社区首页 >专栏 >Jenkins X--(7)虚拟机里搭建Jenkins X环境

Jenkins X--(7)虚拟机里搭建Jenkins X环境

修改2019-11-28 10:44:21
修改2019-11-28 10:44:21

上一节《Jenkins X--(6)虚拟机里搭建Minikube环境》,我们已经完成了基于minikube的K8s环境的搭建,如果只是学习K8s这个环境就够了。这一节,我们要在这个K8s集群上,搭建一套云原生时代CICD的开源框架:Jenkins X

jenkins-x-versions:v1.0.118  https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions
jx:                2.0.844   https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx
jenkins-x-platform:2.0.1413  https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-platform

jenkins-x-versions是一个包含与jenkins-x及其相关程序一起使用的packages和helm charts的一致的版本集合。jenkins-x-versions v1.0.118 对应的jx版本是2.0.844,jenkins-x-platform的版本是2.0.1413。


首先在本机上安装一个命令行工具jx,用于安装和使用Jenkins X



curl -L https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx/releases/download/v2.0.844/jx-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar xzv 
sudo mv jx /usr/local/bin


[root@learncloudnative ~]# jx
jx is a command line tool for working with Jenkins XWARNING: Unable to load managed plugins because customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "plugins.jenkins.io" not found

  profile          Set your jx profile
  boot             Boots up Jenkins X in a Kubernetes cluster using GitOps and a Jenkins X Pipeline
  install          Install Jenkins X in the current Kubernetes cluster
  uninstall        Uninstall the Jenkins X platform
  upgrade          Upgrades a resource
  create cluster   Create a new Kubernetes cluster
  update cluster   Updates an existing Kubernetes cluster
  create jenkins token Adds a new username and API token for a Jenkins server
  delete jenkins token Deletes one or more Jenkins user API tokens
  init             Init Jenkins X

Adding Projects to Jenkins X:
  import           Imports a local project or Git repository into Jenkins
  create archetype Create a new app from a Maven Archetype and import the generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD
  create spring    Create a new Spring Boot application and import the generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD
  create lile      Create a new Lile based application and import the generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD
  create micro     Create a new micro based application and import the generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD
  create quickstart Create a new app from a Quickstart and import the generated code into Git and Jenkins for CI/CD
  create quickstartlocation Create a location of quickstarts for your team

  create addon     Creates an addon
  create token addon Adds a new token/login for a user for a given addon
  delete addon     Deletes one or more addons
  delete token addon Deletes one or more API tokens for a user on an issue addon server
  delete app       Deletes one or more apps from Jenkins X
  delete application Deletes one or more applications from Jenkins
  add app          Adds an app

  create git server Creates a new Git server from a URL and kind
  delete git server Deletes one or more Git servers
  create git token Adds a new API token for a user on a Git server
  delete git token Deletes one or more API tokens for a user on a Git server
  repository       Opens the web page for the current Git repository in a browser

Working with Kubernetes:
  compliance       Run compliance tests against Kubernetes cluster
  completion       Output shell completion code for the given shell (bash or zsh)
  context          View or change the current Kubernetes context (Kubernetes cluster)
  environment      View or change the current environment in the current Kubernetes cluster
  team             View or change the current team in the current Kubernetes cluster
  namespace        View or change the current namespace context in the current Kubernetes cluster
  prompt           Generate the command line prompt for the current team and environment
  scan             Perform a scan action
  shell            Create a sub shell so that changes to the Kubernetes context, namespace or environment remain local to the shell
  status           status of the Kubernetes cluster or named node

Working with Applications:
  console          Opens the Jenkins console
  logs             Tails the log of the latest pod for a deployment
  open             Open a service in a browser
  rsh              Opens a terminal in a pod or runs a command in the pod
  sync             Synchronises your local files to a DevPod

Working with CloudBees application:
  cloudbees        Opens the CloudBees app for Kubernetes for visualising CI/CD and your environments
  login            Onboard an user into the CloudBees application

