社区首页 >专栏 >卡内基梅隆大学全校最受欢迎的Python课主讲Prof Kosbie给学生的一些实用性建议

卡内基梅隆大学全校最受欢迎的Python课主讲Prof Kosbie给学生的一些实用性建议

发布2018-12-24 16:43:32
发布2018-12-24 16:43:32

Prof Kosbie:卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院教授,其中所教授的Python是全校学生最受欢迎的课程。下面是他对计算机专业的学生提出的一些实用性的指导,选取主要部分并翻译,如翻译不准确之处,请指正。

I base the talk not on morals, but simply on patterns among the hundreds of CMU students I have taught. I also base this on my own trying freshman experience.


First, to be clear: Beyond my family, nothing inspires me so much as teaching here. You, and the community of CMU students you are now joining, are brilliant, hard-working, ingenious, and you shall change the world. I love being a part of that, if just a small part.


Also, let’s first define “thriving”. It is not necessarily getting top grades (after all, most of you will not be in the top quartile). “Thriving” is working hard, having fun, learning, gaining confidence, and soundly preparing yourself for a successful future.

其次,首先让我们定义什么是在CMU的成功。它不一定是指你们获得高分,而是指努力学习,充满乐趣,向他人学习,获得自信,为了将来美好的前途而做好充分地准备。下面,让我们一起探讨 how to thrive in CMU?

1. Work Hard

Our motto is “my heart is in the work”, and everything we do starts from that premise. You wish to achieve great things, but greatness comes at great cost. There is no shortcut.

努力工作! 我们的座右铭是 my heart is in the work (这是卡内基梅隆大学的校训,在校训的指引下,卡内基梅隆大学对学生的训练异常严格,课业繁重,在普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)每年“学生累得像狗的大学排名”中,从来高居前几位,与加州理工学院、麻省理工学院、芝加哥大学、普林斯顿大学等同为美国乃至全世界训练最为残酷的大学。) 我们所做的一切都是起于那个信仰。你们希望做出一些伟大的事情,但是伟大意味着付出巨大。并且,没有任何捷径可走。

2. Work smarter, not harder

So what happens when things go south? Work harder, of course. If 10 hours per day is not enough, try 15, or 20. Next up, all-nighters. But not only doesn’t it help, it’s destructive. I know. I did this myself. The only things that plummeted faster than my grades were my self-esteem and my immune system. Thank heavens for that! I spent a week in a hospital bed. Once recovered, I surveyed the wreckage of my grades and my life, and I was determined to find a better way. Which I did. Of course. Or I wouldn’t be here today, would I?

更聪明地学习,而不是更努力地学习!当事情朝着不是预期的方向发展时,将会发生什么? 当然需要更加努力。假如一天学习10个小时不足够,15个小时,20个小时呢。接下来,所有的都是夜行者。但是,这样做不光对你没有帮助,相反可能会带来损害。我知道,我就这样做过。比分数下降更糟糕的是我的自尊心和免疫系统。这事真是谢天谢地!我在医院呆了一周,等我恢复后,我检查了课程分数不理想的问题所在,并且决定去找到一个更好的方法。

Sadly, many CMU students go down a similar path. For some, it is because they do not work nearly hard enough. But they are the few. For the rest, it is because they are not working smart enough.

So how do you work smarter, not harder?


3. Read and Study

Many students dive into assignments claiming they do not have time to read or study first. Wrong! Reading and studying may take time, but it is the only pathway to deep understanding , which leads to better enjoyment, better grades, and yes, less total time on task. So read and study, if just to save time.


4. Focus

If you are studying and doing anything else, then you are not studying. And don’t worry about offending your friends with a few tweetless hours. They are also here at CMU, they understand.


5. Think Critically

Do not accept truth just because someone said it was so, even if that someone is a CMU professor. You must pierce the intellectual fog with your critical thinking and discern ideas that seem true from those that are true, to discern truthiness from Truth.


6. Collaborate

The greatest asset here is the people. Use that resource! Meet with your teachers and tutors as often as you can. And most of all, work with each other. Ask for help when you need it, offer it when you can. Be a community of learners. Not only is it far more effective, it’s also much more fun.

合作精神! CUM最大的财富就是人,要学会使用资源,尽可能多地与你的老师和辅导员交流,最重要的是,相互合作。当你需要别人帮助的时候,要学会问;当你能够帮助别人时,要给别人提供帮助。这样做不仅高效,而且还很有趣。

7. Manage Your Time

The biggest challenge for most freshmen is to manage your time according to your own priorities. Easy to say, hard to do. Time is your most precious commodity. Spend it wisely.


8. Find Your Passion

The ultimate key to thriving is to find your passion. When you find your passion, effort is no longer work. Of course, there’s no easy way to find it. Just keep looking, and when you do find it, seize it, and pursue it with abandon, because our most successful students are indeed our most passionate ones.




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原始发表:2018-12-01,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 程序员郭震zhenguo 微信公众号,前往查看

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