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9 Top Reasons To Use A Testing Tool For Your Project Management.

Nick Karlsson
修改2019-05-24 18:00:03
修改2019-05-24 18:00:03

This article will guide you on how you can use a testing tool to reduce the time to market for a software.

Successful project delivery is highly dependent on the test management process. The entire test management process helps in improving software quality.

Testing each functionality of the project can be an extensive process for the entire QA team. Using conventional Excel sheets to track and monitor test cases is time-consuming. It can delay the whole project delivery.

A tool in place helps in keeping a tab on many things. It provides a list of advantages that directly impacts the software delivery.

  1. Faster time to delivery: A testing tool streamlines various phases of testing, it also improves transparency in software. It brings the team of testers, coders, and designers on the same page. It also reduces the chances of any potential glitches, which could breakdown the entire software.
  2. Accelerated benefits: You can save plenty of time by using latest software testing tool as it takes care of complexities in the testing process. With the help of a tool to streamline and simplify the process, the entire QA team can deliver faster results in less time. It increases delivery speed by reducing rework. It provides a central repository for test cases and bug reports.
  3. Increased ROI: Tools significantly impacts the cost of the project by reducing the number of bugs or errors. Less number of bugs will increase project reliability. It will also reduce the time to fix glitches or any other pending issues by reducing the time to run a test case.
  4. Improved efficiency: Having a tool in place to assign bugs or to prioritize test cases saves time. Any team member can track the progress of the project.
  5. Higher Overall Test Coverage: Using conventional Excel to maintain test case reports or their status can be tiring for the QA team. Any tool that can reduce the effort and saves time will improve teams’ productivity. In a complex project, cross-checking each functionality creates redundancies which can lead to more bugs and issues. A tool with traceability feature where you can link requirements to the test cases and bug reports assures total software quality management.
  6. Reusability: It would be great if you can reuse a test case for a new project, this saves time, and you know the bug pattern as well. Reusability feature of a tool saves time in writing test cases. Some tools offer easy import from CSV files or export to Excel, which can be used in presentations. It would require no set-up.
  7. Thoroughness in Testing: Testers follow different approaches for software quality assurance and their focus areas could vary due to their exposure and expertise. With the inclusion of automation, there is a guaranteed focus on all areas of testing, thereby assuring the best possible quality.
  8. Faster Time-to-Market: Testing tool helps in reducing time-to-market of the project by allowing test runs and their reporting at a central place.
  9. Robust Test Data: Creating test data manually is a time-consuming process which can be accelerated by using a test case tool. A tool helps in creating, reporting, and tracking changes in test cases. You can reuse those test cases and can save much time.

A QA analyst is always looking for a robust testing tool which is easy to integrate and can display information in an interactive manner.

Hope this article provides in-depth knowledge about the features of a testing tool to improve software quality and delivery.


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