cvs的迁移 1,把原dell2950上的rhel3 的/cvs目录做成 nfs共享 2,在新dell720上的rhel5.8上挂载nfs共享,并复制 mount -t nfs rhel3:/cvs /mnt (新服务器上) cp -aP /mnt /cvs (新服务器上的帐号在前面已经迁移好,主要这样做是为了保证权限一致) 3,rhel5.8上安装cvs,cvs-inetd cvs-1.11.22-11.el5 cvs-inetd-1.11.22-11.el5 4,编辑/etc/xinetd.d/cvs文件(这里多project的配置方法,原那个地方直接注释也可以多project) cat /etc/xinetd.d/cvs # default: on # description: The CVS service can record the history of your source \ # files. CVS stores all the versions of a file in a single \ # file in a clever way that only stores the differences \ # between versions. service cvspserver { disable = no port = 2401 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = root passenv = PATH server = /usr/bin/cvs # env = HOME=/var/cvs server_args = -f --allow-root=/cvs --allow-root=/cvs/project1 --allow-root=/cvs/project2 --allow-root=/cvs/project3 --allow-root=/cvs/project4 --allow-root=/cvs/project5 # bind = only_from = 5,重启xinetd 6,客户端测试 $tail -n 1 .bash_profile export CVSROOT=:pserver:user1@cvsserver:/cvs/project1 18:07:54 user1@cvsserver (~) [103]$cvs login Logging in to :pserver:user1@cvsserver:2401/cvs/project1 CVS password: 输入密码即可 $cvs checkout someone
如果你迁移时IP地址也更改了,客户端正在使用的就会报错,应为check out 下来的每个文件夹下都有
IP,如果改了,就得在自己的目录下把Root里面的IP地址更改掉或者重新check out 一遍。
find ./* -name Root |xargs sed -i "s/\:pserver\:user\@oldip\:\/cvs/\:pserver\:user\@newip\:\/cvs/g" 更简单的写法是 find ./* -name Root | xargs sed -i 's/oldip/newip/g'