社区首页 >专栏 >厂商专访︱指挥家VR:从泛房产到泛娱乐,技术沉淀至关重要


发布2018-05-14 15:16:21
发布2018-05-14 15:16:21

编者按:继四分卫的《野猫小队:营救莱恩》(Wildcats: Rescue Lane)和黑桃银月的《撩妹日记》后,本次的专访给大家带来的仍是一款VR游戏——Convict VR。有意思的是,这款游戏是由以VR地产业务闻名的指挥家VR开发的。相信有不少读者和VRPinea一样,对Convict VR,对指挥家VR未来的布局和业务走向充满好奇。为此,VRPinea对指挥家VR的联合创始人白志艺及其游戏工作室的负责人Frenkie进行了专访。




小编在前文曾提到过,指挥家VR在VR泛地产领域做的非常成功,为什么一家已经拥有稳定现金流的公司会涉足相对来说赚不到什么钱的VR游戏项目呢?对此,指挥家VR的联合创始人白志艺的回答是:“跟大众爱好有关。除了VR房产,VR游戏和VR影视业务我们很早就有规划。但2014年底,VR市场刚刚起步,晕眩感、体验感以及交互等都是问题,这并不是一个研发VR游戏的好时机。所以我们当时决定先从TO B方面,即商业化应用(如VR房产)方面入手,到15年下半年才开始尝试一些泛娱乐化的业务”。






关于Convict VR,你想知道的都在这里


Q:When did you start your first VR game "Convict VR", which engine did youuse?

when will you finish it, could you pls note us the currentprogress of it?


A:We started theproduction in May 2016. Before that we worked on the concept for about 6 weeks.

We currently have sheduled our firstrelease on October 15th 2016. This will be our arcade edition which isoptimized to be played in VR arcade halls. After the arcade edition we plan todo a steam version which will be release a couple of months later. For thatversion there is no official release date yet but we expect it in Q1 of 2017.


我们的首个版本(街机版本)暂定于今年10月15日发布,适用于线下体验店。明年的第一季度将推出正式版本,登陆Steam 以及HTC Viveport平台。

Q:Ok,then which game engine did you based on ?

Convict VR是由什么引擎开发的?

A:ConvictVR is beingdeveloped in Epic's Unreal Engine 4.

Our parent company 指挥家 has beenworking with Unreal Engine for a long period due to the high visuals the engineoffers. This meant our team was very familiar with Unreal which made it alogical choice. Another great feature of Unreal is their Blueprint system whichmakes prototyping a lot easier for our designers which speeds up ourdevelopment process. VR is a lot about experimenting, so our designers beingable to do that themselves is a tremendous advantage.

用的引擎是Epic's Unreal Engine 4。因为指挥家与Unreal Engine一直保持着长期的合作关系,UE4的显示效果非常好。我们对UE4也很熟悉,其最大特点——Blueprint system(蓝图系统)简化了我们设计师的工作流程,提高了工作效率。VR是一个需要反复实验的技术,能够简化工作流程、提高工作效率对游戏开发而言,是一个巨大的优势。


Q:We know the type of this game is FPS+MMO, Small arena withlots of obstacles, whydid you choose such type of game as your first VR game?

Convict VR是一款什么类型的游戏,FPS+MMO,小型竞技场、多障碍?为什么会想到做这样一款这样类型的游戏?

A:Yes, Convict VR is amultiplayer VR first person shooter. Right now, there are a good amount ofshooters out already. Most of these are based on 'waves', meaning A.I. enemieskeep coming at you and you need to stay alive as long as possible. While someof these game are stunning and a lot of fun. Their replay value goes down veryfast. Multiplayer adds a social layer and keeps the game much more interesting.A fight is never the same because you battle actual people. This makes it morechallenging and much more rewarding.

Convict VR是一款多玩家的第一人称视角游戏。这种FPS类型的游戏现在市面上已经有很多了,大部分都是属于敌人入侵、玩家守卫防护的。虽然这些游戏很令人感到惊艳,也有很多的乐趣,但其自身的价值却下降的非常快,并不能长期吸引玩家。而多人游戏的出现,增加了社交性和互动性以及游戏的趣味性,玩家每次的战斗都是不同的,能感觉到玩家是在跟真人游戏和斗争,这使得Convict VR更具挑战性,更有成就感。

The small arena and the many obstacles area design choice we made while experimenting with level design. We have anunique teleportation system that prevents sickness and keeps fast paced actionbut VR limits the distance you can travel. Traditional first person shootersoften cover and extensive amount of ground and you run around 7 times fasterthan in real life. In VR you actually are walking so players move much slower.


In order to give the players an element ofsurprise we needed to add places to hide and find cover. It was reallyinteresting when we were testing. We started with big maps thinking of epicbattles, but it turned out to be a game of hide and seek. So we needed to adaptin order to make it fun in VR.

