社区首页 >专栏 >Oracle CBO选错执行计划的一种场景

Oracle CBO选错执行计划的一种场景

发布2019-01-30 09:36:39
发布2019-01-30 09:36:39



select count(*) from user.tbl where cki_date = to_date('2017-10-10','yyyy-mm-dd');


SQL> alter sessionset events '10053 trace name context forever,level 1';  Session altered. SQL> explain planfor select count(*) from user.tbl where cki_date =to_date('2017-10-10','yyyy-mm-dd'); Explained. SQL> alter sessionset events '10053 trace name context off';  Session altered.


*************************************** BASE STATISTICALINFORMATION *********************** Table Stats::   Table: TBL  Alias: TBL     #Rows: 0 #Blks:  1  AvgRowLen: 0.00  ChainCnt:  0.00 Index Stats::   Index: AIRDATEINDEX  Col#: 1 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 121774  #DK: 25329  LB/K: 4.00 DB/K: 49.00  CLUF: 1258940.00   Index: DATEINDEX  Col#: 3     LVLS: 2 #LB: 102501  #DK: 5038  LB/K: 20.00 DB/K: 145.00  CLUF: 730978.00   Index: DESDATEINDEX  Col#: 5 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 131196  #DK: 1216564  LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 11.00  CLUF: 14149049.00   Index: ORGDATEINDEX  Col#: 4 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 130168  #DK: 1027146  LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 13.00  CLUF: 13373950.00 Access path analysisfor TBL *************************************** SINGLE TABLE ACCESSPATH   Single Table Cardinality Estimation forTBL[TBL]   Column (#3): CKI_DATE(     AvgLen: 7 NDV: 0 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000000   Table: TBL  Alias: TBL     Card: Original: 0.000000  Rounded: 1 Computed: 0.00  Non Adjusted: 0.00   Access Path: TableScan     Cost: 2.00  Resp: 2.00  Degree: 0       Cost_io: 2.00  Cost_cpu: 7121       Resp_io: 2.00  Resp_cpu: 7121   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: AIRDATEINDEX     resc_io: 32982.00  resc_cpu: 7554023805     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 33186.78  Resp: 33186.78  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 32982.00  Cost_cpu: 7554023805       Resp_io: 32982.00  Resp_cpu: 7554023805   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: DATEINDEX     resc_io: 27762.00  resc_cpu: 7259606781     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 27958.80  Resp: 27958.80  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 27762.00  Cost_cpu: 7259606781       Resp_io: 27762.00  Resp_cpu: 7259606781 Access Path: index(index (FFS))     Index: DESDATEINDEX     resc_io: 35534.00  resc_cpu: 7854852632     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 35746.93  Resp: 35746.93  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 35534.00  Cost_cpu: 7854852632       Resp_io: 35534.00  Resp_cpu: 7854852632   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: ORGDATEINDEX     resc_io: 35255.00  resc_cpu: 7775449582     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 35465.78  Resp: 35465.78  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 35255.00  Cost_cpu: 7775449582       Resp_io: 35255.00  Resp_cpu: 7775449582 Access Path: index(skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.010000  SS filter sel: 0.010000  ANDV (#skips): 253.290000     SS io: 1266.450000 vs. table scan io:2.000000     Skip Scan rejected   Access Path: index (FullScan)     Index: AIRDATEINDEX     resc_io: 121777.00  resc_cpu: 8734071799     ix_sel: 1.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000  ***** Logdef predicate Adjustment ******  Final IO cst 0.00 , CPU cst 50.00  ***** End Logdef Adjustment ******     Cost: 122013.77  Resp: 122013.77  Degree: 1   Access Path: index (AllEqRange)     Index: DATEINDEX     resc_io: 1028.00  resc_cpu: 84140440     ix_sel: 0.010000  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.010000     Cost: 1030.28  Resp: 1030.28 Degree: 1   Access Path: index (skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.010000  SS filter sel: 0.010000  ANDV (#skips): 12165.640000     SS io: 12165.640000 vs. table scan io:2.000000 kip Scan rejected   Access Path: index (FullScan)     Index: DESDATEINDEX     resc_io: 131199.00  resc_cpu: 9076147207     ix_sel: 1.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000  ***** Logdef predicate Adjustment ******  Final IO cst 0.00 , CPU cst 50.00  ***** End Logdef Adjustment ******     Cost: 131445.04  Resp: 131445.04  Degree: 1   Access Path: index (skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.010000  SS filter sel: 0.010000  ANDV (#skips): 10271.460000     SS io: 10271.460000 vs. table scan io:2.000000     Skip Scan rejected   Access Path: index (FullScan)     Index: ORGDATEINDEX     resc_io: 130171.00  resc_cpu: 8984023766     ix_sel: 1.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000  ***** Logdef predicate Adjustment ******  Final IO cst 0.00 , CPU cst 50.00  ***** End Logdef Adjustment ******     Cost: 130414.54  Resp: 130414.54  Degree: 1   ****** trying bitmap/domain indexes ******   ****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes****** ******** Begin indexjoin costing ******** ****** tryingbitmap/domain indexes ******   Access Path: index (AllEqRange)     Index: DATEINDEX     resc_io: 1028.00  resc_cpu: 84140440     ix_sel: 0.010000  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.010000     Cost: 1030.28  Resp: 1030.28 Degree: 0   Bitmap nodes:     Used DATEINDEX       Cost = 1287.851144, sel = 0.010000   ****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes****** ******** End index joincosting ********   Best:: AccessPath: TableScan          Cost: 2.00  Degree: 1 Resp: 2.00  Card: 0.00  Bytes: 0 Final cost for queryblock SEL$1 (#0) - All Rows Plan:   Best join order: 1   Cost: 2.0002 Degree: 1  Card: 1.0000  Bytes: 9   Resc: 2.0002 Resc_io: 2.0000  Resc_cpu: 7121   Resp: 2.0002 Resp_io: 2.0000  Resc_cpu: 7121

