社区首页 >专栏 >Kotlin 中的接口 Interface : so much betterKotlin 开发者社区

Kotlin 中的接口 Interface : so much betterKotlin 开发者社区

发布2018-12-05 10:21:44
发布2018-12-05 10:21:44

Interface was introduced in Java as a new programming feature. It describes CAN-BE instead of IS-A relationship. That also enables it to perform multiple inheritance (e.g. something can be many things, but only is a thing).

However as we know even up to Java 7 (which once was the main language for native Android Development), Interface does have various drawbacks, making it not as attractive, and at times, some have to resort back to abstract class.

With Kotlin in place, let me share with you how Kotlin made Inheritance better.

Kotlin made Interface extensible. In Java 7, inheritance function declaration can’t have implementation. Hence those class implements an interface, need to have all it’s function implemented.

This is a problem, as this makes interface inextensible.

Imagine we have the below Movable interface.

interface Movable { int legsCount(); } class Horse implements Movable { @Override public int legsCount() { return 4; } } Then we realize that other than legs, we need to count wings too. So we add wingsCount().

It is unfortunate those that implemented this interface i.e. Horse will also need to change.

interface Movable { int legsCount(); int wingsCount(); } class Horse implements Movable { @Override public int legsCount() { return 4; } @Override public int wingsCount() { return 0; } } In Kotlin We initially have

interface Movable { fun legsCount(): Int } class Horse : Movable { override fun legsCount() = 4 } Then we could easily extend it.

interface Movable { fun legsCount(): Int fun wingsCount(): Int { return 0 } } class Horse : Movable { override fun legsCount() = 4 } Or even more, without need to modify Horse class at all!

interface Movable { fun legsCount(): Int { return 0 } fun wingsCount(): Int { return 0 } fun canFly(): Boolean { return wingsCount() > 1 } fun canWalk(): Boolean { return legsCount() > 1 } } class Horse : Movable { override fun legsCount() = 4 } Kotlin made Interface truly override. The definition of override according to Cambridge Dictionary is

to decide against or refuse to accept a previous decision, an order, a person, etc. In the Java world, Interface is overriding nothing.

But in Kotlin world, look at the example below

interface Movable { fun legsCount(): Int { return 0 } fun wingsCount(): Int { return 0 } fun canFly(): Boolean { return wingsCount() > 1 } fun canWalk(): Boolean { return legsCount() > 1 } } class Horse : Movable { var isSick = false override fun legsCount() = 4 override fun canWalk(): Boolean { if (isSick) { return false } return super.canWalk() } } If we set horse.isSick = true, the canWalk() function will return false, regardless of the leg counts. A truly overriding capability.

Kotlin made Interface more object like In Java world (I believe including Java 8 and 9), Interface are not allowed to have property other than final constant variable (hmm… constant variable sounds oxymoron, perhaps should be called constant value).

At most we could make an accessor function e.g. legCount().

In Kotlin With Kotlin, one could have a property in Interface.

Instead of writing

interface Movable { fun legsCount(): Int fun canWalk() = legsCount() > 1 } class Horse : Movable { override fun legsCount() = 4 } One could write as

interface Movable { val legsCount : Int fun canWalk(): Boolean = legsCount > 1 } class Horse : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } There’s some limitation for the property in Interface though, as it can’t have backfield property, which means it can’t be change. So it is still stateless. Besides, it also can’t be initialized in the interface itself. Kotlin made Interface a better composition You might have heard Composition over Inheritance principle. Kotlin made this even more simpler

Imagine you have Horse and Dog. Both are 4 legs animal.

One way to program is as below

interface Movable { val legsCount : Int fun canWalk() = legsCount > 1 } class Horse : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } class Dog : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } This is so cumbersome as we have to

replicate the code override val legsCount = 4 for each of them.

If we have more functions to override, or more class object that is 4 legs animal, we’ll have to do the same.

If one day we change to 4 to “four”, or add more functionality…

It would be a nightmare to change . So inextensible.

We can make an class inheritance of that perhaps? interface Movable { val legsCount: Int fun canWalk() = legsCount > 1 } open class FourLegged : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } class Horse : FourLegged() class Dog : FourLegged() But this violates the Composition over Inheritance principle. Horse and Dogare not only FourLegged, but could be something else, making them very inextensible to other type anymore (e.g. Pet).

This is also inextensible ☹️

So let’s apply Composite over Inheritance (the traditional way) interface Movable { val legsCount: Int fun canWalk() = legsCount > 1 } object FourLegged : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } class Horse : Movable { private val movable = FourLegged override val legsCount get() = movable.legsCount } class Dog : Movable { private val movable = FourLegged override val legsCount get() = movable.legsCount } I don’t know about you, I dislike this equally, So let’s enhance it better to as below…

interface Movable { val legsCount: Int fun canWalk() = legsCount > 1 } object FourLegged : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } open class MovableImpl(private val movable: Movable) : Movable { override val legsCount get() = movable.legsCount } class Horse : MovableImpl(FourLegged) class Dog : MovableImpl(FourLegged) Now this is better, as it is more extensible, as in the future we have FourLegged or TwoLegged etc, we could easily add to it.

But I still dislike it, as I need to have the intermediate class MovableImpl. So let’s check out further what how Kotlin could made our interface better…

The Kotlin provided way: By … delegate to composition made easy With the interface in Kotlin, we could use the By keyword to generate the Delegate pattern so easily. Check it out

interface Movable { val legsCount: Int fun canWalk() = legsCount > 1 } object FourLegged : Movable { override val legsCount = 4 } class Horse : Movable by FourLegged class Dog : Movable by FourLegged So much nicer! ?. Hopes you see how good that is.

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2018.10.31 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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