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黑客的价值观The Hacker’s Code

发布2018-08-20 10:31:49
发布2018-08-20 10:31:49

黑客,可能在大家的眼里是那些入侵别人计算机搞破坏的人,其实并不是那样的。如果你这样认为了,只能说明你对计算机文化并不了解,真正的黑客是一种 自由的象征,他们挑战权威,追求自由,并和很多非人类的行为作斗争。而那些只懂得入侵别人计算机搞破坏活动的“黑客”只能称为是街头的小混混,他们根本就不配称黑客。

下面有四篇关于“Hacker’s Code”文章,我觉得相当的不错,可以让你明白什么是黑客的行为规范,道德准则,以及黑客的历史使命,希望能对你有启发。

The Hacker’s Code “A hacker of the Old Code.” Hackers come and go, but a great hack is forever.黑客们来来往往,但是只有黑客的壮举是永存的

Public goods belong to the public.*****公众的东西是属于大众的

Software hoarding is evil.Software does the greatest good given to the greatest number.圈养软件是邪恶的,最好的软件是有最多人使用的

Don’t be evil.不作恶

Sourceless software sucks.不公开源码的软件是令人厌恶的

People have rights.Organizations live on sufferance.每个人都是有权利的,而组织是建立在互相的容忍上的

Governments are organizations.政府也是组织

If it is wrong when citizens do it,it is wrong when governments do it.对与错的标准,对于公民和政府是同样适用的。(不能“只许州官放火不许百姓点灯”)

Information wants to be free.Information deserves to be free.信息需要自由(免费),信息也应该是是自由(免费)的

Being legal doesn’t make it right.Being illegal doesn’t make it wrong.合法的不一定是正确的,不合法不一定就是错误的

Subverting tyranny is the highest duty.推翻专制是黑客的最高天职

Trust your technolust!相信你的“技术贪欲”

  • Definition:* A good is public if the marginal production cost is lower than the marginal billing cost.定义一个好的公 众事物仅当其边际产值小于其边际广告值。(关于 marginal production*是一个经济学术语,我不是很懂

The Hacker’s Code of Ethics Levy (1984) suggests that there is a “code of ethics” for hacking which, though not pasted on the walls, is in the air: 列维认为黑客有一种准则,这种准则不是墙上贴着的,而是像空气一样无处不在的。 Access to Computers - and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works – should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!计算机的使用(就像任何教会你去了解这个世界的东西一样)应该是无限和无所不包的。真理来自实际动手操作。

All information should be free.所有的信息都应该是自由的(免费和不加限制的)

Mistrust Authority – Promote Decentralization.不要相信权威,推崇分权和群众的智慧

Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.英雄(黑客)不问出处,更不会去计较世俗的标准:学历,年龄,种族和职位高低。

You can create art and beauty on a computer.黑客可以在计算机上创造艺术和美。

Computers can change your life for the better.计算机可以提升你的生命。

Reference: Levy, Steven. 1984. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 458 pp. 史蒂芬.列维 1984 黑客:计算机革命的英豪们, Achor Press… 第458页 DRAFT The Hacker’s Code DRAFT Preamble: We, the people of the electronic universe, in order to establish a society of knowledge and skills, do hereby proclaim the following. 导言:我们,数字领域的主宰者,为了建一个知识和技术的社区,我们发出下面的声明。 Hackers are diverse, from all cultures and backgrounds. Every hacker is unique, yet we all share some characteristics. While not every hacker follows this Code, many believe it is a fair description of our shared traditions, goals and values. 黑客是各式各样的,无论是从文化还是背景。每个黑客都是唯一的,然后,我们是有一些相同的特质的。也许并不是所有的黑客都会跟从下面的准则,但大多 数黑客都相信这是一个公正的惯例,目标和价值观。 Hackers share and are willing to teach their knowledge黑客共享并愿意传播他们的知识。

Hackers are skilled. Many are self-taught, or learn by interacting with other hackers.黑客都是老手。他们中很多人要么是自学,要么是与别的黑客相互共世而成长的。

Hackers seek knowledge. This knowledge may come from unauthorized or unusual sources, and is often hidden.黑客查找知识。那些知识可能是多一些未授权或是不寻常的通常都是被隐藏起来的地方来的。

Hackers are tinkerers. They like to understand how things work, and want to make their own improvements or modifications.黑客都是些好管闲事的人。他们总是喜欢对事物刨根问底,而且总是要为改善那些事情加上自己的想法。

Hackers often disagree with authority, including parents, employers, social customs and laws. They often seek to circumvent authority they disagree with.黑客通常都在挑战权威,包括家长,同事,用户以及法律。他们总是挑战那些他们并不认可以权威。

Hackers disagree with each other. Different hackers have different values, and come from all backgrounds. This means that what one hacker is opposed to might be embraced by another.黑客也是互不信任的。不同的黑客有不同的价值取向,而且也有相同的背景。也就是说,某个黑客被反对了,但也会被别的黑客所拥护。

Hackers are persistent, and are willing to devote hours, days and years to pursuing their individual passions.黑客是永不放弃的。他们愿意全身心地把他们的热情投入到每一个小时,每一天,每一年中。

This Code is not to prescribe how hackers act. Instead, it is to help us to recognize our own diversity and identify.准则并不是说明黑客是什么样的,而说让我们明白我们的不同性和一致性。

