社区首页 >专栏 >dojo toolkit 的query

dojo toolkit 的query

发布2019-11-04 12:13:46
发布2019-11-04 12:13:46


All nodes that are heading level 3


All nodes that are the first children of a <h3> header


A node with id="main" [1]

#main h3

All <h3> nodes that are contained by a node with id="main" [1]


Only select a node with id="main" if it is a <div>

div#main h3

All nodes that are <h3> contained in a <div> with an id="main"

#main div > h3

All <h3> nodes that are immediate children of a <div> contained within a node that has id="main" [1]


All nodes with a class="foo"


All nodes that have both foo and bar classes

#main > h3

All <h3> nodes that are immediate children of a node with id="main"[1]

#main > *

All immediate children of a node with id="main" [1]

.foo > *

All immediate children of a nodes with a class="foo"

.foo, .bar

All nodes with a class="foo" or a class="bar"


All nodes with an attribute of foo


All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value ends in thud


All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value ends in thud


All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value ends in thudish

#main [foo$=thud]

All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value ends in thud that are contained within a node with an id="main" [1]

#main [ title $= thud ]

All nodes with an attribute of title where the value ends in thud that are contained within a node with an id="main" [1]

#main span[ title $= thud ]

All <span> nodes with an attribute of title where the value ends inthud that are contained within a node with an id="main" [1]


All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value contains bar in a dash seperated list (e.g. foo="baz-bar-qat")


All nodes with an attribute of foo where the value contains bar-baz in a dash seperated list (e.g. foo="qat-bar-baz-qip")


The 2nd children of nodes with a style="foo"


All immediate childen

> *

All immediate children

> [qux]

All immediate children that have an attribute of qux

.foo + span

All nodes that are a <span> that are directly after a node with astyle="foo"

.foo ~ span

All nodes that are a <span> that are siblings that follow a node with astyle="foo"

#foo ~ *

All nodes that are siblings that follow a node with an id="foo" [1]

#foo ~

All nodes that are siblings that follow a node with an id="foo" [1]


All nodes that are a <span> with a class="foo" but not a <span> and the first child of a node with an id="foo".

#main span.foo:not(:first-child)

All nodes that are a <span> with a class="foo" but not the first child of a node with an id="foo". [1]

#main > h3:nth-child(odd)

All nodes that are <h3> and the odd immediate children of a node with an id="main" [1]

#main h3:nth-child(odd)

All nodes that are <h3> and are odd children contained within a node with an id="main" [1]

#main h3:nth-child(2n+1)

All nodes that are <h3>

#main h3:nth-child(even)

#main h3:nth-child(2n)

Every other nodes that are <h3>

#main2 > :checked

#main2 >input[type=checkbox]:checked

#main2 >input[type=radio]:checked

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