * of their enclosing class.  Class
 * <tt>AbstractQueuedSynchronizer</tt> does not implement any
 * synchronization interface.  Instead it defines methods such as
 * {@link #acquireInterruptibly} that can be invoked as
 * appropriate by concrete locks and related synchronizers to
 * implement their public methods.
 * <p>This class supports either or both a default <em>exclusive</em>
 * mode and a <em>shared</em> mode. When acquired in exclusive mode,
 * attempted acquires by other threads cannot succeed. Shared mode
 * acquires by multiple threads may (but need not) succeed. This class
 * does not &quot;understand&quot; these differences except in the
 * mechanical sense that when a shared mode acquire succeeds, the next
 * waiting thread (if one exists) must also determine whether it can
 * acquire as well. Threads waiting in the different modes share the
 * same FIFO queue. Usually, implementation subclasses support only
 * one of these modes, but both can come into play for example in a
 * {@link ReadWriteLock}. Subclasses that support only exclusive or
 * only shared modes need not define the methods supporting the unused mode.
 * 可以根据这个类,构造共享或者独占模式的锁。
 * <p>This class defines a nested {@link ConditionObject} class that
 * can be used as a {@link Condition} implementation by subclasses
 * supporting exclusive mode for which method {@link
 * #isHeldExclusively} reports whether synchronization is exclusively
 * held with respect to the current thread, method {@link #release}
 * invoked with the current {@link #getState} value fully releases
 * this object, and {@link #acquire}, given this saved state value,
 * eventually restores this object to its previous acquired state.  No
 * <tt>AbstractQueuedSynchronizer</tt> method otherwise creates such a
 * condition, so if this constraint cannot be met, do not use it.  The
 * behavior of {@link ConditionObject} depends of course on the
 * semantics of its synchronizer implementation.
 *  类中有个内部类ConditionObject,用于实现条件队列。
 * <p>This class provides inspection, instrumentation, and monitoring
 * methods for the internal queue, as well as similar methods for
 * condition objects. These can be exported as desired into classes
 * using an <tt>AbstractQueuedSynchronizer</tt> for their
 * synchronization mechanics.
 * <p>Serialization of this class stores only the underlying atomic
 * integer maintaining state, so deserialized objects have empty
 * thread queues. Typical subclasses requiring serializability will
 * define a <tt>readObject</tt> method that restores this to a known
 * initial state upon deserialization.
 *  。。。。。。。省略。。
 * @since 1.5
 * @author Doug Lea
public abstract class AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
    extends AbstractOwnableSynchronizer
    implements java.io.Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7373984972572414691L;

     * Creates a new <tt>AbstractQueuedSynchronizer</tt> instance
     * with initial synchronization state of zero.
    protected AbstractQueuedSynchronizer() { }