So it wasn't so much as a choice, but itnaturally happen as we were testing our original concept.




Q:Sobesides moving around, can players jump in this game? if so, how did youachieve it?

Convict VR是否能实现玩家的跳跃和走动?若能,是如何实现的?

A:Jumping is aninteresting thing in VR. Just like walking in VR it is the same as in reallife. So in theory you can jump as high as you can jump in real life. But if wewould recreate jumping, it would be an involuntary action which equals gettingsick in VR. So we did not create the ability to make your character jump.Instead we allow players to teleport upwards to higher places so you can stillfind a good spot to take out your sniper rifle.


Q:Ok,you said you have an unique teleportation system that prevents sickness, butwill players still feel sick or dizziness when they played for a bit long time?


A:About 500 peoplehave now played the game. These were people that attended MWC and Chinajoy,none of which have reported any sign of VR sickness. Long play test have beendone in the office where nobody at this point has experienced VR sickness.Unfortunately, I get sick very fast when viewing motion in VR so I am a greattest subject. The longest play session I had was two hours and I had to stop becauseI was physically exhausted but not sick. So far play time is limited by yourown stamina.


Q:Now,let'stalk about some details in the game, how do you set the bullettrajectory in thegame?

Convict VR的弹道是如何设置?

A:For bullettrajectory we use the linetrace (ray casting) functionality in blueprint. Wesetup two points within the gun mesh to get the angle and direction the gun isfacing and create a forward vector. The point where the forward vector collideswith an object is where the bullet impact will be.

对于追踪子弹轨迹,我们使用了蓝图line trace(光线投射)的功能。我们设置了枪和子弹的角度和方向,并计算了子弹向前的轨迹。其中,前向矢量与物体碰撞的点是子弹会冲击到的地方。

Q:Howmany types of guns the game provide?

Convict VR中的枪械有几种?

A:In our Octoberrelease there will be 3 characters available all with unique weapons. Therewill be a sniper, a soldier and a ninja. There will be 5 different weapons,when we add new characters in future updates it will also mean more newweapons!


Q:OK,and which is the Battle Mode you set? Coordination, Confrontation or Fuzion ?

Convict VR采用了哪种对战模式?协同,对抗还是大乱斗?

A:We have 3 gamemodes. They all depend on which map you play. There is "search anddestroy", where two teams both have a shield to protect and attack. Thereis the traditional 'Death match' where everybody attacks everybody and you needto get as many kills as possible and we have 'King of the hill' where bothteams compete over the control of a central point in the map.


Q:Didyou add any "physical crushing effects" into the game during theattacks? such as render the visual effect when the bullet breakdown sth,in order to shock the viewers. If so, how did youachieve it ?

Convict VR是否有物理破碎效果?若有,是如何做到的?

A:Yes, when wecalculate the bullet trajectory. We receive a hit point and what actor(object)it is. Based on that information we spawn visual effects at that exact locationso the player sees the impact of the bullet.


Q:Ok,then which peripherals and carriers can this game match? For example, HTC Vivehandle or other carriers?

Convict VR能匹配和兼容那些外设和载具?

A:We have focused onthe HTC Vive in this stage of development because their hardware perfectly fitsour needs. We consider other platforms in a later stage.

我们已经考虑的是HTC Vive,因为他们的硬件设备十分契合我们游戏的需求。但我们也会在游戏后续的更新中陆续支持和适配其他平台的设备。

Q:Sinceyour official edition will be come out next year, will it be available on steamor other platforms? if so, How cloud you solve the problem of the delay duringthe cloud battle ?

Convict VR会上架Steam等平台吗?云端对战中的延迟如何解决?

A:Yes, we aim torelease on Steam and HTC Viveport.

Currently we are experimenting with this.To make sure that lag stays at a minimum we are optimizing our backend systemand increasing the amount of players gradually. We started with 1vs1 andcurrently support 3v3 battles. We will improve on this as we go.



Q:OK,so as a whole, is there any difficulties you met when you are developing?

Convict VR在研发过程中有没有遇到什么困难?

A:The most difficultthing is 'not knowing what works best' in VR. We all have experience in gamedevelopment, but the things that worked great in games before are not so greatin VR. So many assumption are wrong so you often find yourself changing things.

It also makes it more fun because it is achallenge again. I have a lot of fun battling my colleagues and I am sure ourplayers will feel the same way when we release.



Q:What about your opinion on the "VR games industry" ? It may not pay back soon, but there are so many companies and studios rush into it ?


A: Making money in VR is a challenge. But this is also a unique opportunity to be part of a new industry from the beginning. Those that develop for VR now will be the one who really understand it when it is more mature. It is an investment for the future.



本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2016-09-01,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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