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如何使用 orachk 工具

发布2018-08-13 15:07:53
发布2018-08-13 15:07:53

      Oracle RAC 安装完毕后的健壮性是一个令人头疼的问题。之前Oracle为之专门推出了raccheck工具,确实方便了我们这些个苦逼的DBA。现在Oracle在raccheck的基础之上又推出了orachk. orachk包含了EXAchk 的功能并替换了流行的 RACcheck 工具,扩大根据用户报告的最重要问题的优先次序的覆盖面,并且主动扫描E-Business Suite Financials Accounts Payables、Oracle Database、Sun Systems等产品的已知问题。下面将为您揭开其面纱。

1、orachk的功能     将主动扫描您的整个工程系统(Engineered System)以及您系统各层级中最有影响的已知问题。     简化和优化如何调查和分析哪些已知问题对您构成风险     轻量级工具运行在您的环境中,没有数据被发送到 Oracle     总览报告显示您的系统的健康风险,具有深入到具体问题,了解他们的解决方案的能力     可配置它检测到问题时发送电子邮件通知     收集管理器(Collection Manager),一个 Application Express Web 应用程序,提供了搜集整个企业信息的单独仪表盘视图

2、orachk支持的领域、平台及其数据库版本 支持的领域 Oracle Database:       Standalone Database       Grid Infrastructure & RAC       Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Validation       Upgrade Readiness Validation       Golden Gate  E-Business Suite:       Financials Accounts Payables Sun Systems:       Oracle Solaris 

平台及其数据库版本       Linux x86-64* (Enterprise Linux, RedHat and SuSE 9, SuSE 10 & SuSE 11)       Oracle Solaris SPARC (Solaris 10 and 11)       Oracle Solaris x86-64 (Solaris 10 and 11)       AIX **       HPUX**

      * 32-bit platforms not supported, no planned support for Linux Itanium       **Requires BASH Shell 3.2 or higher to be installed

支持的数据库版本: 10gR2、11gR1、11gR2、12cR1

orachk 检查的具体内容       OS kernel parameters       OS packages       Many other OS configuration settings important to RAC.       CRS/Grid Infrastructure       RDBMS       ASM       Database parameters       Many other database configuration settings important to RAC.       Upgrade Readiness assessment for target versions and above 

3、何时需要orachk?       After initial Oracle RAC deployment       Before planned system maintenance       After planned system maintenance       At least once every three months

4、配置及运行orachk       a、下载orachk工具,目前最新的版本是ORAchk 2.2.4       b、使用oracle或者root帐户登陆到服务器,解压下载的文件到指定的安装路径       c、教研orachk的权限为755,如果不是755,则授予其权限为755。如:$ chmod 755 orachk       d、运行orachk工具。如:$ ./orachk  #对于非root用户运行过程中需要root用户而服务提供密码的情形一些检查会被跳过

5、实战orachk #对于suse linux,应注意修改orachk文件头部"/bin/evn"为"/usr/bin/env",否则会收到/bin/evn不存在的错误提示 ordb1:oracle:orcl101 > which env #使用which env检查当前的env环境 /usr/bin/env

#获取帮助信息 ordb1:oracle:orcl101 > ./orachk -h Usage : ./orachk [-abvhpfmsuSo:c:t:]         -a      All (Perform best practice check and recommended patch check)         -b      Best Practice check only. No recommended patch check         -h      Show usage         -v      Show version         -p      Patch check only         -m      exclude checks for Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) scorecards(see user guide for more details)         -u      Run orachk to check pre-upgrade or post-upgrade best practices for, and                 -o pre or -o post is mandatory with -u option like ./orachk -u -o pre         -f      Run Offline.Checks will be performed on data already collected from the system         -o      Argument to an option. if -o is followed by v,V,Verbose,VERBOSE or Verbose, it will print checks which passs on the screen                 if -o option is not specified,it will print only failures on screen. for eg: orachk -a -o v

        -clusternodes                 Pass comma separated node names to run orachk only on subset of nodes.         ..........................后面省略...............

ordb1:oracle:orcl101 > ./orachk -a

Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster

Node oadb2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user # Author: Leshami    Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/leshmai Searching for running databases . . . . .

. . List of running databases registered in OCR 1. orcl10 2. None of above

Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 1 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-2][1].   . .

Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                  Oracle Stack Status                            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host Name  CRS Installed  ASM HOME       RDBMS Installed  CRS UP    ASM UP    RDBMS UP  DB Instance Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ordb1       Yes             Yes             Yes             Yes        Yes      Yes      orcl101   ordb2       Yes             Yes             Yes             Yes        Yes      Yes      orcl102   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Copying plug-ins

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 根据提示逐步往下走..............................

检查完毕之后会在当前目录生成相应的目录及报告文件,如本例,直接查看相应的html文件即可 ordb1:oracle:orcl101 > pwd /opt/oracle/soft/orachk/orachk_ordb1_orcl10_031214_105523 ordb1:oracle:orcl101 > ls -hltr total 774K -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall  87K Mar 12 11:01 pxhcdr_orcl10_ordb1_10. drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall  320 Mar 12 11:03 upload drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall  648 Mar 12 11:03 reports drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall  38K Mar 12 11:03 outfiles -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 646K Mar 12 11:03 orachk_ordb1_orcl10_031214_105523.html drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall  208 Mar 12 11:03 log

更多相关的功能直接参考help文件或者查看ORAchk User Guide.pdf 参考:1268927.2

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原始发表:2014年04月11日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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