     * 等待队列的Node类:
     * Wait queue node class.
     *  等待队列用的是CLH队列。CLH 队列一般用于自旋锁队列。
     * <p>The wait queue is a variant of a "CLH" (Craig, Landin, and
     * Hagersten) lock queue. CLH locks are normally used for
     * spinlocks.  We instead use them for blocking synchronizers, but
     * use the same basic tactic of holding some of the control
     * information about a thread in the predecessor of its node.
     * 这里,我们使用相同的控制前置节点策略,把它用在阻塞同步器上。
     * A "status" field in each node keeps track of whether a thread
     * should block.  
     * 每个节点的status 字段,表明这个节点是否应该阻塞。
     * A node is signalled when its predecessor
     * releases.  
     * 当一个节点的前置节点释放锁,它会得到通知。
     * Each node of the queue otherwise serves as a
     * specific-notification-style monitor holding a single waiting
     * thread. 
     * 每个节点,以明确通知交互方式,保存着一个等待线程。
     * The status field does NOT control whether threads are
     * granted locks etc though. 
     * status字段,不代表一个线程是否已经获得锁。
     * A thread may try to acquire if it is
     * first in the queue. But being first does not guarantee success;
     * it only gives the right to contend.  So the currently released
     * contender thread may need to rewait.
     * 一个状态只表明,某个线程是否有权利参与锁竞争了。
     * <p>To enqueue into a CLH lock, you atomically splice it in as new
     * tail. To dequeue, you just set the head field.
     * 一个线程入队,就是把线程放入队列尾部。数据结构如下图:CLH队列其实是一个个Node类组成的链表,Node 中的waitStatus字段值表示节点的阻塞策略
     * <pre>
     *      +------+  prev +-----+       +-----+
     * head |      | <---- |     | <---- |     |  tail
     *      +------+       +-----+       +-----+
     * </pre>
     * <p>Insertion into a CLH queue requires only a single atomic
     * operation on "tail", so there is a simple atomic point of
     * demarcation from unqueued to queued.
     * 入队在tail节点,原子操作
     * Similarly, dequeing involves only updating the "head". However, it takes a bit
     * more work for nodes to determine who their successors are,
     * in part to deal with possible cancellation due to timeouts
     * and interrupts.
     * 类似地,出队在head节点上操作,取消,还要考虑当前节点的下一个节点线程。
     * <p>The "prev" links (not used in original CLH locks), are mainly
     * needed to handle cancellation. If a node is cancelled, its
     * successor is (normally) relinked to a non-cancelled
     * predecessor.
     * 节点的prev字段(在原始的 CLH locks是没用到的)主要用于,一个节点被取消了,它的下一个节点,重新指向,它的前一个节点。 
     * For explanation of similar mechanics in the case
     * of spin locks, see the papers by Scott and Scherer at
     * http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/scott/synchronization/
     * 这里的一篇论文,解释在自旋锁中相似的机制。
     * <p>We also use "next" links to implement blocking mechanics.
     * The thread id for each node is kept in its own node, so a
     * predecessor signals the next node to wake up by traversing
     * next link to determine which thread it is. 
     * 用next字段实现阻塞机制,每个节点保存有它自己的的线程id
     * 前置节点可以通过next 字段找到它的下一个节点线程去唤醒。
     * Determination of successor must avoid races with newly queued nodes to set
     * the "next" fields of their predecessors.  This is solved
     * when necessary by checking backwards from the atomically
     * updated "tail" when a node's successor appears to be null.
     * (Or, said differently, the next-links are an optimization
     * so that we don't usually need a backward scan.)
     *  以队列下一个节点的方式,可以很方便的解决,在决定谁是下一个节点时,会产生的竞争问题。
     * <p>Cancellation introduces some conservatism to the basic
     * algorithms.  Since we must poll for cancellation of other
     * nodes, we can miss noticing whether a cancelled node is
     * ahead or behind us. This is dealt with by always unparking
     * successors upon cancellation, allowing them to stabilize on
     * a new predecessor, unless we can identify an uncancelled
     * predecessor who will carry this responsibility.
     *  取消一个节点,就是它的下一个节点挂到一个新的前置节点。
     * <p>CLH queues need a dummy header node to get started. But
     * we don't create them on construction, because it would be wasted
     * effort if there is never contention. Instead, the node
     * is constructed and head and tail pointers are set upon first
     * contention.
     *  CLH队列需要一个岗哨节点。为了节约性能,这个节点只有在有竞争者节点时才创建,
     *  此时,头结点,尾节点都同时指向这个节点。
     * <p>Threads waiting on Conditions use the same nodes, but
     * use an additional link. Conditions only need to link nodes
     * in simple (non-concurrent) linked queues because they are
     * only accessed when exclusively held.  Upon await, a node is
     * inserted into a condition queue.  Upon signal, the node is
     * transferred to the main queue.  A special value of status
     * field is used to mark which queue a node is on.
     * 条件队列,使用相同的node节点。但是使用另外的链接(nextWaiter),条件队列是非并发的队列,因为,只用获取排他锁,后才能操作它。
     * 当await的时候,加入条件队列,当signal时候,把一个节点放到主队列(锁队列)。
     * 一个status字段值(CONDITION = -2),可以指定当前节点时在哪个队列。
     * <p>Thanks go to Dave Dice, Mark Moir, Victor Luchangco, Bill
     * Scherer and Michael Scott, along with members of JSR-166
     * expert group, for helpful ideas, discussions, and critiques
     * on the design of this class.
    static final class Node {
        /** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in shared mode */
        static final Node SHARED = new Node();//说明节点是共享模式
        /** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in exclusive mode */
        static final Node EXCLUSIVE = null;//说明节点是独占模式

        /** waitStatus value to indicate thread has cancelled */
        static final int CANCELLED =  1;//说明节点线程被取消
        /** waitStatus value to indicate successor's thread needs unparking */
        static final int SIGNAL    = -1;//说明当前线程的下一个节点是需要被调度唤醒的节点
        /** waitStatus value to indicate thread is waiting on condition */
        static final int CONDITION = -2;//说明节点线程在条件队列上等待
         * waitStatus value to indicate the next acquireShared should
         * unconditionally propagate//说明,下一个共享获取,可以无条件传播(被唤醒)。
        static final int PROPAGATE = -3;

