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python 1

发布2020-01-10 01:19:40
发布2020-01-10 01:19:40


[root@room1pc01 桌面]# cat  ipmac.txt   121212452242   242426231251   242426231324

[root@room1pc01 桌面]#vim ipmac.txt

  1   12:12:12:45:22:42   2   24:24:26:23:12:51   3   24:24:26:23:13:24 ~                                                                                ~                                                                                                        ~                                                                                ~                                                                                ~                                                                                :%s /\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)$/\1:\2:\3:\4:\5:\6/g

python 1 支持tab键补全 # vim /usr/local/bin/tab.py   1 import readline   2 import rlcompleter    3   4 readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') # vim ~/.bash_profile  14 PYTHONSTARTUP=/usr/local/bin/tab.py  15 export PATH PYTHONSTARTUP # source ~/.bash_profile # python >>> p  (两下tab) pass       pow(       print      print(     property( >>> if 3 > 0:   (顶语句) ...  print 'no'  (缩进) ... no >>> if 10 > 5: ...  print "ok" ...  print "yes"   (这两个都是上面的子语句,缩进要一样) ... ok yes >>> if  'hello world!': ...  print 2 ... 2 print 后面字母一定要用引号 >>> print "tom's a pet " tom's a pet >>> print 'hello world!' hello world! >>> print 'hello    world!' hello    world! >>> print 'hello, world!' hello, world! >>> print 'hello', 'world!' hello world! >>> print 'hello',   'world!' hello world! >>> print 'hello'+ 'world!' helloworld! >>> username=raw_input("username:")      username:xixi >>> print username  (输出显示) xixi >>> username    (输出的是变量字符) 'xixi' >>> 3 + 4 7 >>> '3' + "4" '34' >>> number=raw_input("number:")   记住:raw_input里面都是字符 number:10 >>> number '10' >>> number + 5 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects >>> number + '5' '105' >>> int(number) + 5 15 >>> int(number)+5 15 >>> 3+5 8 [root@room1pc01 python]# cat day01.py #-*- coding: utf8 -*- username=raw_input('username:') print 'Welocme', username print 'Welcome '+ username print '你好' +  username [root@room1pc01 python]# python day01.py username:tom Welocme tom Welcome tom 你好tom ———————————————————————————————————————————— (调用模块) #vim /root/star.py hi = 'hello world' def pstar():                           函数       print '*' * 20 #pyhton     (/root下) Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jul 23 2015, 15:22:56) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import star >>> star.hi 'hello world' >>> star.pstar() ******************** [root@room1pc01 桌面]# cat yy.py hi = 'hello ' def ps():    print 1 * 20 [root@room1pc01 桌面]# python >>> import yy >>> yy.hi 'hello ' >>> yy.ps() 20 —————————————————————————————————————————————— ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 编辑模块的帮助说明: [root@room1pc01 python]# cat star.py #-*- coding: utf8 -*- '''演示程序                                       (加三引号 帮助说明) 这仅仅是一个包含变量和函数 ''' hi = 'hello world' def pstar():       '用于打印20个星号'               (这是字符串,加引号)       print '*' * 20 [root@room1pc01 python]# python >>> import star >>> help(star) Help on module star: NAME     star - 演示程序 FILE     /root/python/star.py DESCRIPTION     这仅仅是一个包含变量和函数 FUNCTIONS     pstar()         用于打印20个星号 DATA     hi = 'hello world' —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 变量:第一个字符只能是大小写字母或下划线 后续字符只能是字母数字和下划线 >>> print 100 100 >>> 100 + 5 105 >>> 100 /5 20 >>> spedd = 100 >>> spedd+5 105 >>> a=10 >>> a=a+10 >>> a 20 >>> a +=1 >>> a 21 >>> -a -21 >>> a 21 >>> 5/3 1 >>> 5.0/3 1.6666666666666667 >>> 5%3 2 >>> 5**2 25 >>> 5**3 125 >>> 5//3.0 1.0 >>> 5/3.0 1.6666666666666667 >>> 3==3 True >>> 3=3   File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: can't assign to literal >>> 3>=3 True >>> 3>3 False >>> a=10 >>> if a=10 :   File "<stdin>", line 1     if a=10 :         ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> 3 !=4 True >>> 10 <20 <30 True >>> 10 <20 >15 True >>> not 10*20 < 10+20 and 5 > 3 True >>> not( 10*20 < 10+20) and 5 > 3 True                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    >>> not False and True True >>> True +1 2 >>> False +1 1 >>> 023 19 >>> 11 11 >>> 011 9 >>> 0x23 35 >>> 0b12   File "<stdin>", line 1     0b12        ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> 0b11 3 >>> 0b10 2 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal >>> os.chmod('day01.py',755) >>> os.chmod('star.py',0755) [root@room1pc01 python]# ll 总用量 12 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 133 3月  21 10:50 day01.py -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 172 3月  21 11:29 star.py -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 372 3月  21 11:29 star.pyc [root@room1pc01 python]# ll 总用量 12 --wxrw--wt. 1 root root 133 3月  21 10:50 day01.py -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 172 3月  21 11:29 star.py -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 372 3月  21 11:29 star.pyc >>> name='tom' >>> name 'tom' >>> print name tom >>> print 'name' name >>> print 'hello %s' % name hello tom >>> print '%s is %s student' % (name,23) tom is 23 student >>> py_str='python' >>> py_str[1] 'y' >>> py_str[0] 