社区首页 >专栏 >早起—怎样开启高效的一天?


发布2018-09-04 15:31:45
发布2018-09-04 15:31:45

原文作者:Gianni Cara  原文出处:www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-inspiring-way-to-start-the-day/answer/Gianni-Cara




















“The way you start your day can affect your whole day."

(sorry, but couldn't find where this quote come from).

It took me a while to realize this, but now I am glad that I give great importance to my morning routine.

You know, I used to be that guy who would push the snooze button several times until I didn't have a choice and had to wake up. The first hours of my day would be frequently terrible. Always in a hurry, running against the time.

Quite frequently I wouldn't have a proper breakfast and showering wasn't a pleasurable and relaxing moment as it should be. My thoughts would be only focused on when I would finally open my computer and start working.

Four months ago I decided to change this and started implementing a few good habits while cutting the bad ones. When studying about habits, I stumbled upon the idea of"keystone habits".Duhigg, who wrote "The Power of Habits", explains it as the soil from which other habits grow. It's like an habit that once integrated into your life makes it much easier to build or change other habits.

In my case, the keystone habit that is helping me to start the day on the right note is a combination of 2:Sleeping well and waking up early.

Having at least 7 hours of good sleep provides me with the energy I need to get most things done. Managing to wake up early, gives me the necessary time to prepare my body and mind for the day, and make an effective plan to work towards my goals.

Ok, so let me go into more details about how I managed to build this keystone habit, how I prepare my body and mind for the day, and the kind of things I focus on when writing my effective plan:

1. Have at least 7 hours of sleep and Start Early

There's no magic about this. If you want to sleep for a minimum of 7 hours and wake up early in the morning you will have to go to bed in a decent time.

In the beginning, just force yourself to wake up early and in the end of the day you will be begging for your bed. Turn this into an habit, and in less then a week you will get used to sleep between 11pm and 12am and start your day at 6:30 am / 7 am.

One important trick here is to wake up with the first alarm,avoiding using the snooze button.Easy to say, right? Ok, so let me explain how I dealt with this:

First thing, put your phone far away from your bed. It has to be far enough that you cannot reach it without standing up, but not so far that you can't hear it (yes, I guess this is important).

Second point, remember to leave a bottle of water besides it. Water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins and gives your brain fuel [1]. So as soon as your turn off the alarm, drink at least 500 ml of water. This will give you an energy that will motivate you to stay awake.

Third and last point, turn off the snooze option. This will create you some problems in the morning to sort out how to turn it on again. Hopefully, enough problems that will lead you to give up from sleeping another 10 minutes. Every phone should have the option to turn it off. Just search for it.

Like every habit, things will get better with time.

2. Take care of your body

Now that you managed to wake up early, it's time to have some proper breakfast.

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - That's actually where the name comes from: Breaking the fast. Researchers believe that breakfast may help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite and energy [2].

You can start to see now why waking up early is part of my keystone habit? I used to ignore breakfast most of the time because "I didn't have time for it".

Once done with breakfast, it's time for some exercises. If you are an intellectual and think that exercises won't make any difference in your life, did you know that exercises have a fundamental role in learning? Physical exercises increase the number of neurons being born and surviving [3]. So work your ass off and do at least 10-15 minutes of exercise. It can be 2-3 series of push-ups or abs. Just do something.

Lastly, don't forget to keep drinking water every half an hour. As we saw before, water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins and gives your brain fuel. So I guess we have enough reasons to drink a lot of water during the day.


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