Every hacker must make his or her own decisions about what is right or wrong, and some might do things they believe are illegal, amoral or anti-social to achieve higher goals.每一个黑客必需自己为对和错作决定,有一些事可能是不合法,不道德的,甚至反社会的,但却可以让他们攀上自己价值观的高峰。

Hackers’ motivations are their own, and there is no reason for all hackers to agree.黑客的动机是他们自己的,而且无需任何理由获得其它的同意。

Hackers have a shared identify, however, and many shared interests.黑客一般会有共同的认识,然而,许多黑客却是拥有共同的利益。

By reading this Code, hackers can recognize themselves and each other, and understand better the group they are a part of. This will be beneficial to all hackers.了解了这些准则,黑客们能够赏识自己或相互赏识,并相当明白他们是这个团体的一部分。这会让所有的黑客受益。

The Conscience of a Hacker http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=7&id=3&mode=html


/\The Conscience of a Hacker// by +++The Mentor+++ 笔名:导师 Written on January 8, 1986 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Another one got caught today, it’s all over the papers. “Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal”, “Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering”… Damn kids. They’re all alike. 今天有一个被捕的消息受到媒体热议。“某少年由于计算机犯罪被捕”,“入侵银行的黑客被捕”…一帮臭小子,他们都一样。 But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950’s technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him? 但是你们是帮老朽只知道老套的心理学和50年代的技术。你们有没有想想黑客究竟在想什么?你们有没有想想他们为什么这么做,什么造就了他们,什么塑 造了这帮黑客? I am a hacker, enter my world… 我是名黑客,请走进我的世界… Mine is a world that begins with school… I’m smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me… 我的世界是从学校开始的…我是学校里最聪明的孩子,学校教我的垃圾让我厌倦。 Damn underachiever. They’re all alike. 都他妈的水货,这帮子成绩不好的都一样烂。 I’m in junior high or high school. I’ve listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. “No, Ms. Smith, I didn’t show my work. I did it in my head…” 我初中高中时候就是如此了。白痴老师一个分式化简要解释15次。这些我全懂。所以我说”不用了,XX老师,我不用写这些步骤,我可以心算…” Damn kid. Probably copied it. They’re all alike. 一帮傻同学,估计都只知道抄写老师的板书,一棒子二百五。 I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it’s because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn’t like me… 今天我发现新大陆了。我遇到了一台计算机。真是太酷了,计算机完全按照我的指令执行。如果计算机犯了错,是因为我没搞对。而不是因为它不喜欢我… Or feels threatened by me… 也不是觉得我成绩太好到威胁它了,也不是因为我是个自是聪明自以为是,而且不对我教条主义 Or thinks I’m a smart ass… Or doesn’t like teaching and shouldn’t be here… Damn kid. All he does is play games. They’re all alike. 而我的一帮傻逼同学,都他妈只知道玩。 And then it happened… a door opened to a world… rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict’s veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought… a board is found. 突然,与计算机相处为我打开了一扇通往另一个世界的门。一股电脉冲从电话线传送出去,就好像海洛因冲过毒瘾者的血脉,我可以逃离那帮子傻逼,一个新 大陆! “This is it… this is where I belong…” 是的!计算机是我的归属。 I know everyone here… even if I’ve never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again… I know you all… 在这个世界里,我认识这里的每一个人…虽然我并没有跟他们见面,没跟他们交谈,也许以后也不会再提到他们的消息。但是他们对我是那么的熟悉。 Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They’re all alike… 一棒子傻逼,大概他们又把我的电话线打结了。 You bet your ass we’re all alike… we’ve been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak… the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We’ve been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert. 是的,我们黑客都差不多…我们智力高度成熟,我们想啃牛排的时候只有被喂婴儿食物。好不容易有点肉吃,也是被嚼烂了的。我们被虐待狂欺负,被冷漠者 漠视。偶尔有好人理解我们其实是最好学的学生,但是这种人少得跟沙漠中的水滴一样。 This is our world now… the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn’t run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore… and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge… and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias… and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it’s for our own good, yet we’re the criminals. 我们这些黑客长大了…这个世界充满着电子,开关,和美丽的波特(信号传输单位)。我们并不是在犯罪,我们只是在免费使用服务,这些服务要不是因为那 些敛财狂本可以是非常廉价的。我们在探索…可你们说我们是在犯罪。我们是在寻求知识…可你们说我们是在犯罪。我们黑客无处不在,不分肤色,没有国界,没有 宗教偏见…可你们说我们是在犯罪。你们这些伪君子制造了原子弹,发动战争,某战争,不忠,并且对我们说谎;你们居然说你们的行径是为我们好,而我们黑客是 犯罪分子。 Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. 好吧,我是犯罪分子。我所犯的最是好奇心。我的罪过是基于一个人的言行评判一个人,而不是他的长相。我的罪过是我比你聪明,而你大概永远不会原谅我 比你聪明。 I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can’t stop us all… after all, we’re all alike. 我是一名黑客,以上是我的宣言。你可以制止一个个体,但是你阻止不了我们全部…因为,我们黑客都一样。 +++The Mentor+++ 署名:导师

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2017.03.25 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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  • The Hacker’s Code “A hacker of the Old Code.” Hackers come and go, but a great hack is forever.黑客们来来往往,但是只有黑客的壮举是永存的
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