社区首页 >专栏 >底牌项目中设置论坛中各个模块头图的代码


发布2018-09-13 15:42:40
发布2018-09-13 15:42:40

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1337783

// 获取所有图片的宽和高

for (int i = 0; i < imageArr.count; i ++) {

CGSize size = [UIImageView downloadImageSizeWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageArri]];

if (size.width == 0.0 || size.height == 0.0) {

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:imageArri];


SDWebImageManager *manager = SDWebImageManager sharedManager;

            manager diskImageExistsForURL:url;

UIImage * image = [UIImage alloc init];

if (manager diskImageExistsForURL:url) {

                image = [manager imageCache imageFromDiskCacheForKey:url.absoluteString];


NSData *data = NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url;

                image = UIImage imageWithData:data;


            size = image.size;


NSString * width = NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", size.width;

NSString * height = NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", size.height;

        widthArr addObject:width;

        heightArr addObject:height;


// 设置头视图的内容

  • (void)setDataModel:(PostDaraModel *)dataModel{

_dataModel = dataModel;

    [_iconView sd_setImageWithURL:NSURL URLWithString:_dataModel.face placeholderImage:UIImage imageNamed:@"touxiang_moren"];

_nameView.text = _dataModel.username;

_timeView.text = _dataModel.addtime;

_titleView.text = _dataModel.title;

_textView.text = _dataModel.content;

CGFloat faceX = Margin30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

CGFloat faceY = 28 * 0.5 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

CGFloat faceW = 76 * 0.5 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

CGFloat faceH = faceW;

_iconView.frame = CGRectMake(faceX, faceY, faceW, faceH);

// 这个方法容易报错 <Error>: CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.

// 昵称

CGFloat nameX = CGRectGetMaxX(_iconView.frame) + Margin22 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

CGFloat nameY = 38 * 0.5 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

NSMutableDictionary * nameDic = NSMutableDictionary dictionary;

    nameDicNSFontAttributeName = Font15;

CGSize nameSize = _dataModel.username sizeWithAttributes:nameDic;

_nameView.frame = (CGRect){{nameX, nameY}, nameSize};

// 时间

CGFloat timeX = _nameView.frame.origin.x;

CGFloat timeY = CGRectGetMaxY(_nameView.frame) + Margin14 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

NSMutableDictionary * timeDic = NSMutableDictionary dictionary;

    timeDicNSFontAttributeName = Font11;

CGSize timeSize = _dataModel.addtime sizeWithAttributes:timeDic;

_timeView.frame = (CGRect){{timeX,timeY},timeSize};

// 标题

CGFloat titleX = Margin30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

CGFloat titleY = CGRectGetMaxY(_iconView.frame) + Margin30 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

CGFloat titleW = WIDTH - titleX - 15 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

NSMutableDictionary * titleDic = NSMutableDictionary dictionary;

    titleDicNSFontAttributeName = Font18;

CGRect titleRect = _dataModel.title boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(titleW, MAXFLOAT) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:titleDic context:nil;

_titleView.frame = (CGRect){{titleX, titleY}, titleRect.size};

// 简介

CGFloat contentsX = titleX;

CGFloat contentsY = CGRectGetMaxY(_titleView.frame) + 12 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

CGFloat contentsW = WIDTH - contentsX - 15 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

UIFont *textFont = Font16;

CGSize textSize = [_dataModel.content sizeWithFont:textFont

constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(contentsW, MAXFLOAT)];;

_textView.frame = CGRectMake(contentsX, contentsY, textSize.width, textSize.height);

//    _textView.backgroundColor = UIColor greenColor;

_textView.font = Font16;

_textView.numberOfLines = 0;

// 调整行间距

NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [NSMutableAttributedString alloc initWithString:_dataModel.content];

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc init];

    paragraphStyle setLineSpacing:6;

    [attributedString addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName value:paragraphStyle range:NSMakeRange(0, _dataModel.content length)];

_textView.attributedText = attributedString;

    _textView sizeToFit;

// 重新设置装图片的视图的位置

if (_dataModel.imgs) {    // 如果有图片

CGFloat photosY = CGRectGetMaxY(_textView.frame) + 11 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

CGFloat height = 0;

CGFloat allH = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < _dataModel.imgs.count; i ++) {

