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Lint Tool Analysis (2)

发布2018-08-01 14:59:33
发布2018-08-01 14:59:33




2. client.api包中的重要类

(1) LintClient类是指调用lint检查的来源(客户端),可能是在Android Studio中或者在gradle中,也可能是在终端通过命令行的形式来调用。LintClient只是一个抽象类,主要实现类有IntellijLintClient,顾名思义它是指在Intellij(Android Studio)中执行lint,它还有两个子类,分别是批量进行lint检查的BatchLintClient和针对当前编辑器中单个文件执行lint检查的EditorLintClient;另一个实现是LintClientWrapper,这个类定义在LintDriver中,它并没有具体去实现那些方法,而是采用代理模式的形式进行了一层封装,被封装的LintClient可能是IntellijLintClient或者BatchLintClient或者EditorLintClient等。 通俗来讲,LintClient是指去调用lint检查的来源(客户端),它会提供执行lint检查的相关环境信息。

LintClient中定义了一个值为com.android.tools.lint.bindir的常量,它是作为键值用来指向lint命令所在的目录,获取这个目录的方法是getLintBinDir,它先会去系统属性中查找(用java -jar xxx -Dcom.android.tools.lint.bindir=value的形式设置的),如果没找到的话会再去系统环境变量中查找,有了这个路径的话可以利用相对路径从而方便去获取其他资源,参见其中的getSdkHomefindResource方法。当我们在终端输入lint命令的时候,lint脚本会自动帮我们设置com.android.tools.lint.bindir的值,这个我们后面分析lint脚本源码的时候可以看到。

 * Information about the tool embedding the lint analyzer. IDEs and other tools
 * implementing lint support will extend this to integrate logging, displaying errors,
 * etc.
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared
 * to adjust your code for the next tools release.</b>
public abstract class LintClient {
    private static final String PROP_BIN_DIR  = "com.android.tools.lint.bindir";
     * Returns the File corresponding to the system property or the environment variable
     * for {@link #PROP_BIN_DIR}.
     * This property is typically set by the SDK/tools/lint[.bat] wrapper.
     * It denotes the path of the wrapper on disk.
     * @return A new File corresponding to {@link LintClient#PROP_BIN_DIR} or null.
    private static File getLintBinDir() {
        // First check the Java properties (e.g. set using "java -jar ... -Dname=value")
        String path = System.getProperty(PROP_BIN_DIR);
        if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
            // If not found, check environment variables.
            path = System.getenv(PROP_BIN_DIR);
        if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
            File file = new File(path);
            if (file.exists()) {
                return file;
        return null;
     * Returns the File pointing to the user's SDK install area. This is generally
     * the root directory containing the lint tool (but also platforms/ etc).
     * @return a file pointing to the user's install area
    public File getSdkHome() {
        File binDir = getLintBinDir();
        if (binDir != null) {
            assert binDir.getName().equals("tools");

            File root = binDir.getParentFile();
            if (root != null && root.isDirectory()) {
                return root;

        String home = System.getenv("ANDROID_HOME"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (home != null) {
            return new File(home);

        return null;

     * Locates an SDK resource (relative to the SDK root directory).
     * <p>
     * TODO: Consider switching to a {@link URL} return type instead.
     * @param relativePath A relative path (using {@link File#separator} to
     *            separate path components) to the given resource
     * @return a {@link File} pointing to the resource, or null if it does not
     *         exist
    public File findResource(@NonNull String relativePath) {
        File top = getSdkHome();
        if (top == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lint must be invoked with the System property "
                   + PROP_BIN_DIR + " pointing to the ANDROID_SDK tools directory");

        File file = new File(top, relativePath);
        if (file.exists()) {
            return file;
        } else {
            return null;


 * Report the given issue. This method will only be called if the configuration
 * provided by {@link #getConfiguration(Project,LintDriver)} has reported the corresponding
 * issue as enabled and has not filtered out the issue with its
 * {@link Configuration#ignore(Context,Issue,Location,String)} method.
 * <p>
 * @param context the context used by the detector when the issue was found
 * @param issue the issue that was found
 * @param severity the severity of the issue
 * @param location the location of the issue
 * @param message the associated user message
 * @param format the format of the description and location descriptions
public abstract void report(
        @NonNull Context context,
        @NonNull Issue issue,
        @NonNull Severity severity,
        @NonNull Location location,
        @NonNull String message,
        @NonNull TextFormat format);

 * Send an exception or error message to the log
 * @param severity the severity of the warning
 * @param exception the exception, possibly null
 * @param format the error message using {@link String#format} syntax, possibly null
 *    (though in that case the exception should not be null)
 * @param args any arguments for the format string
public abstract void log(
        @NonNull Severity severity,
        @Nullable Throwable exception,
        @Nullable String format,
        @Nullable Object... args);

 * Returns a {@link XmlParser} to use to parse XML
 * @return a new {@link XmlParser}, or null if this client does not support
 *         XML analysis
public abstract XmlParser getXmlParser();