Oracle CBO计算了这条SQL各种执行计划,认为全表扫描效率最高,成本cost值是2,因此执行计划,如下所示,选择全表扫描,

按照上面的计算,选择TABLE ACCESS FULL无可厚非,可为何实际执行,时间非常的久?


SQL> select count(*) from user.tbl;   COUNT(*) --------------------   39751845


SQL> SELECT cki_date,COUNT(*) FROM tbl GROUP BY cki_date ORDER BY cki_date DESC; 1        2017/10/18        14378 2        2017/10/17        14213 3        2017/10/16        14127 4        2017/10/15        13841 5        2017/10/14        14436 6        2017/10/13        14745 7        2017/10/12        14389 8        2017/10/11        14616 9        2017/10/10        14671 10      2017/10/9          14953



SQL> alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; Session altered. SQL> select a.savtime, a.rowcnt, a.blkcnt, a.avgrln, a.analyzetime   from sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history a, dba_objects b where a.obj#=b.object_id and b.object_name='TBL'; SAVTIME                        ROWCNT      BLKCNT    AVGRLN ANALYZETIME ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ 2018-01-10 19:01:37        39209893      516232             87           01-JAN-18 2018-01-10 22:05:50                0                   1                  0           10-JAN-18






-- Create gather stats program. BEGIN dbms_scheduler.create_program(   program_name=>'gather_stats_prog',   program_type=>'STORED_PROCEDURE',   program_action=>'dbms_stats.gather_database_stats_job_proc',   number_of_arguments=>0,   enabled=>TRUE,   comments       =>'Oracle defined automatic optimizer statistics collection program'); EXCEPTION   when others then     if sqlcode = -27477 then NULL;     else raise;     end if; END; /


