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NoSQL Sharding 分片

发布2018-05-04 11:09:30
发布2018-05-04 11:09:30


NoSQL Distilled 第四章 Distribution Models




4.2. Sharding 分片

Often, a busy data store is busy because different people are accessing different parts of the dataset. In these circumstances we can support horizontal scalability by putting different parts ofthe data onto different servers—a technique that’s called sharding (see Figure 4.1).

很多时候,数据库繁忙是因为很多不同的人访问数据库的不同部分(译者曰:其实意思是所有的请求都来一个server上的数据库来访问,这个单库就很忙,怎么办呢?)在这种情况下,我们就可以把不同模块的数据分放到不同的服务器上,这样就实现了流量分散,我们把这种技术叫做:分片 sharding(见图4.1)。

Figure 4.1. Sharding puts different data on separate nodes, each of which does its own reads and writes.

图4.1 分片技术把不同的数据put到不同的节点上,每个节点处理自己的读和取。

In the ideal case, we have different users all talking to different server nodes. Each user only has to talk to one server, so gets rapid responses from that server. The load is balanced out nicely between servers—for example, if we have ten servers, each one only has to handle 10% of the load.


Of course the ideal case is a pretty rare beast. In order to get close to it we have to ensure that data that’s accessed together is clumped together on the same node and that these clumps are arranged on the nodes to provide the best data access.


The first part of this question is how to clump the data up so that one user mostly gets her data from a single server.


This is where aggregate orientation comes in really handy. The whole point of aggregates is that we design them to combine data that’s commonly accessed together—so aggregates leap out as an obvious unit of distribution.


When it comes to arranging the data on the nodes, there are several factors that can help improve performance.

If you know that most accesses of certain aggregates are based on a physical location, you can place the data close to where it’s being accessed. If you have orders for someone who lives in Boston, you can place that data in your eastern US data center.


Another factor is trying to keep the load even. This means that you should try to arrange aggregates so they are evenly distributed across the nodes which all get equal amounts of the load. This may vary over time, for example if some data tends to be accessed on certain days of the week—so there may be domain-specific rules you’d like to use.


In some cases, it’ s useful to put aggregates together if you think they may be read in sequence. The Bigtable paper [Chang etc.] described keeping its rows in lexicographic order and sorting web addresses based on reversed domain names (e.g., com.martinfowler). This way data for multiple pages could be accessed together to improve processing efficiency.

在有的情况下,你把聚合放在一起是有用的,如果你认为它们会被一块依次读取的话。在谷歌的Bigtable的论文就提到过他们对于这种情况的做法。他们把域名颠倒过来作为key然后进行排序存储。这样对于多个网页被同时访问的那种情况,读取性能就会被提升。以下我们找到了谷歌Bigtable paper 中关于这个做法的片段:

Historically most people have done sharding as part of application logic. You might put all customers with surnames starting from A to D on one shard and E to G on another. This complicates the programming model, as application code needs to ensure that queries are distributed across the various shards. Furthermore, rebalancing the sharding means changing the application code and migrating the data. Many NoSQL databases offer auto-sharding, where the database takes on the responsibility of allocating data to shards and ensuring that data access goes to the right shard. This can make it much easier to use sharding in an application.


Sharding is particularly valuable for performance because it can improve both read and write performance. Using replication, particularly with caching, can greatly improve read performance but does little for applications that have a lot of writes. Sharding provides a way to horizontally scale writes.

分片对于性能提高特别有价值因为它可以同时提高读和写的性能(数据分散了,当然读写都提高了)。使 用复制(replication)的方式,再辅之以缓存是能够大大的改善读取的性能。但,对于写入请求的性能改善“复制”(replication)就显得有点力不从心了。

Sharing does little to improve resilience when used alone. Although the data is on different nodes, a node failure makes that shard’s data unavailable just as surely as it does for a single-server solution. The resilience benefit it does provide is that only the users of the data on that shard will suffer; however, it’ s not good to have a database with part of its data missing. With a single server it’ s easier to pay the effort and cost to keep that server up and running; clusters usually try to use less reliable machines, and you’re more likely to get a node failure. So in practice, sharding alone is likely to decrease resilience.

如果单独使用分片技术的话,分片对于数据丢失后的恢复并没有什么保障。尽管分片的数据是在不同的机器上,但一个节点数据丢失了或者出现了故障会让分片数据不可用。(小编说:分片的数据都是独一份,丢了或者出现故障,自然就不能访问了)。不过也有个好消息就是分片后的数据如果丢了,其它的机器分片的数据还是能够访问的,只是那一个故障机器的数据不可用了而已。(小编说:这个角度倒是能够抚慰人)。但对于一个数据库来讲,丢了一部分数据,导致数据不完整毕竟不是什么好事(请用俄罗斯口音和我一起读:not good,it’ s not good。)。过去我们把数据放在一台机器上的时候,我们会下大气力全神贯注的保障它的高可用。但在集群上很多时候机器可能并不够可靠,很可能就会出现节点的故障。所以在实践中,独立使用分片技术很有可能会降低数据的可用性。

Despite the fact that sharding is made much easier with aggregates, it’s still not a step to be taken lightly. Some databases are intended from the beginning to use sharding, in which case it’s wise to run them on a cluster from the very beginning of development, and certainly in production. Other databases use sharding as a deliberate step up from a single-server configuration, in which case it’s best to start single-server and only use sharding once your load projections clearly indicate that you are running out of headroom.

尽管有了“聚合”结构之后分片变得容易了许多,但我们也不能草率而轻易的踏出这步(决定分片是个谨慎的事情) 。有的数据库从一开始就决定使用分片,并且在开发阶段就把它运行在集群上了,这样自然是极好的,尤其是产品进入上线阶段后。而有的数据库则是想从单机版迁移到分片上来,这个则要谨慎小心,三思而后行。这种情况下最好还是继续single-server 模式,直到现有的服务能力已经明显无法应付负载量时再使用分片技术。

In any case the step from a single node to sharding is going to be tricky. We have heard tales of teams getting into trouble because they left sharding to very late, so when they turned it on in production their database became essentially unavailable because the sharding support consumed all the database resources for moving the data onto new shards. The lesson here is to use sharding well before you need to—when you have enough headroom to carry out the sharding.

总之从一个单独的节点迁移成多节点的分片终究是个复杂的活,so tricky啊。我们听到过有的团队迁移到分片的过程中遇到了麻烦,因为她们决定分片的时间太晚了。当产品都上线了,数据库却不能访问了。因为这时候你正在把数据迁移到新的分片上,这个过程中消耗了数据库所有的资源,这时候就没法处理数据访问请求了。所以我们得出的经验是,要分片就趁早,也就是说在还有余地的时候就尽快的将数据迁移到分片上。

以上是今天的内容,下期我们讨论有关Master-Slave Replication 的内容!

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2016-04-22,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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