Working with Environments:
  preview          Creates or updates a Preview Environment for the current version of an application
  promote          Promotes a version of an application to an Environment
  create addon environment Create an Environment Controller to handle webhooks and promote changes from GitOps
  create environment Create a new Environment which is used to promote your Team's Applications via Continuous Delivery
  delete addon environment Deletes the Environment Controller 
  delete environment Deletes one or more Environments
  edit environment Edits an Environment which is used to promote your Team's Applications via Continuous Delivery
  get environments Display one or more Environments

Working with Jenkins X resources:
  get              Display one or more resources
  edit             Edit a resource
  create           Create a new resource
  update           Updates an existing resource
  delete           Deletes one or more resources
  add              Adds a new resource
  start            Starts a process such as a pipeline
  stop             Stops a process such as a pipeline

Jenkins X Pipeline Commands:
  step             pipeline steps

Jenkins X services:
  controller       Runs a controller
  gc               Garbage collects Jenkins X resources

Other Commands:
  diagnose         Print diagnostic information about the Jenkins X installation
  docs             Open the documentation in a browser
  help             Help about any command
  version          Print the version information

  -b, --batch-mode=false: Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
      --verbose=false: Enables verbose output
      --version=false: version for jx
  jx [flags] [options]
Use "jx <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "jx options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
[root@learncloudnative ~]#



jx在安装jenkinsX到K8s集群时,需要从github上clone相关的代码库,比如:预览环境和生产环境的模板代码库。也需要提供一个Git Server以及相关的账号、Token来上传相应的代码库。因此,验证git是否安装,并设置git config。



# yum -y groupinstall Development tools# yum install gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker openssl-devel curl-devel expat-devel# yum -y remove git# wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.16.5.tar.gz# tar -zxvf git-2.16.5.tar.gz# make prefix=/usr/local/git all# make prefix=/usr/local/git install# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/git/bin" >> /etc/bashrc# source /etc/bashrc

设置Git Server Token

Git Server的token提前准备好,我这里是用的github,可以在个人设置Setting---Personal access tokens里添加新的token。权限包括:delete_repo, read:org, read:user, repo, user:email, write:repo_hook


jenkinsX的镜像需要从国外网站上下载,jx并没有提供像minikube里指定镜像地址的参数,这里只能依靠之前写的《Jenkins X--(4)不用访问外国网站也能下载国外的镜像》,先提前把镜像准备好。各位幸运的是,这些镜像我都已经准备好了,可以在hub.docker.com里搜索,账号:xinglongjian下一般都有,如果没有,那就是在其他的账号里已经有了,我就没重复上传。如果都没有,可以安装文章里提供的方法,自行上传。



docker pull xinglongjian/jenkinsx:0.0.80


docker pull xinglongjian/builder-jx:2.0.842-199


docker pull xinglongjian/jx:2.0.645


docker pull xinglongjian/builder-maven:2.0.842-199


docker pull xinglongjian/nexus:0.1.7


docker pull xinglongjian/heapster:v1.5.2


docker pull xinglongjian/addon-resizer:1.7


docker pull xinglongjian/chartmuseum:v0.7.1


docker pull xinglongjian/exposecontroller:2.3.111


docker pull xinglongjian/nginx-ingress-controller:0.25.1


docker pull registry:2.6.2


jx install --versions-ref='v1.0.118' 

执行过程如下:执行过程中会设置git config,以及连接github的账号和token,jx install根据指定的版本下载相应的代码库和镜像,同时会给自己的代码库中创建好环境代码库(test,stage,production)。