... // 执行以下SQL,选择符合条件,需要使用自动统计信息,进行采集的对象, SELECT /*+ leading(ST o u) */         ST.OBJ# OBJNUM,         U.NAME OWNER, O.NAME OBJNAME, O.SUBNAME SUBNAME,         ST.TYPE# TYPE#, ST.BO# BO#, ST.FLAGS, ST.OSIZE       FROM         OBJ$ O, USER$ U,         (SELECT /*+ no_merge */            *          FROM            (SELECT /*+ dynamic_sampling(s 4) dynamic_sampling_est_cdn(s) */               S.*,               ROW_NUMBER() OVER                 (ORDER BY                             DECODE(TYPE#,                           1,2,2,1,                           19,3,20,4,                           34,5,35,6,7),                   STALENESS,OSIZE,OBJ#) RN             FROM               STATS_TARGET$ S             WHERE               S.STATUS = DSC_AUTO_STATS_PENDING) // 此处DSC_AUTO_STATS_PENDING默认值为0          WHERE            RN <= DSC_TARGET_LIST_BATCH_SIZE) ST // 此处DSC_TARGET_LIST_BATCH_SIZE默认值为9000       WHERE         ST.OBJ# = O.OBJ# AND O.OWNER# = U.USER#       ORDER BY                DECODE(ST.TYPE#,                1,2,2,1,                19,3,20,4,                34,5,35,6,7),         ST.STALENESS, ST.OSIZE, ST.OBJ#; // 结果集存储于,一个名称为TARGETTAB的自定义类型, TYPE TARGETREC IS RECORD (     OBJNUM     NUMBER,     OWNER      VARCHAR2(30),     OBJNAME    VARCHAR2(30),     SUBNAME    VARCHAR2(30),     TYPE#      PLS_INTEGER,     BO#        NUMBER,     FLAGS      PLS_INTEGER,     OSIZE      NUMBER);   TYPE TARGETTAB IS TABLE OF TARGETREC; // 遍历检索结果, FOR I IN 1..TARGET.COUNT LOOP ... // 根据TYPE#,判断此对象类型,是表、索引、分区、子分区这些类型。对于索引,用了如下函数,如果TYPE#是1、20、35则判断为索引, FUNCTION IS_OBJTYPE_INDEX(OBJTYPE PLS_INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS   BEGIN     RETURN OBJTYPE IN (1, 20, 35);   END IS_OBJTYPE_INDEX; // 对于索引,会使用如下存储过程,执行统计信息的采集, GATHER_INDEX_STATS_AUX('"' || TARGET(I).OWNER || '"',                   DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL.DQ(TARGET(I).OBJNAME),                   SUBNAME,                   DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_PERCENT,                   NULL, NULL, NULL,                    TO_DEGREE_TYPE(GET_PARAM('DEGREE')),                   TMPGRAN,                   DEFAULT_GRANULARITY,                   TO_NO_INVALIDATE_TYPE(GET_PARAM('NO_INVALIDATE')),                   'DATA',                   START_TIME,                   TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); // 对于表则会使用,如下存储过程,进行统计信息的自动采集,注意其中是否级联采集索引,使用的是DEFAULT_CASCADE,默认应为false(暂时未找着出处), GATHER_TABLE_STATS_AUX(DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL.DQ(TARGET(I).OWNER),                   DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL.DQ(TARGET(I).OBJNAME),                   SUBNAME,                   DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_PERCENT,                   FALSE,                   DEFAULT_METHOD_OPT,                   TO_DEGREE_TYPE(GET_PARAM('DEGREE')),                   TMPGRAN,                   DEFAULT_GRANULARITY,                   DEFAULT_CASCADE,                   NULL, NULL, NULL,                   TO_NO_INVALIDATE_TYPE(GET_PARAM('NO_INVALIDATE')),                   FALSE, DSC_NON_FXT, 'DATA',                   START_TIME,                   TRUE, CMS_ONLY,FALSE, DSC_SEQ, NULL, JOBSTAB, NULL, FALSE); 


SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('USER','TBL',cascade=>true); PL/SQL proceduresuccessfully completed.


SQL> select a.savtime, a.rowcnt, a.blkcnt, a.avgrln, a.analyzetime   from sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history a, dba_objects b where a.obj#=b.object_id and b.object_name='TBL'; SAVTIME                        ROWCNT      BLKCNT    AVGRLN ANALYZETIME ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ 2018-01-10 19:01:37        39209893      516232             87           01-JAN-18 2018-01-10 22:05:50                0                   1                  0           10-JAN-18 2018-01-11 10:10:35        39722903      524416             87           11-JAN-18


SQL> explain planfor select count(*) from user.tbl where cki_date =to_date('2017-10-10','yyyy-mm-dd'); Explained.