 * Returns a {@link JavaParser} to use to parse Java
 * @param project the project to parse, if known (this can be used to look up
 *                the class path for type attribution etc, and it can also be used
 *                to more efficiently process a set of files, for example to
 *                perform type attribution for multiple units in a single pass)
 * @return a new {@link JavaParser}, or null if this client does not
 *         support Java analysis
public abstract JavaParser getJavaParser(@Nullable Project project);

 * Reads the given text file and returns the content as a string
 * @param file the file to read
 * @return the string to return, never null (will be empty if there is an
 *         I/O error)
public abstract String readFile(@NonNull File file);


 * Information about class paths (sources, class files and libraries)
 * usually associated with a project.
protected static class ClassPathInfo {
    private final List<File> mClassFolders;
    private final List<File> mSourceFolders;
    private final List<File> mLibraries;
    private final List<File> mNonProvidedLibraries;
    private final List<File> mTestFolders;

    public ClassPathInfo(
            @NonNull List<File> sourceFolders,
            @NonNull List<File> classFolders,
            @NonNull List<File> libraries,
            @NonNull List<File> nonProvidedLibraries,
            @NonNull List<File> testFolders) {
        mSourceFolders = sourceFolders;
        mClassFolders = classFolders;
        mLibraries = libraries;
        mNonProvidedLibraries = nonProvidedLibraries;
        mTestFolders = testFolders;

    public List<File> getSourceFolders() {
        return mSourceFolders;

    public List<File> getClassFolders() {
        return mClassFolders;

    public List<File> getLibraries(boolean includeProvided) {
        return includeProvided ? mLibraries : mNonProvidedLibraries;

    public List<File> getTestSourceFolders() {
        return mTestFolders;

 * Considers the given project as an Eclipse project and returns class path
 * information for the project - the source folder(s), the output folder and
 * any libraries.
 * <p>
 * Callers will not cache calls to this method, so if it's expensive to compute
 * the classpath info, this method should perform its own caching.
 * @param project the project to look up class path info for
 * @return a class path info object, never null
protected ClassPathInfo getClassPath(@NonNull Project project) {
    ClassPathInfo info;
    if (mProjectInfo == null) {
        mProjectInfo = Maps.newHashMap();
        info = null;
    } else {
        info = mProjectInfo.get(project);

    if (info == null) {
        List<File> sources = new ArrayList<File>(2);
        List<File> classes = new ArrayList<File>(1);
        List<File> libraries = new ArrayList<File>();
        // No test folders in Eclipse:
        // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=224708
        List<File> tests = Collections.emptyList();

        File projectDir = project.getDir();
        File classpathFile = new File(projectDir, ".classpath"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (classpathFile.exists()) {
            String classpathXml = readFile(classpathFile);
            try {
                Document document = XmlUtils.parseDocument(classpathXml, false);
                NodeList tags = document.getElementsByTagName("classpathentry"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                for (int i = 0, n = tags.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
                    Element element = (Element) tags.item(i);
                    String kind = element.getAttribute("kind"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    List<File> addTo = null;
                    if (kind.equals("src")) {            //$NON-NLS-1$
                        addTo = sources;
                    } else if (kind.equals("output")) {  //$NON-NLS-1$
                        addTo = classes;
                    } else if (kind.equals("lib")) {     //$NON-NLS-1$
                        addTo = libraries;
                    if (addTo != null) {
                        String path = element.getAttribute("path"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        File folder = new File(projectDir, path);
                        if (folder.exists()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log(null, null);

        // Add in libraries that aren't specified in the .classpath file
        File libs = new File(project.getDir(), LIBS_FOLDER);//添加 libs 目录下的jar文件
        if (libs.isDirectory()) {
            File[] jars = libs.listFiles();
            if (jars != null) {
                for (File jar : jars) {
                    if (endsWith(jar.getPath(), DOT_JAR)
                            && !libraries.contains(jar)) {

        if (classes.isEmpty()) {
            File folder = new File(projectDir, CLASS_FOLDER);//添加 bin/classes 文件夹
            if (folder.exists()) {
            } else {//检查是否是maven项目,如果是的话编译得到的class文件是在 target/classes 目录下
                // Maven checks
                folder = new File(projectDir,
                        "target" + File.separator + "classes"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                if (folder.exists()) {

                    // If it's maven, also correct the source path, "src" works but
                    // it's in a more specific subfolder
                    if (sources.isEmpty()) {//如果真的是maven项目的话,那么src/main/java目录是一个源码目录
                        File src = new File(projectDir,
                                "src" + File.separator     //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + "main" + File.separator  //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + "java");                 //$NON-NLS-1$
                        if (src.exists()) {
                        } else {
                            src = new File(projectDir, SRC_FOLDER);
                            if (src.exists()) {