'p' >>> len(py_str) 6 >>> py_str[5] 'n' >>> py_str[-1] 'n' >>> py_str[-6] 'p' >>> py_str[2:4]  多取一个 'th' >>> py_str[2:6] 'thon' >>> py_str[2:10] 'thon' >>> py_str[2:] 'thon' >>> py_str[-4:] 'thon' >>> py_str[-1:] 'n' >>> py_str[-2:] 'on' >>> py_str[-3:] 'hon' >>> py_str[:] 'python' >>> py_str[::2] 'pto' >>> py_str[:2] 'py' >>> py_str[1::2] 'yhn' >>> py_str[::-1] 'nohtyp' >>> py_str[:-1] 'pytho' >>> py_str + 'is good' 'pythonis good' >>> py_str *3 'pythonpythonpython' >>> print 'py_str *3' py_str *3 >>> print '%s *3'% py_str python *3 >>> 't' in py_str True >>> 'th' in py_str True >>> 'to' in py_str False >>> 'to' not  in py_str True >>> 'hello'.upper() 'HELLO' >>> py_str.upper() 'PYTHON' >>> py_str.isalpha() True >>> py_str 'python' >>> print '+%s+' % ('-' * 48) +------------------------------------------------+ >>> print "+%s+" % py_str.center(48) +                     python                     + >>> py_str.center(48) '                     python                     ' >>> py_str.center(48,"#") '#####################python#####################' >>> py_str.ljust(48,'#') 'python##########################################' >>> py_str.rjust(48,'#') '##########################################python' >>> '         hello world!    '.strip() 'hello world!' >>> '         hello world!    ' '         hello world!    ' >>> '         hello world!    '.lstrip() 'hello world!    ' >>> '         hello world!    '.rstrip() '         hello world!' >>> >>> 't' in py_str   File "<stdin>", line 1     >>> 't' in py_str      ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> True True >>> >>> 'th' in py_str   File "<stdin>", line 1     >>> 'th' in py_str      ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> True True >>> >>> 'to' in py_str   File "<stdin>", line 1     >>> 'to' in py_str      ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> False False >>> >>> 'to' not  in py_str   File "<stdin>", line 1     >>> 'to' not  in py_str      ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> True True >>> print "+%s+" %('-' * 48) +------------------------------------------------+ >>> print "py_str%spy_str" %('-' * 48) py_str------------------------------------------------py_str >>> print "%s%s%s" %(py_str,"-" * 48,py_str) python------------------------------------------------python 列表 >>> alist = [10,20,'bob',[1,2]] >>> len(alist) 4 >>> 10 in alist True >>> 1 in alist False >>> alist[2:4] ['bob', [1, 2]] >>> alist[2:3] ['bob'] >>> alist[0:1] [10] >>> alist[0:2] [10, 20] >>> alist=[10,20,30,40,"bo","b"] >>> alist[-1]=100  (该最后一个值) >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 40, 'bo', 100] >>> alist.append(200)   (追加一个值) >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 40, 'bo', 100, 200] >>> alist.insert(3,"tom")   (插入一个值) >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100, 200] >>> blist=[12,45,64,12,453] >>> blist [12, 45, 64, 12, 453] >>> blist.sort() >>> blist [12, 12, 45, 64, 453] >>> blist.pop() 453 >>> blist [12, 12, 45, 64] 元组 >>> atuple=(10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100, 200)   (元组是用(),不可变) >>> atuple (10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100, 200) >>> atuple[2:4] (30, 'tom') >>> atuple[-1]=300 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment >>> len(atuple) 8 字典 >>> adict={'name': 'bob','age':22} >>> adict {'age': 22, 'name': 'bob'} >>> len(adict) 2 >>> 22 in adict False >>> 'age' in adict True >>> adict['age'] 22     修改和增加 >>> adict['age']=25 >>> adict['age'] 25 >>> adict['email']='bob@tedu.cn' >>> adict {'age': 25, 'name': 'bob', 'email': 'bob@tedu.cn'} >>> adict.get('phone') >>> print adict.get('phone') None >>> adict.get('age') 25 >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100, 200] >>> blist=alist >>> blist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100, 200] >>> blist.pop() 200 >>> blist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100] >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100] >>> clist=alist[::] >>> clist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100] >>> clist.pop() 100 >>> clist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo'] >>> alist [10, 20, 30, 'tom', 40, 'bo', 100] 练习: [root@room1pc01 python]# vim if1.py   1 a=10   2   3 if a>5:   4  print 'yes'   5 else:   6   print 'error' [root@room1pc01 python]# python if1.py yes 非0打印非空打印 >>> if -0.0: ...   print 'yes' ...    ... >>> if 3: ...  print 'yes' ... yes >>> if ' ': ...  print 'yes' ...   ... yes >>> if '': ...  print 'yes' ... (一个脚本如果输入的用户不是bob,密码不是123456,就报错,或就对的) [root@room1pc01 python]# vim if2.py   1 username=raw_input('username:')   2 password=raw_input('password:')   3 if username=="bob" and password=="123456":   4  print 'login successful '   5 else:     6  print 'login incorrect' [root@room1pc01 python]# python if2.py username:bob password:123456 login successful [root@room1pc01 python]# vim if3.py   1 import getpass    2   3 username=raw_input('username:')   4 password=getpass.getpass('password:')    5   6 if username=="bob" and password=="123456":   7  print 'login successful '   8 else:   9  print 'login incorrect' [root@room1pc01 python]# python if3.py username:bob password: login successful

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