*************************************** BASE STATISTICALINFORMATION *********************** Table Stats::   Table: TBL_CSTD  Alias: TBL_CSTD     #Rows: 39751845  #Blks: 524416  AvgRowLen:  87.00 ChainCnt:  0.00 Index Stats::   Index: AIRDATEINDEX  Col#: 1 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 123176  #DK: 287186  LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 4.00  CLUF: 1323872.00   Index: DATEINDEX  Col#: 3     LVLS: 2 #LB: 111409  #DK: 5040  LB/K: 22.00 DB/K: 154.00  CLUF: 779959.00   Index: DESDATEINDEX  Col#: 5 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 125310  #DK: 1259074  LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 10.00  CLUF: 13360966.00   Index: ORGDATEINDEX  Col#: 4 3     LVLS: 3 #LB: 131116  #DK: 990166  LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 13.00  CLUF: 13438679.00 Access path analysisfor TBL_CSTD *************************************** SINGLE TABLE ACCESSPATH   Single Table Cardinality Estimation forTBL_CSTD[TBL_CSTD]   Column (#3): CKI_DATE(     AvgLen: 8 NDV: 5040 Nulls: 0 Density:0.000198 Min: 2453006 Max: 2458045   Table: TBL_CSTD  Alias: TBL_CSTD     Card: Original: 39751845.000000  Rounded: 7887 Computed: 7887.27  Non Adjusted:7887.27   Access Path: TableScan     Cost: 142390.87  Resp: 142390.87  Degree: 0       Cost_io: 142031.00  Cost_cpu: 13275039879       Resp_io: 142031.00  Resp_cpu: 13275039879   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: AIRDATEINDEX     resc_io: 33362.00  resc_cpu: 7656349173     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 33569.55  Resp: 33569.55  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 33362.00  Cost_cpu: 7656349173       Resp_io: 33362.00  Resp_cpu: 7656349173   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: DATEINDEX     resc_io: 30175.00  resc_cpu: 7883992719     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 30388.72  Resp: 30388.72  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 30175.00  Cost_cpu: 7883992719       Resp_io: 30175.00  Resp_cpu: 7883992719   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: DESDATEINDEX     resc_io: 33940.00  resc_cpu: 7492760386     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 34143.12  Resp: 34143.12  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 33940.00  Cost_cpu: 7492760386       Resp_io: 33940.00  Resp_cpu: 7492760386   Access Path: index (index (FFS))     Index: ORGDATEINDEX     resc_io: 35512.00  resc_cpu: 7852113037     ix_sel: 0.000000  ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000   Access Path: index (FFS)     Cost: 35724.86  Resp: 35724.86  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 35512.00  Cost_cpu: 7852113037       Resp_io: 35512.00  Resp_cpu: 7852113037 Access Path: index(skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.000198  SS filter sel: 0.000198  ANDV (#skips): 193.000000     SS io: 193.000000 vs. table scan io:142031.000000     Skip Scan chosen   Access Path: index (SkipScan)     Index: AIRDATEINDEX     resc_io: 196.00  resc_cpu: 2978402     ix_sel: 0.000198  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.000198     Cost: 196.08  Resp: 196.08 Degree: 1   Access Path: index (AllEqRange)     Index: DATEINDEX     resc_io: 25.00  resc_cpu: 1833236     ix_sel: 0.000198  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.000198     Cost: 25.05 Resp: 25.05  Degree: 1   Access Path: index (skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.000198  SS filter sel: 0.000198  ANDV (#skips): 582.000000     SS io: 582.000000 vs. table scan io:142031.000000     Skip Scan chosen   Access Path: index (SkipScan)     Index: DESDATEINDEX     resc_io: 585.00  resc_cpu: 5706842     ix_sel: 0.000198  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.000198     Cost: 585.15  Resp: 585.15 Degree: 1 Access Path: index(skip-scan)     SS scan sel: 0.000198  SS filter sel: 0.000198  ANDV (#skips): 421.000000     SS io: 421.000000 vs. table scan io:142031.000000     Skip Scan chosen   Access Path: index (SkipScan)     Index: ORGDATEINDEX     resc_io: 424.00  resc_cpu: 4634491     ix_sel: 0.000198  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.000198     Cost: 424.13  Resp: 424.13 Degree: 1   ****** trying bitmap/domain indexes ******   ****** finished trying bitmap/domain indexes******   Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange   Index: DATEINDEX          Cost: 25.05  Degree: 1 Resp: 25.05  Card: 7887.27  Bytes: 0 Final cost for queryblock SEL$1 (#0) - All Rows Plan:   Best join order: 1   Cost: 25.0497 Degree: 1  Card: 7887.0000  Bytes: 63096   Resc: 25.0497 Resc_io: 25.0000  Resc_cpu:1833236   Resp: 25.0497 Resp_io: 25.0000  Resc_cpu:1833236



1. 正如dbsnake书中所说,若系统批量导入数据,建议业务使用前,立即采集相关表的统计信息,因为每日22:00,才会进行统计信息自动采集,之间的时间差,就有可能因为统计信息不准,让CBO选错执行计划。

2. 虽然CBO对于执行计划cost计算,属于机密,但是10053可以间接,让我们了解CBO如何选择,某一个执行计划,再根据表、索引等统计信息,结合来看,有可能就发现一些线索。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2018年12月10日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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