                        //有些class文件是自动生成的,存放在 target/generated-sources/r 目录下
                        File gen = new File(projectDir,
                                "target" + File.separator                  //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + "generated-sources" + File.separator     //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + "r");                                    //$NON-NLS-1$
                        if (gen.exists()) {

        // Fallback, in case there is no Eclipse project metadata here
        if (sources.isEmpty()) {
            File src = new File(projectDir, SRC_FOLDER);
            if (src.exists()) {
            File gen = new File(projectDir, GEN_FOLDER);
            if (gen.exists()) {

        info = new ClassPathInfo(sources, classes, libraries, libraries, tests);
        mProjectInfo.put(project, info);

    return info;

除了ClassPathInfo之外,还有很多其他的数据也会在LintClient中处理,例如本机的Android SDK的信息以及项目中使用的buildtoolcompileSdk等。

protected AndroidSdkHandler mSdk;//获取本机的 Android SDK 的相关信息

 * Returns the SDK installation (used to look up platforms etc)
 * @return the SDK if known
public AndroidSdkHandler getSdk() {
    if (mSdk == null) {
        File sdkHome = getSdkHome();
        if (sdkHome != null) {
            mSdk = AndroidSdkHandler.getInstance(sdkHome);

    return mSdk;

protected IAndroidTarget[] mTargets;//获取 Android SDK 中已有的 Platform targets

 * Returns all the {@link IAndroidTarget} versions installed in the user's SDK install
 * area.
 * @return all the installed targets
public IAndroidTarget[] getTargets() {//获取 Android SDK 中已有的 Platform targets
    if (mTargets == null) {
        AndroidSdkHandler sdkHandler = getSdk();
        if (sdkHandler != null) {
            ProgressIndicator logger = getRepositoryLogger();
            Collection<IAndroidTarget> targets = sdkHandler.getAndroidTargetManager(logger)
            mTargets = targets.toArray(new IAndroidTarget[targets.size()]);
        } else {
            mTargets = new IAndroidTarget[0];

    return mTargets;

 * Returns the compile target to use for the given project
 * @param project the project in question
 * @return the compile target to use to build the given project
public IAndroidTarget getCompileTarget(@NonNull Project project) {//获取项目中使用的 compileSdkVersion
    int buildSdk = project.getBuildSdk();
    IAndroidTarget[] targets = getTargets();
    for (int i = targets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        IAndroidTarget target = targets[i];
        if (target.isPlatform() && target.getVersion().getApiLevel() == buildSdk) {
            return target;

    return null;
 * Returns the specific version of the build tools being used for the given project, if known
 * @param project the project in question
 * @return the build tools version in use by the project, or null if not known
public BuildToolInfo getBuildTools(@NonNull Project project) {//获取 build tools 的信息
    AndroidSdkHandler sdk = getSdk();
    // Build systems like Eclipse and ant just use the latest available
    // build tools, regardless of project metadata. In Gradle, this
    // method is overridden to use the actual build tools specified in the
    // project.
    if (sdk != null) {
        IAndroidTarget compileTarget = getCompileTarget(project);
        if (compileTarget != null) {
            return compileTarget.getBuildToolInfo();
        return sdk.getLatestBuildTool(getRepositoryLogger(), false);

    return null;

最有意思的是,lint规则的查找过程也是在LintClient中定义的,下面的代码片段中包含两个重要的查找自定义lint规则的方法。从下面的代码片段中我们终于可以知道为什么放在~/.android/lint目录下的自定义lint规则的jar包能够被识别,指定ANDROID_LINT_JARS环境变量也能够识别,或者将lint.jar放在aar中也能够被识别! - findGlobalRuleJars方法会在~/.android/lint/目录下找jar包,或者由$ANDROID_LINT_JARS环境变量指定的jar包,这些自定义的lint规则都是作用于全局的,也就是对于本机的所有Android工程都生效。 - findRuleJars方法是针对指定的project去查找自定义的lint规则,从源码来看,针对project自定义lint规则时只适用于基于Gradle的项目,包括普通的项目和库项目(library project)。

 * Finds any custom lint rule jars that should be included for analysis,
 * regardless of project.
 * <p>
 * The default implementation locates custom lint jars in ~/.android/lint/ and
 * @return a list of rule jars (possibly empty).
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // Intentionally instance method so it can be overridden
public List<File> findGlobalRuleJars() {
    // Look for additional detectors registered by the user, via
    // (1) an environment variable (useful for build servers etc), and
    // (2) via jar files in the .android/lint directory
    List<File> files = null;
    try {
        String androidHome = AndroidLocation.getFolder();//在 .android/lint 目录下找
        File lint = new File(androidHome + File.separator + "lint"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (lint.exists()) {
            File[] list = lint.listFiles();
            if (list != null) {
                for (File jarFile : list) {
                    if (endsWith(jarFile.getName(), DOT_JAR)) {
                        if (files == null) {
                            files = new ArrayList<File>();
    } catch (AndroidLocation.AndroidLocationException e) {
        // Ignore -- no android dir, so no rules to load.