CGFloat h;

CGFloat w;

NSLog(@"_heightArri===%@", _heightArri);

            w = [_widthArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

            h = [_heightArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

NSLog(@"%f", h);

CGFloat scale = 1.0;

if (w == 0.0 || h == 0.0) {   // 如果获取不到图片的大小

                w = WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

                h = w;

            }else{  // 能够获取图片大小

if (w > WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE) { // 图片宽度大于

                    scale = (WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE)/w;

                    h = h * scale;

                }else{  // 图片宽度小于

                    h = [_heightArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

                    w = [_widthArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;



NSLog(@"%f", h);

            height = height + h + 8 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

            allH += h;

//            _picView.frame = CGRectMake(15 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE, photosY , WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE,  height +700);

NSLog(@" _picView.frame.size.height:%f", _picView.frame.size.height);


NSLog(@"allH:%f", allH);

NSLog(@"height%f", height);

_picView.frame = CGRectMake(15 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE, photosY , WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE,  height);


// 底部的分割线

CGFloat botLineY;

// 先获知picView的大小再去设置它的位置

//    self layoutSubviews;

if (_dataModel.imgs) {

//        NSLog(@"%@", _dataModel.imgs);

        botLineY = CGRectGetMaxY(_picView.frame) + 14 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

    } else{

        botLineY = CGRectGetMaxY(_textView.frame) + 14 * IPHONE6_H_SCALE;


_bottomLine.frame = CGRectMake(0, botLineY, WIDTH, 0.5);

//    _bottomLine.backgroundColor = UIColor greenColor;

_viewHeight = CGRectGetMaxY(_bottomLine.frame);

// 可以再layoutSubviews方法中直接返回该视图的frame

NSLog(@"_viewHeight:%f", _viewHeight);

self.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, WIDTH, _viewHeight);

_picView.widthArr = _widthArr;

_picView.heightArr = _heightArr;

_picView.picArr = _dataModel.imgs;


// 设置装头视图中所有图片的视图

  • (void)setPicArr:(NSArray *)picArr{

_picArr = picArr;

NSMutableArray * arr = NSMutableArray array;

if (picArr.count >= 9) {

for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++) {

            [arr addObject:picArri];


_picArr = (NSArray *)arr;


NSUInteger counts = self.subviews.count;

CGFloat height = 0;

CGFloat allH = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < counts; i ++) {

UIImageView * imageView = self.subviewsi;

// 9张图片以内显示上传的所有图片

if (i < _picArr.count) {

            imageView.hidden = NO;

if (picArr.count > 0) {

CGFloat h;    // 图片的高度

CGFloat w; // 图片的宽度

//                CGSize size = [UIImageView downloadImageSizeWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:_picArri]];

NSLog(@"_heightArri===%@", _heightArri);

                h = [_heightArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

                w = [_widthArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

NSLog(@"%f", h);

CGFloat scale = 1.0;

if (w == 0) {   // 如果获取不到图片的大小

                    w = WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

                    h = w;

                }else{  // 能够获取图片大小

if (w > WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE) { // 图片宽度大于

                        scale = (WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE)/w;

                        h = h * scale;

                    }else{  // 图片宽度小于

                        h = [_heightArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;

                        w = [_widthArri floatValue] * IPHONE6_W_SCALE;



                allH += h;

if (w >0 && w < WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE) { // 图片居中显示

                    [imageView mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {






//                    imageView.frame = CGRectMake(self.center.x-w/2-10, 0 + height, w, h);

//                    imageView.backgroundColor = UIColor redColor;


//                NSLog(@"图片宽比较大...");

//                    imageView.backgroundColor = UIColor yellowColor;

                    imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0 + height, WIDTH - 30 * IPHONE6_W_SCALE, h);


                height = height + h + 8*IPHONE6_H_SCALE;

NSLog(@"height=====%f", height);

//                                SDWebImageOptions options = SDWebImageRetryFailed | SDWebImageLowPriority;

                [imageView sd_setImageWithURL:_picArri placeholderImage:UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder" completed:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, NSURL *imageURL) {





// 隐藏

            imageView.hidden = YES;



NSLog(@"allH%f", allH);



本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2017年02月07日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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