         * Status field, taking on only the values:
         *   SIGNAL:     The successor of this node is (or will soon be)
         *               blocked (via park), so the current node must
         *               unpark its successor when it releases or
         *               cancels. To avoid races, acquire methods must
         *               first indicate they need a signal,
         *               then retry the atomic acquire, and then,
         *               on failure, block.
	 *               当前线程的,下一个节点(即将)已经被阻塞。所以当前线程,在释放锁时(取消时),要唤醒它的继任者(下一个节点)
         *   CANCELLED:  This node is cancelled due to timeout or interrupt.
         *               Nodes never leave this state. In particular,
         *               a thread with cancelled node never again blocks.
         *   CONDITION:  This node is currently on a condition queue.
         *               It will not be used as a sync queue node
         *               until transferred, at which time the status
         *               will be set to 0. (Use of this value here has
         *               nothing to do with the other uses of the
         *               field, but simplifies mechanics.)
         *   PROPAGATE:  A releaseShared should be propagated to other
         *               nodes. This is set (for head node only) in
         *               doReleaseShared to ensure propagation
         *               continues, even if other operations have
         *               since intervened.
         *   0:          None of the above
         * The values are arranged numerically to simplify use.
         * Non-negative values mean that a node doesn't need to
         * signal. So, most code doesn't need to check for particular
         * values, just for sign.
         * The field is initialized to 0 for normal sync nodes, and
         * CONDITION for condition nodes.  It is modified using CAS
         * (or when possible, unconditional volatile writes).
        volatile int waitStatus;

         * Link to predecessor node that current node/thread relies on
         * for checking waitStatus. Assigned during enqueing, and nulled
         * out (for sake of GC) only upon dequeuing.  Also, upon
         * cancellation of a predecessor, we short-circuit while
         * finding a non-cancelled one, which will always exist
         * because the head node is never cancelled: A node becomes
         * head only as a result of successful acquire. A
         * cancelled thread never succeeds in acquiring, and a thread only
         * cancels itself, not any other node.
        volatile Node prev;

         * Link to the successor node that the current node/thread
         * unparks upon release. Assigned during enqueuing, adjusted
         * when bypassing cancelled predecessors, and nulled out (for
         * sake of GC) when dequeued.  The enq operation does not
         * assign next field of a predecessor until after attachment,
         * so seeing a null next field does not necessarily mean that
         * node is at end of queue. However, if a next field appears
         * to be null, we can scan prev's from the tail to
         * double-check.  The next field of cancelled nodes is set to
         * point to the node itself instead of null, to make life
         * easier for isOnSyncQueue.
        volatile Node next;

         * The thread that enqueued this node.  Initialized on
         * construction and nulled out after use.
        volatile Thread thread;

         * Link to next node waiting on condition, or the special
         * value SHARED.  Because condition queues are accessed only
         * when holding in exclusive mode, we just need a simple
         * linked queue to hold nodes while they are waiting on
         * conditions. They are then transferred to the queue to
         * re-acquire. And because conditions can only be exclusive,
         * we save a field by using special value to indicate shared
         * mode.
        Node nextWaiter;

         * Returns true if node is waiting in shared mode
        final boolean isShared() {
            return nextWaiter == SHARED;

         * Returns previous node, or throws NullPointerException if null.
         * Use when predecessor cannot be null.  The null check could
         * be elided, but is present to help the VM.
         * @return the predecessor of this node
        final Node predecessor() throws NullPointerException {
            Node p = prev;
            if (p == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();
                return p;

        Node() {    // Used to establish initial head or SHARED marker

        Node(Thread thread, Node mode) {     // Used by addWaiter
            this.nextWaiter = mode;
            this.thread = thread;

        Node(Thread thread, int waitStatus) { // Used by Condition
            this.waitStatus = waitStatus;
            this.thread = thread;

     * Head of the wait queue, lazily initialized.  Except for
     * initialization, it is modified only via method setHead.  Note:
     * If head exists, its waitStatus is guaranteed not to be
    private transient volatile Node head;

     * Tail of the wait queue, lazily initialized.  Modified only via
     * method enq to add new wait node.
    private transient volatile Node tail;

     * The synchronization state.
    private volatile int state;

     * Returns the current value of synchronization state.
     * This operation has memory semantics of a <tt>volatile</tt> read.
     * @return current state value
    protected final int getState() {
        return state;

     * Sets the value of synchronization state.
     * This operation has memory semantics of a <tt>volatile</tt> write.
     * @param newState the new state value
    protected final void setState(int newState) {
        state = newState;