    //在环境变量 ANDROID_LINT_JARS 目录下找
    String lintClassPath = System.getenv("ANDROID_LINT_JARS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (lintClassPath != null && !lintClassPath.isEmpty()) {
        String[] paths = lintClassPath.split(File.pathSeparator);
        for (String path : paths) {
            File jarFile = new File(path);
            if (jarFile.exists()) {
                if (files == null) {
                    files = new ArrayList<File>();
                } else if (files.contains(jarFile)) {

    return files != null ? files : Collections.<File>emptyList();

 * Finds any custom lint rule jars that should be included for analysis
 * in the given project
 * @param project the project to look up rule jars from
 * @return a list of rule jars (possibly empty).
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // Intentionally instance method so it can be overridden
public List<File> findRuleJars(@NonNull Project project) {
    if (project.isGradleProject()) {
        if (project.isLibrary()) {//如果是gradle library项目,查找其中的 lint.jar 文件
            AndroidLibrary model = project.getGradleLibraryModel();
            if (model != null) {
                File lintJar = model.getLintJar();
                if (lintJar.exists()) {
                    return Collections.singletonList(lintJar);
        } else if (project.getSubset() != null) {
          //如果该项目有很多个子项目,那就检查当前variant下的依赖中的library project中是否包含了lint.jar
            // Probably just analyzing a single file: we still want to look for custom
            // rules applicable to the file
            List<File> rules = null;
            final Variant variant = project.getCurrentVariant();
            if (variant != null) {
                Collection<AndroidLibrary> libraries = variant.getMainArtifact()
                for (AndroidLibrary library : libraries) {
                    File lintJar = library.getLintJar();
                    if (lintJar.exists()) {
                        if (rules == null) {
                            rules = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(4);
                if (rules != null) {
                    return rules;
        } else if (project.getDir().getPath().endsWith(DOT_AAR)) {
            File lintJar = new File(project.getDir(), "lint.jar"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (lintJar.exists()) {
                return Collections.singletonList(lintJar);

    return Collections.emptyList();

(2) IssueRegistry类用来管理需要检查的问题列表,其中还定义了三个特殊的问题:PARSER_ERROR表示lint解析文件时出错了;LINT_ERROR表示lint检查过程中出现错误,但不是用户代码的错误;CANCELLED表示用户取消了lint检查。除此之外,该类中还有一个重要方法createDetectors,用来根据指定的Configuration和Scope来创建检查器列表。 通俗来讲,IssueRegistry就是lint要检查的问题集合。

 * Registry which provides a list of checks to be performed on an Android project
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared
 * to adjust your code for the next tools release.</b>
public abstract class IssueRegistry {
    private static volatile List<Category> sCategories;//问题的类别列表
    private static volatile Map<String, Issue> sIdToIssue;//问题及其对应的issue
    private static Map<EnumSet<Scope>, List<Issue>> sScopeIssues = Maps.newHashMap();//某个特定的scope内的问题列表

     * Issue reported by lint (not a specific detector) when it cannot even
     * parse an XML file prior to analysis
    public static final Issue PARSER_ERROR = Issue.create(
            "ParserError", //$NON-NLS-1$
            "Parser Errors",
            "Lint will ignore any files that contain fatal parsing errors. These may contain " +
            "other errors, or contain code which affects issues in other files.",

     * Issue reported by lint for various other issues which prevents lint from
     * running normally when it's not necessarily an error in the user's code base.
    public static final Issue LINT_ERROR = Issue.create(
        "LintError", //$NON-NLS-1$
        "Lint Failure",
        "This issue type represents a problem running lint itself. Examples include " +
        "failure to find bytecode for source files (which means certain detectors " +
        "could not be run), parsing errors in lint configuration files, etc." +
        "\n" +
        "These errors are not errors in your own code, but they are shown to make " +
        "it clear that some checks were not completed.",

     * Creates a list of detectors applicable to the given scope, and with the
     * given configuration.
     * @param client the client to report errors to
     * @param configuration the configuration to look up which issues are
     *            enabled etc from
     * @param scope the scope for the analysis, to filter out detectors that
     *            require wider analysis than is currently being performed
     * @param scopeToDetectors an optional map which (if not null) will be
     *            filled by this method to contain mappings from each scope to
     *            the applicable detectors for that scope
     * @return a list of new detector instances
    final List<? extends Detector> createDetectors(
            @NonNull LintClient client,
            @NonNull Configuration configuration,
            @NonNull EnumSet<Scope> scope,
            @Nullable Map<Scope, List<Detector>> scopeToDetectors) {