[root@learncloudnative ~]# jx install --versions-ref='v1.0.118' 
? Select Jenkins installation type:  [Use arrows to move, space to select, type to filter]
> Serverless Jenkins X Pipelines with Tekton
  Static Jenkins Server and Jenkinsfiles
? Select Jenkins installation type:  [Use arrows to move, space to select, type to filter]
  Serverless Jenkins X Pipelines with Tekton
> Static Jenkins Server and Jenkinsfiles
? Select Jenkins installation type: Static Jenkins Server and Jenkinsfiles
Namespace jx created 
Context "minikube" modified.
set exposeController Config Domain
Git configured for user: xinglongjian and email xinglongjian@qq.com
helm installed and configured
nginx ingress controller already enabled
Set up a Git username and API token to be able to perform CI/CD
? Do you wish to use xinglongjian as the local Git user for GitHub server: Yes
Select the CI/CD pipelines Git server and user
? Do you wish to use GitHub as the pipelines Git server: Yes
Setting the pipelines Git server https://github.com and user name xinglongjian.
Deleting and cloning the Jenkins X versions repo
Cloning the Jenkins X versions repo https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions.git with revision v1.0.118 to /root/.jx/jenkins-x-versions
remote: Enumerating objects: 2, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 2 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
展开对象中: 100% (2/2), 完成.
来自 https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions
 * tag               v1.0.118   -> FETCH_HEAD
Cloning the Jenkins X cloud environments repo to /root/.jx/cloud-environments
? A local Jenkins X cloud environments repository already exists, recreating with latest: Yes
Cloning the Jenkins X cloud environments repo to /root/.jx/cloud-environments
Enumerating objects: 1440, done.
Total 1440 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1440
? Defaulting workload build pack: Kubernetes Workloads: Automated CI+CD with GitOps Promotion
Setting the team build pack to kubernetes-workloads repo: https://github.com/jenkins-x-buildpacks/jenkins-x-kubernetes.git ref: master
Installing jx into namespace jx
Installing jenkins-x-platform version: 2.0.1413
Deleting and cloning the Jenkins X versions repo
Cloning the Jenkins X versions repo https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions.git with revision v1.0.118 to /root/.jx/jenkins-x-versions
remote: Enumerating objects: 2, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 2 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
展开对象中: 100% (2/2), 完成.
来自 https://github.com/jenkins-x/jenkins-x-versions
 * tag               v1.0.118   -> FETCH_HEAD

WARNING: waiting for install to be ready, if this is the first time then it will take a while to download images
Jenkins X deployments ready in namespace jx
Configuring the TeamSettings for ImportMode Jenkinsfile
Configure Jenkins API Token
Generating the API token...
Logged in admin to Jenkins server at http://jenkins.jx. via legacy security realm
Enable CSRF protection at: http://jenkins.jx.
Created user admin API Token for Jenkins server jenkins.jx. at http://jenkins.jx.
Updating Jenkins with new external URL details http://jenkins.jx.
Creating default staging and production environments
? Select the organization where you want to create the environment repository:  [Use arrows to move, space to select, type to filter]
> xinglongjian
? Select the organization where you want to create the environment repository: xinglongjian
Using Git provider GitHub at https://github.com
? Using Git user name: xinglongjian
? Using organisation: xinglongjian
Creating repository xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-staging
Creating Git repository xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-staging
Pushed Git repository to https://github.com/xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-staging

Creating staging Environment in namespace jx
Created environment staging
Created Jenkins Project: http://jenkins.jx.

Note that your first pipeline may take a few minutes to start while the necessary images get downloaded!

Creating GitHub webhook for xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-staging for url http://jenkins.jx.
Using Git provider GitHub at https://github.com
? Using Git user name: xinglongjian
? Using organisation: xinglongjian
Creating repository xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-production
Creating Git repository xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-production
Pushed Git repository to https://github.com/xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-production

Creating production Environment in namespace jx
Created environment production
Namespace jx-production created 
Created Jenkins Project: http://jenkins.jx.

Note that your first pipeline may take a few minutes to start while the necessary images get downloaded!

Creating GitHub webhook for xinglongjian/environment-healerwheat-production for url http://jenkins.jx.

