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新概念系列之《Part 1 Lesson 137 A pleasant dream》

Isaac Zhang
发布2019-09-10 18:11:25
发布2019-09-10 18:11:25

一、课文: JULIE: Are you doing the football pools, Brain? BRIAN: Yes, I've nearly finished, Julie. Julie. I'm sure we'll win something this week. JULIE: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money? BRIAN: If I win a lot of money I'll buy you a mink coat. JULIE: I don't want a mink coat! I want to see the world. BRIAN: All right. If we win a lot of money We'll travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels. Then we'll return home and buy a big house in the country. We'll have a beautiful garden and … JULIE: But if we spend all that money we'll be poor again. What'll we do then? BRIAN: If we spend all the money we'll try and win the football pools again. JULIE: It's a pleasant dream but everything depends on 'if'!


• football n. 足球   soccer (美)足球 • pool n. 赌注 • 1) n. 赌注,总赌款 • the football pool 做足球赌注 • 22)n. 共同资金,合伙投资 • We bought a computer by the pool. • 我们合资买一部电脑 • 3) n. 游泳池 • 宾馆有游泳池吗? • Does the hotel have a pool? • win • 1) v. 赢 • Which team won? • 哪一队赢了? • 2)v. 赢得,获得 • 她在音乐比赛中获得头等奖 • She won the first prize in the music competition. • 他终于获得她的爱。 • He won her love at last. • world n. 世界 • in the world 在世界上 • all over the world 全世界 • see the world 看世界//见见世面 • travel round the world 周游世界 • 他的梦想是环游世界。 • His dream is to travel around the world. . • 他是世界上最优秀的网球选手。 • He is the best tennis player in the world. . • 那消息迅速传遍了全世界。 • poor • 1)adj. 贫穷的(反义词:rich) • a poor man 贫穷的人 • 22)adj. 笨拙的、差劲的、(辩解等)拙劣的 • be poor at … • 我们的女儿数学不好。 • Our daughter is poor at maths. . • 33)adj. 可怜的,不幸的 • 那个可怜的老人 • the poor old man • depend • 1) v. 依靠、依赖、指望 • depend on sb • 你不能永远依赖你的父母 • You cannot depend on your parents forever. • depend on sb to do sth 指望某人做某事 • 你不能指望他会准时到来。 • You cannot depend on him to come on time. • 22)v. 视…而定,取决于… • depend on sth/doing sth • 出发的时间视天气而定。 • The time of leaving depends on the weather. • Are you doing the football pools, Brian? • do the football pools 下足球赛的赌注 • pools 赌注总额,合伙赌博的安排 • 他希望在赌博中赢得财富 • He hopes to win a fortune on the pools • 谁赢得了这周的足球彩票? • Who won the football pool this week? • Yes, I’’ve nearly finished, Julie. I’’m sure we’’ll win something this week. • 现在将近一点了。 • t t t It’’s nearly 1 o’’clock. • 他快准备好了。 • He’’s nearly ready. • be sure 确信,肯定… • 我想他会同意,,但我没有把握 • I think he will agree, but I am not sure. • 他确信自己会成功 • He is sure that he will succeed. • You always say that, but we never win anything! • always 总是,表示频率 • 我会永远记著这个人 • I will remember this man always. • never adv. 从来没有,表示频率 • I have never seen a panda. • 我从未见过猫熊 • 同类词汇有 • hardly 几乎   sometimes 有时 • often 经常 usually 通常 • What will you do if you win a lot of money? • 如果你哥哥Adam能做到的话,我也能做到。 • If your brother Adam can do it, so can I. • 如果你没有找到她,也不要紧的。 • It doesn’’t matter if you don’’t find her. • 如果她这样讲,那她一定是一个说谎者 • If I win a lot of money, I’’ll buy you a mink coat. • If I …, I will… . 如果…,, 我就会….. • 表示许诺,承诺 • 如果我有很多钱,我会给我自己买个车。 • If I have a lot of money, I’’ll buy myself a car. • buy sb sth • = buy sth for sb • 我给她买了一顶新帽子 • I bought her a new hat. • = I bought a new hat for her. • I don’’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world. • want+名词  想要某物 • 我很想有个假期 • I really want a holiday. • want to do 想要做某事 • 她想要和我一起去 • She wants to go with me. • see 观光 • All right. If we win a lot of money We'll travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels. • travel round the world 环球旅行 • stay at 住,呆在 • 呆在家里 • stay at home • 躺在床上 • stay in bed • 我今天晚上会在办公室呆到很晚。 • I'm staying late at the office tonight. • Then we'll return home and buy a big house in the country. We'll have a beautiful garden and … • in the country 在乡下 • 在城市 • in the city • 在城镇 • in the town • But if we spend all that money we’’ll be poor again. What’’ll we do then? • spend v. 花费 • spend money / time (in) doing sth • all this / that 这//那一切 • 所有的一切对我来说都是一种很好的经历。 • All this is quite an experience for me. • 所有的这一切是什么意思? • What’’s the meaning of all this? • then 然后 • 他们在罗马待了一个星期,,然后去那不勒斯 • They had a week in Rome and then went to Naples. • If we spend all the money we’’ll try and win the football pools again. • try 试图 • try to do sth 尽力做某事 • 我想要去爬那座山,,但没能去 • I tried to climb the mountain but could not. • try doing 试着做 • 我试爬过那座山.. • I tried climbing the mountain. • t t t It’’s a pleasant dream but everything depends on ‘‘f f f if’’!! • if n. 条件,不肯定因素 • 未来充满了不确定因素 • The future is full of ifs. • 在他的合同中有太多的条件。 • There are too many ifs in his agreement. • depend on 得看,由... ....决定,依赖 • 价格的高低取决于质量的好坏。 • The price depends on the quality. • 你不可以总是依赖你的丈夫 • You can’’t always depend on your husband. Grammar • 由f f f If引导的从句叫条件状语从句,f f f if意为““如 果”” 若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现 在时。 What will you do f f f if you win a lot of money ? == f f f If you win a lot of money what will you do? If 条件句歌诀 条件句,放在前, 逗号要放句中间;① 条件句,表可能, 从句多用现在时, 主句多用将来时。② • f f f If 引导的条件状语从句句型 主句(一般将来时)+f f f if 从句(一般现在时) If I play basketball well, I will join your team. If I have a holiday, I will travel all around the world. If it’’ss fine tomorrow, We will go out to have a picnic. 1 1 如果明天我忙,我将不去看你。 I I __see you, _ I I _ __tomorrow. 2 2 如果我努力学习,我将取的好成绩。 _ I I __ hard, I __good marks. 3 I’’m sure if he __(go) to the party, he __ __(have) a great time. 4 You __ ((not get) nervous, if you __ (do) enough exercise.

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