        List<Issue> issues = getIssuesForScope(scope);//获取该scope内的问题列表
        if (issues.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        Set<Class<? extends Detector>> detectorClasses = new HashSet<Class<? extends Detector>>();
        Map<Class<? extends Detector>, EnumSet<Scope>> detectorToScope =
                new HashMap<Class<? extends Detector>, EnumSet<Scope>>();

        for (Issue issue : issues) {//遍历问题列表,取出它们的Detector以及scope集合
            Implementation implementation = issue.getImplementation();
            Class<? extends Detector> detectorClass = implementation.getDetectorClass();
            EnumSet<Scope> issueScope = implementation.getScope();
            if (!detectorClasses.contains(detectorClass)) {
                // Determine if the issue is enabled
                if (!configuration.isEnabled(issue)) {//看configuration中是否开启了这个问题

                assert implementation.isAdequate(scope); // Ensured by getIssuesForScope above
                detectorClass = client.replaceDetector(detectorClass);
                assert detectorClass != null : issue.getId();

            if (scopeToDetectors != null) {
                EnumSet<Scope> s = detectorToScope.get(detectorClass);
                if (s == null) {
                    detectorToScope.put(detectorClass, issueScope);
                } else if (!s.containsAll(issueScope)) {
                    EnumSet<Scope> union = EnumSet.copyOf(s);
                    detectorToScope.put(detectorClass, union);

        List<Detector> detectors = new ArrayList<Detector>(detectorClasses.size());
        for (Class<? extends Detector> clz : detectorClasses) {
            try {
                Detector detector = clz.newInstance();

                if (scopeToDetectors != null) {
                    EnumSet<Scope> union = detectorToScope.get(clz);
                    for (Scope s : union) {
                        List<Detector> list = scopeToDetectors.get(s);
                        if (list == null) {
                            list = new ArrayList<Detector>();
                            scopeToDetectors.put(s, list);

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                client.log(t, "Can't initialize detector %1$s", clz.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$

        return detectors;


public abstract List<Issue> getIssues();

IssueRegistry类有几个特别重要的实现子类,例如BuiltinIssueRegistry是系统内置的lint检查器集合,目前共有263个issue;CompositeIssueRegistry是一个将很多IssueRegistry中的issue整合到一起的IssueRegistry;还有一个很重要的用于加载jar文件中的IssueRegistry的类JarFileIssueRegistry,前面我们自定义的lint规则的jar包就是由它来解析并加载的。 在自定义lint规则生成jar包时我们提到过要在build.gradle文件中给jar文件添加Lint-Registry的属性值,因为这里会进行检查,如果没有配置的话就不算是合法的lint包。此外,这个类使用了缓存机制来保存已经加载过的jar文件,所以也就导致了我们在自定义lint中出现的更改jar包但是Android Studio并没有更新lint规则的bug!

 * <p> An {@link IssueRegistry} for a custom lint rule jar file. The rule jar should provide a
 * manifest entry with the key {@code Lint-Registry} and the value of the fully qualified name of an
 * implementation of {@link IssueRegistry} (with a default constructor). </p>
 * <p> NOTE: The custom issue registry should not extend this file; it should be a plain
 * IssueRegistry! This file is used internally to wrap the given issue registry.</p>
class JarFileIssueRegistry extends IssueRegistry {
     * Manifest constant for declaring an issue provider. Example: Lint-Registry:
     * foo.bar.CustomIssueRegistry
    private static final String MF_LINT_REGISTRY_OLD = "Lint-Registry"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String MF_LINT_REGISTRY = "Lint-Registry-v2"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static Map<File, SoftReference<JarFileIssueRegistry>> sCache;
    private final List<Issue> myIssues;
    private boolean mHasLegacyDetectors;

    /** True if one or more java detectors were found that use the old Lombok-based API */
    public boolean hasLegacyDetectors() {
        return mHasLegacyDetectors;

    static JarFileIssueRegistry get(@NonNull LintClient client, @NonNull File jarFile)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException,
            InstantiationException {
        if (sCache == null) {
           sCache = new HashMap<File, SoftReference<JarFileIssueRegistry>>();
        } else {
            SoftReference<JarFileIssueRegistry> reference = sCache.get(jarFile);
            if (reference != null) {
                JarFileIssueRegistry registry = reference.get();
                if (registry != null) {
                    return registry;

        // Ensure that the scope-to-detector map doesn't return stale results

        JarFileIssueRegistry registry = new JarFileIssueRegistry(client, jarFile);
        sCache.put(jarFile, new SoftReference<JarFileIssueRegistry>(registry));
        return registry;

    private JarFileIssueRegistry(@NonNull LintClient client, @NonNull File file)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException,
                    InstantiationException {
        myIssues = Lists.newArrayList();
        JarFile jarFile = null;
        try {
            //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed
            jarFile = new JarFile(file);
            Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
            Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
            Object object = attrs.get(new Attributes.Name(MF_LINT_REGISTRY));
            boolean isLegacy = false;
            if (object == null) {
                object = attrs.get(new Attributes.Name(MF_LINT_REGISTRY_OLD));
                //noinspection VariableNotUsedInsideIf
                if (object != null) {
                    // It's an old rule. We don't yet conclude that
                    //   mHasLegacyDetectors=true
                    // because the lint checks may not be Java related.
                    isLegacy = true;
            if (object instanceof String) {
                String className = (String) object;
                // Make a class loader for this jar
                URL url = SdkUtils.fileToUrl(file);
                ClassLoader loader = client.createUrlClassLoader(new URL[]{url},
                Class<?> registryClass = Class.forName(className, true, loader);
                IssueRegistry registry = (IssueRegistry) registryClass.newInstance();