Jenkins X installation completed successfully


             NOTE: Your admin password is: wn4vA4abe+ncULd48g~s


Your Kubernetes context is now set to the namespace: jx 
To switch back to your original namespace use: jx namespace jx
Or to use this context/namespace in just one terminal use: jx shell
For help on switching contexts see: https://jenkins-x.io/developing/kube-context/
To import existing projects into Jenkins:       jx import
To create a new Spring Boot microservice:       jx create spring -d web -d actuator
To create a new microservice from a quickstart: jx create quickstart
[root@learncloudnative ~]#

jenkins X安装时默认,在k8s集群中安装一个名为jx的命名空间。同时也会为每个环境创建一个命名空间,如下表:

[root@learncloudnative ~]# kubectl get ns 
NAME            STATUS   AGE
default         Active   4d18h
jx              Active   25m
jx-production   Active   20m
jx-staging      Active   14h
kube-public     Active   4d18h
kube-system     Active   4d18h
[root@learncloudnative ~]# kubectl get pod -n jx
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
jenkins-5c95d5bf9b-p94qh                        1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-chartmuseum-67f75c4884-kc9f8          1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-controllerrole-7f7d94659c-8fnbx       1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-controllerteam-9775fbf47-4cggm        1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-controllerworkflow-578f9cbf9b-4bmt5   1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-docker-registry-589d4d79c4-dx4jq      1/1     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-heapster-fbdccf687-vchkq              2/2     Running   0          23m
jenkins-x-nexus-57c8447c4-7gnw8                 1/1     Running   0          23m
maven-ns5xq                                     2/2     Running   0          20m
maven-x1293                                     2/2     Running   0          20m
[root@learncloudnative ~]# kubectl get all -n jx   
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/jenkins-5c95d5bf9b-p94qh                        1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-chartmuseum-67f75c4884-kc9f8          1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-controllerrole-7f7d94659c-8fnbx       1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-controllerteam-9775fbf47-4cggm        1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-controllerworkflow-578f9cbf9b-4bmt5   1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-docker-registry-589d4d79c4-dx4jq      1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-heapster-fbdccf687-vchkq              2/2     Running   0          23m
pod/jenkins-x-nexus-57c8447c4-7gnw8                 1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/maven-ns5xq                                     2/2     Running   0          20m
pod/maven-x1293                                     2/2     Running   0          20m

NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
service/heapster                    ClusterIP    <none>        8082/TCP    23m
service/jenkins                     ClusterIP      <none>        8080/TCP    23m
service/jenkins-agent               ClusterIP     <none>        50000/TCP   23m
service/jenkins-x-chartmuseum       ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP    23m
service/jenkins-x-docker-registry   ClusterIP     <none>        5000/TCP    23m
service/nexus                       ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP      23m

NAME                                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/jenkins                        1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-chartmuseum          1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-controllerrole       1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-controllerteam       1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-controllerworkflow   1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-docker-registry      1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-heapster             1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/jenkins-x-nexus                1/1     1            1           23m

NAME                                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/jenkins-5c95d5bf9b                        1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-chartmuseum-67f75c4884          1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-controllerrole-7f7d94659c       1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-controllerteam-9775fbf47        1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-controllerworkflow-578f9cbf9b   1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-docker-registry-589d4d79c4      1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-heapster-7489b8d655             0         0         0       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-heapster-fbdccf687              1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/jenkins-x-nexus-57c8447c4                 1         1         1       23m

NAME                                   SCHEDULE         SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
cronjob.batch/jenkins-x-gcactivities   0/30 */3 * * *   False     0        <none>          23m
cronjob.batch/jenkins-x-gcpods         0/30 */3 * * *   False     0        <none>          23m
cronjob.batch/jenkins-x-gcpreviews     0 */3 * * *      False     0        <none>          23m

NAME                                                                                   GIT URL   STATUS
pipelineactivity.jenkins.io/xinglongjian-environment-healerwheat-production-master-1             Running
pipelineactivity.jenkins.io/xinglongjian-environment-healerwheat-staging-master-1                Running
[root@learncloudnative ~]#

以界面启动,在终端输入:jx console,可以在浏览器中打开jenkins X的控制台。

[root@learncloudnative ~]# jx console
Jenkins Console: http://jenkins.jx.
This tool has been deprecated, use 'gio open' instead.
See 'gio help open' for more info.




这样,Jenkins X的环境就搭建好了,Jenkins X是云原生时代的CICD实现,以DevOps最佳实践和原则为指导,真正能够做到自动化,高效。


如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。


如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

0 条评论
  • 1、首先安装jx
  • 2、安装Jenkins-X到当前K8s集群
    • 准备工作
      • 安装Git
        • 设置Git Server Token
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