     * Atomically sets synchronization state to the given updated
     * value if the current state value equals the expected value.
     * This operation has memory semantics of a <tt>volatile</tt> read
     * and write.
     * @param expect the expected value
     * @param update the new value
     * @return true if successful. False return indicates that the actual
     *         value was not equal to the expected value.
    protected final boolean compareAndSetState(int expect, int update) {
        // See below for intrinsics setup to support this
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, stateOffset, expect, update);

    // Queuing utilities

     * The number of nanoseconds for which it is faster to spin
     * rather than to use timed park. A rough estimate suffices
     * to improve responsiveness with very short timeouts.
    static final long spinForTimeoutThreshold = 1000L;

     * Inserts node into queue, initializing if necessary. See picture above.
     * @param node the node to insert
     * @return node's predecessor
     * 把一个节点插入到等待队列。如果有需要,初始化。
    private Node enq(final Node node) {
        for (;;) {//不停的尝试。
            Node t = tail;
            if (t == null) { // Must initialize 尾节点为空,就创建一个空节点,作为头节点
                if (compareAndSetHead(new Node()))
                    tail = head;//并且尾节点指向头节点
            } else {
                node.prev = t;//头节点已经创建好,把当前节点的前置节点,指向头节点。
                if (compareAndSetTail(t, node)) {//原子排他方式,把当前节点设置为尾节点。
                    t.next = node;//设置成功把当,原来的尾节点的next指向当前节点。
                    return t;

     * Creates and enqueues node for current thread and given mode.
     * 把当前线程,以指定的模式(独占或者分享)的方式,放入队列
     * @param mode Node.EXCLUSIVE for exclusive, Node.SHARED for shared
     * @return the new node
    private Node addWaiter(Node mode) {
        Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread(), mode);
        // Try the fast path of enq; backup to full enq on failure
        Node pred = tail;
        if (pred != null) {//当前队列不空
            node.prev = pred;//当前队列的前置队列,指向尾节点。
            if (compareAndSetTail(pred, node)) {//原子排他方式,把当前节点设置为尾节点。
                pred.next = node;//设置成功把当,原来的尾节点的next指向当前节点。
                return node;//返回最新节点。
        return node;//返回当前节点。

     * Sets head of queue to be node, thus dequeuing. Called only by
     * acquire methods.  Also nulls out unused fields for sake of GC
     * and to suppress unnecessary signals and traversals.
     * @param node the node
    private void setHead(Node node) {
        head = node;
        node.thread = null;
        node.prev = null;

     * Wakes up node's successor, if one exists.
     * 唤醒当前节点的继任者节点线程。
     * @param node the node
    private void unparkSuccessor(Node node) {
         * If status is negative (i.e., possibly needing signal) try
         * to clear in anticipation of signalling.  It is OK if this
         * fails or if status is changed by waiting thread.
        int ws = node.waitStatus;
        if (ws < 0)
            compareAndSetWaitStatus(node, ws, 0);

         * Thread to unpark is held in successor, which is normally
         * just the next node.  But if cancelled or apparently null,
         * traverse backwards from tail to find the actual
         * non-cancelled successor.
	 * 如果,继任者已被取消或者为null,就从尾部遍历,找到最近的一个非取消节点。
        Node s = node.next;
        if (s == null || s.waitStatus > 0) {
            s = null;
            for (Node t = tail; t != null && t != node; t = t.prev)
                if (t.waitStatus <= 0)
                    s = t;
        if (s != null)

    // Utilities for various versions of acquire

     * Cancels an ongoing attempt to acquire.
     *  取消一个节点
     * @param node the node
    private void cancelAcquire(Node node) {
        // Ignore if node doesn't exist
        if (node == null)

        node.thread = null;

        // Skip cancelled predecessors
        Node pred = node.prev;
        while (pred.waitStatus > 0)
            node.prev = pred = pred.prev;

        // predNext is the apparent node to unsplice. CASes below will
        // fail if not, in which case, we lost race vs another cancel
        // or signal, so no further action is necessary.
        Node predNext = pred.next;

        // Can use unconditional write instead of CAS here.
        // After this atomic step, other Nodes can skip past us.
        // Before, we are free of interference from other threads.
        node.waitStatus = Node.CANCELLED;