                if (isLegacy) {
                    // If it's an old registry, look through the issues to see if it
                    // provides Java scanning and if so create the old style visitors
                    for (Issue issue : myIssues) {
                        EnumSet<Scope> scope = issue.getImplementation().getScope();
                        if (scope.contains(Scope.JAVA_FILE) || scope.contains(Scope.JAVA_LIBRARIES)
                                || scope.contains(Scope.ALL_JAVA_FILES)) {
                            mHasLegacyDetectors = true;

                if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
                    loadAndCloseURLClassLoader(client, file, (URLClassLoader)loader);
            } else {
                client.log(Severity.ERROR, null,
                    "Custom lint rule jar %1$s does not contain a valid registry manifest key " +
                    "(%2$s).\n" +
                    "Either the custom jar is invalid, or it uses an outdated API not supported " +
                    "this lint client", file.getPath(), MF_LINT_REGISTRY);
        } finally {
            if (jarFile != null) {

(3) LintDriver类是一个核心类,其中汇集了对Android工程或文件进行Lint检查所需的主要元素,包含了上面的LintClientIssueRegistry等重要类,还有表示一次lint检查的请求LintClient以及监听lint检查过程的LintListener集合等数据。 通俗来讲,LintDriver包含了一次lint检查时的所有信息,由它来进行lint检查的过程。

 * Analyzes Android projects and files
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared
 * to adjust your code for the next tools release.</b>
public class LintDriver {
     * Max number of passes to run through the lint runner if requested by
     * {@link #requestRepeat}
    private static final int MAX_PHASES = 3;
    private static final String SUPPRESS_LINT_VMSIG = '/' + SUPPRESS_LINT + ';';
    /** Prefix used by the comment suppress mechanism in Studio/IntelliJ */
    private static final String STUDIO_ID_PREFIX = "AndroidLint";

    private final LintClient mClient;//检查器调用端,可能是android studio或者gradle或者cli
    private LintRequest mRequest;
    private IssueRegistry mRegistry;//问题注册中心
    private volatile boolean mCanceled;
    private EnumSet<Scope> mScope;
    private List<? extends Detector> mApplicableDetectors;
    private Map<Scope, List<Detector>> mScopeDetectors;
    private List<LintListener> mListeners;
    private int mPhase;
    private List<Detector> mRepeatingDetectors;
    private EnumSet<Scope> mRepeatScope;
    private Project[] mCurrentProjects;
    private Project mCurrentProject;
    private boolean mAbbreviating = true;
    private boolean mParserErrors;
    private Map<Object,Object> mProperties;
    /** Whether we need to look for legacy (old Lombok-based Java API) detectors */
    private boolean mRunCompatChecks = true;


private Set<Issue> myCustomIssues;//自定义的lint规则集合

* Returns true if the given issue is an issue that was loaded as a custom rule
* (e.g. a 3rd-party library provided the detector, it's not built in)
* @param issue the issue to be looked up
* @return true if this is a custom (non-builtin) check
public boolean isCustomIssue(@NonNull Issue issue) {//判断某个issue是否是自定义的issue
   return myCustomIssues != null && myCustomIssues.contains(issue);

private void registerCustomDetectors(Collection<Project> projects) {
   // Look at the various projects, and if any of them provide a custom
   // lint jar, "add" them (this will replace the issue registry with
   // a CompositeIssueRegistry containing the original issue registry
   // plus JarFileIssueRegistry instances for each lint jar
   Set<File> jarFiles = Sets.newHashSet();
   for (Project project : projects) {//遍历所有的project以及它们的library project,找出其中所有的lint.jar文件
       for (Project library : project.getAllLibraries()) {


   if (!jarFiles.isEmpty()) {
       List<IssueRegistry> registries = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(jarFiles.size());
       for (File jarFile : jarFiles) {
           try {
               JarFileIssueRegistry registry = JarFileIssueRegistry.get(mClient, jarFile);
               if (registry.hasLegacyDetectors()) {
                   mRunCompatChecks = true;
               if (myCustomIssues == null) {
                   myCustomIssues = Sets.newHashSet();
           } catch (Throwable e) {
               mClient.log(e, "Could not load custom rule jar file %1$s", jarFile);
       if (registries.size() > 1) { // the first item is mRegistry itself
           mRegistry = new CompositeIssueRegistry(registries);


/** Runs the driver to analyze the requested files */
private void analyze() {
    mCanceled = false;
    mScope = mRequest.getScope();
    assert mScope == null || !mScope.contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES) ||

