#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2017\7\28 0028 18:52 # @Author : d y h # @File : xiaolianxi.py #输入对比的重量与价格 weight1,price1= eval(input("Enter weight and price for package 1 :")) weight2,price2= eval(input("Enter weight and price for package 2 :")) #每斤价格比较 permj1 = price1 / weight1 permj2 = price2 / weight2 #选择价低的 if permj1 > permj2: print("package 2 has the better price ") else: print("package 1 has the better price ")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2017\7\28 0028 19:06 # @Author : d y h # @File : xiaolianxi.py #输入月份与年份 month,year = eval(input("Enter month an year (5,2004):")) #闰年 leapyear = year % 4 if month == 1 or month == 3 or month == 5 or month == 7 or month == 8 or \ month == 10 or month == 12: month1 = 31 elif month ==4 or month == 6 or month == 8 or month ==9 or month ==11 : month1 =30 elif leapyear == 0 and month == 2: month1 = 29 else: month = 28 print(year,"年",month,"月","有",month1,"天")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2017\7\28 0028 19:55 # @Author : d y h # @File : xiaolianxi.py #输入三角形的三个边 lenght1,lenght2,lenght3, =eval(input("Enter three adges:")) #算周长 perimeter = lenght1 + lenght2 + lenght3 #判断合不合法 if lenght1 + lenght2 > lenght3 and lenght1 + lenght3 > lenght2 and \ lenght2 + lenght3 > lenght1: print("The perimeter is",perimeter) else: print("The perimeter invalid",)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2017\7\28 0028 21:39 # @Author : d y h # @File : zuoye.4.36.py #输入一个点的坐标 x,y = eval(input("Enter a coordubate :")) import turtle #画正方形 turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-50,25) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(50,25) turtle.goto(50,-25) turtle.goto(-50,-25) turtle.goto(-50,25) turtle.hideturtle() #设置用户输入的point turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) #设置颜色 turtle.color("blue") #笔尖大小 turtle.pensize(10) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100,-100) #x1=用户输入的坐标x绝对值 y1=用户输入的坐标y的绝对值 x1 = abs(x) y1 = abs(y) #如果x的绝对值小于50并且y的绝对值小于25,则该点在图形内。否则不在图形内 if x1 <= 50 and y1 <= 25: turtle.write("This point is in the graph",font=("Arial",20,"normal")) else: turtle.write("This point is not in the graph",font=("Arial",20,"normal")) turtle.done()