        // If we are the tail, remove ourselves.
        if (node == tail && compareAndSetTail(node, pred)) {//如果是尾节点
            compareAndSetNext(pred, predNext, null);//前置节点下一个节点为null.删除当前节点。
        } else {
            // If successor needs signal, try to set pred's next-link
            // so it will get one. Otherwise wake it up to propagate.
	    // 设置 当前节点的node.next为下一个节点。
            int ws;
            if (pred != head &&
                ((ws = pred.waitStatus) == Node.SIGNAL ||
                 (ws <= 0 && compareAndSetWaitStatus(pred, ws, Node.SIGNAL))) &&
                pred.thread != null) {
                Node next = node.next;
                if (next != null && next.waitStatus <= 0)
                    compareAndSetNext(pred, predNext, next);
            } else {

            node.next = node; // help GC

     * Checks and updates status for a node that failed to acquire.
     * Returns true if thread should block. This is the main signal
     * control in all acquire loops.  Requires that pred == node.prev
     * 把node节点前置(没取消)节点,waitStatus设置为-1
     * @param pred node's predecessor holding status
     * @param node the node
     * @return {@code true} if thread should block
    private static boolean shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire(Node pred, Node node) {
        int ws = pred.waitStatus;
        if (ws == Node.SIGNAL)
             * This node has already set status asking a release
             * to signal it, so it can safely park.前置节点已经被设置为可唤醒状态。可以放心阻塞当前节点。
            return true;
        if (ws > 0) {
             * Predecessor was cancelled. Skip over predecessors and
             * indicate retry. 如果前置节点被取消,直接抛弃,直到找到没取消的前置节点。
            do {
                node.prev = pred = pred.prev;
            } while (pred.waitStatus > 0);
            pred.next = node;
        } else {
             * waitStatus must be 0 or PROPAGATE.  Indicate that we
             * need a signal, but don't park yet.  Caller will need to
             * retry to make sure it cannot acquire before parking.
	     * 给前置节点信号为-1。
            compareAndSetWaitStatus(pred, ws, Node.SIGNAL);
        return false;

     * Various flavors of acquire, varying in exclusive/shared and
     * control modes.  Each is mostly the same, but annoyingly
     * different.  Only a little bit of factoring is possible due to
     * interactions of exception mechanics (including ensuring that we
     * cancel if tryAcquire throws exception) and other control, at
     * least not without hurting performance too much.

     * Acquires in exclusive uninterruptible mode for thread already in
     * queue. Used by condition wait methods as well as acquire.
     * 一个已经在队列中的线程,尝试获取一个排他锁。
     * @param node the node
     * @param arg the acquire argument
     * @return {@code true} if interrupted while waiting
    final boolean acquireQueued(final Node node, int arg) {
        boolean failed = true;
        try {
            boolean interrupted = false;
            for (;;) {
                final Node p = node.predecessor();//获取当前节点的前置节点
                if (p == head && tryAcquire(arg)) {//如果前置节点是头节点,不停的尝试,知道成功。说明没有线程在等待。调用tryAcquire(arg)尝试改变状态变量值。
                    p.next = null; // help GC
                    failed = false;
                    return interrupted;
		//不是头节点,表示前面还有等待的节点。调用shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire(p, node)设置当前节点前置节点waitStatus=-1,
		//如果前置节点waitStatus不为-1(>0),设置前置节点的waitStatus为-1 返回false,不阻塞当前节点。
                if (shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire(p, node) &&
                    interrupted = true;
        } finally {
            if (failed)//这个正常执行不到,异常时,取消进程。

     * 先从获取一个排他锁,说起,
     * Acquires in exclusive mode, ignoring interrupts.  Implemented
     * by invoking at least once {@link #tryAcquire},
     * returning on success.  Otherwise the thread is queued, possibly
     * repeatedly blocking and unblocking, invoking {@link
     * #tryAcquire} until success.  This method can be used
     * to implement method {@link Lock#lock}.
     * @param arg the acquire argument.  This value is conveyed to
     *        {@link #tryAcquire} but is otherwise uninterpreted and
     *        can represent anything you like.
    public final void acquire(int arg) {
        if (!tryAcquire(arg) &&
            acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg))
	    //执行acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)方法。把当前请求线程放入队列

     * Releases in exclusive mode.  Implemented by unblocking one or
     * more threads if {@link #tryRelease} returns true.
     * This method can be used to implement method {@link Lock#unlock}.
     * 释放一个独占锁。
     * @param arg the release argument.  This value is conveyed to
     *        {@link #tryRelease} but is otherwise uninterpreted and
     *        can represent anything you like.
     * @return the value returned from {@link #tryRelease}
    public final boolean release(int arg) {
        if (tryRelease(arg)) {//如果子类实现的tryRelase返回为true
            Node h = head;//把头节点赋给h
            if (h != null && h.waitStatus != 0)//头节点不为null,并且waitStatus不为0,为0时下一个节点已经被唤醒
            return true;
        return false;

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