    Collection<Project> projects;
    try {
        projects = mRequest.getProjects();
        if (projects == null) {
            projects = computeProjects(mRequest.getFiles());
    } catch (CircularDependencyException e) {
        mCurrentProject = e.getProject();
        if (mCurrentProject != null) {
            Location location = e.getLocation();
            File file = location != null ? location.getFile() : mCurrentProject.getDir();
            Context context = new Context(this, mCurrentProject, null, file);
            context.report(IssueRegistry.LINT_ERROR, e.getLocation(), e.getMessage());
            mCurrentProject = null;
    if (projects.isEmpty()) {
        mClient.log(null, "No projects found for %1$s", mRequest.getFiles().toString());
    if (mCanceled) {
    if (mScope == null) {//如果范围为空,那么就根据projects来推断范围
        mScope = Scope.infer(projects);
    fireEvent(EventType.STARTING, null);//fireEvent用于触发相应的事件,通知LintListener
    for (Project project : projects) {
        mPhase = 1;
        Project main = mRequest.getMainProject(project);
        // The set of available detectors varies between projects
        if (mApplicableDetectors.isEmpty()) {
            // No detectors enabled in this project: skip it
        checkProject(project, main);
        if (mCanceled) {
        runExtraPhases(project, main);
    fireEvent(mCanceled ? EventType.CANCELED : EventType.COMPLETED, null);


private void checkProject(@NonNull Project project, @NonNull Project main) {
    File projectDir = project.getDir();

    Context projectContext = new Context(this, project, null, projectDir);
    fireEvent(EventType.SCANNING_PROJECT, projectContext);

    List<Project> allLibraries = project.getAllLibraries();
    Set<Project> allProjects = new HashSet<Project>(allLibraries.size() + 1);
    mCurrentProjects = allProjects.toArray(new Project[allProjects.size()]);

    mCurrentProject = project;
    for (Detector check : mApplicableDetectors) {
        if (mCanceled) {

    assert mCurrentProject == project;
    runFileDetectors(project, main);
    if (!Scope.checkSingleFile(mScope)) {
        List<Project> libraries = project.getAllLibraries();
        for (Project library : libraries) {
            Context libraryContext = new Context(this, library, project, projectDir);
            fireEvent(EventType.SCANNING_LIBRARY_PROJECT, libraryContext);
            mCurrentProject = library;

            for (Detector check : mApplicableDetectors) {
                if (mCanceled) {
            assert mCurrentProject == library;
            runFileDetectors(library, main);
            if (mCanceled) {

            assert mCurrentProject == library;
            for (Detector check : mApplicableDetectors) {
                if (mCanceled) {

    mCurrentProject = project;
    for (Detector check : mApplicableDetectors) {
        if (mCanceled) {

    if (mCanceled) {
            // Must provide an issue since API guarantees that the issue parameter
            "Lint canceled by user", TextFormat.RAW);
    mCurrentProjects = null;

方法runFileDetectors的作用就是对文件进行lint检查,上一篇我们提到过lint检查的顺序,从下面的代码我们也可以看出检查的顺序依次是Manifest文件 => Resource文件 => Java源码文件 => Java Class文件 => Gradle文件 => Generic文件 => Proguard文件 => Property文件

private void runFileDetectors(@NonNull Project project, @Nullable Project main) {
    // Look up manifest information (but not for library projects)
    if (project.isAndroidProject()) {
        for (File manifestFile : project.getManifestFiles()) {
            XmlParser parser = mClient.getXmlParser();
            if (parser != null) {
                XmlContext context = new XmlContext(this, project, main, manifestFile, null, parser);
                context.document = parser.parseXml(context);
                if (context.document != null) {
                    try {

                        if ((!project.isLibrary() || (main != null
                                && main.isMergingManifests()))
                                && mScope.contains(Scope.MANIFEST)) {
                            List<Detector> detectors = mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.MANIFEST);
                            if (detectors != null) {
                                ResourceVisitor v = new ResourceVisitor(parser, detectors, null);
                                fireEvent(EventType.SCANNING_FILE, context);
                                v.visitFile(context, manifestFile);
                    } finally {
                      if (context.document != null) { // else: freed by XmlVisitor above
                          parser.dispose(context, context.document);

        // Process both Scope.RESOURCE_FILE and Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES detectors together
        // in a single pass through the resource directories.
        if (mScope.contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES)
                || mScope.contains(Scope.RESOURCE_FILE)
                || mScope.contains(Scope.RESOURCE_FOLDER)
                || mScope.contains(Scope.BINARY_RESOURCE_FILE)) {
            List<Detector> dirChecks = mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.RESOURCE_FOLDER);
            List<Detector> binaryChecks = mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.BINARY_RESOURCE_FILE);
            List<Detector> checks = union(mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.RESOURCE_FILE),
            boolean haveXmlChecks = checks != null && !checks.isEmpty();
            List<ResourceXmlDetector> xmlDetectors;
            if (haveXmlChecks) {
                xmlDetectors = new ArrayList<ResourceXmlDetector>(checks.size());
                for (Detector detector : checks) {
                    if (detector instanceof ResourceXmlDetector) {
                        xmlDetectors.add((ResourceXmlDetector) detector);
                haveXmlChecks = !xmlDetectors.isEmpty();
            } else {
                xmlDetectors = Collections.emptyList();
            if (haveXmlChecks
                    || dirChecks != null && !dirChecks.isEmpty()
                    || binaryChecks != null && !binaryChecks.isEmpty()) {
                List<File> files = project.getSubset();
                if (files != null) {
                    checkIndividualResources(project, main, xmlDetectors, dirChecks,
                            binaryChecks, files);
                } else {
                    List<File> resourceFolders = project.getResourceFolders();
                    if (!resourceFolders.isEmpty()) {
                        for (File res : resourceFolders) {
                            checkResFolder(project, main, res, xmlDetectors, dirChecks,

        if (mCanceled) {

    if (mScope.contains(Scope.JAVA_FILE) || mScope.contains(Scope.ALL_JAVA_FILES)) {
        List<Detector> checks = union(mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.JAVA_FILE),
        if (checks != null && !checks.isEmpty()) {
            List<File> files = project.getSubset();
            if (files != null) {
                checkIndividualJavaFiles(project, main, checks, files);
            } else {
                List<File> sourceFolders = project.getJavaSourceFolders();
                if (mScope.contains(Scope.TEST_SOURCES)) {
                    List<File> testFolders = project.getTestSourceFolders();
                    if (!testFolders.isEmpty()) {
                        List<File> combined = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(
                                sourceFolders.size() + testFolders.size());
                        sourceFolders = combined;

                checkJava(project, main, sourceFolders, checks);


    if (mCanceled) {

    if (mScope.contains(Scope.CLASS_FILE)
            || mScope.contains(Scope.ALL_CLASS_FILES)
            || mScope.contains(Scope.JAVA_LIBRARIES)) {
        checkClasses(project, main);

    if (mCanceled) {

    if (mScope.contains(Scope.GRADLE_FILE)) {
        checkBuildScripts(project, main);

    if (mCanceled) {

    if (mScope.contains(Scope.OTHER)) {
        List<Detector> checks = mScopeDetectors.get(Scope.OTHER);
        if (checks != null) {
            OtherFileVisitor visitor = new OtherFileVisitor(checks);
            visitor.scan(this, project, main);

    if (mCanceled) {

    if (project == main && mScope.contains(Scope.PROGUARD_FILE) &&
            project.isAndroidProject()) {
        checkProGuard(project, main);

    if (project == main && mScope.contains(Scope.PROPERTY_FILE)) {
        checkProperties(project, main);


private void checkIndividualJavaFiles(//检查单个的Java文件
        @NonNull Project project,
        @Nullable Project main,
        @NonNull List<Detector> checks,
        @NonNull List<File> files) {

    JavaParser javaParser = mClient.getJavaParser(project);
    if (javaParser == null) {
        mClient.log(null, "No java parser provided to lint: not running Java checks");

    List<JavaContext> contexts = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(files.size());
    for (File file : files) {
        if (file.isFile() && file.getPath().endsWith(DOT_JAVA)) {
            contexts.add(new JavaContext(this, project, main, file, javaParser));

    if (contexts.isEmpty()) {

    visitJavaFiles(checks, javaParser, contexts);

private void visitJavaFiles(@NonNull List<Detector> checks, JavaParser javaParser,
        List<JavaContext> contexts) {
    // Temporary: we still have some builtin checks that aren't migrated to
    // PSI. Until that's complete, remove them from the list here
    //List<Detector> scanners = checks;
    List<Detector> scanners = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(checks.size());
    for (Detector detector : checks) {
        if (detector instanceof Detector.JavaPsiScanner) {

    JavaPsiVisitor visitor = new JavaPsiVisitor(javaParser, scanners);
    for (JavaContext context : contexts) {
        fireEvent(EventType.SCANNING_FILE, context);
        if (mCanceled) {


    // Only if the user is using some custom lint rules that haven't been updated
    // yet noinspection ConstantConditions
    if (mRunCompatChecks) {
        // Filter the checks to only those that implement JavaScanner
        List<Detector> filtered = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(checks.size());
        for (Detector detector : checks) {
            if (detector instanceof Detector.JavaScanner) {

        if (!filtered.isEmpty()) {
            List<String> detectorNames = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(filtered.size());
            for (Detector detector : filtered) {
            JavaVisitor oldVisitor = new JavaVisitor(javaParser, filtered);

            for (JavaContext context : contexts) {
                fireEvent(EventType.SCANNING_FILE, context);
                if (mCanceled) {


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原始发表:2016/11/18,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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  • 2. client.api包中的重要类
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