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python 生成html测试报表三步曲

发布2020-01-10 16:21:17
发布2020-01-10 16:21:17





# @file: pyh.py # @purpose: a HTML tag generator # @author: Emmanuel Turlay <turlay@cern.ch>

__doc__ = """The pyh.py module is the core of the PyH package. PyH lets you generate HTML tags from within your python code. See http://code.google.com/p/pyh/ for documentation. """ __author__ = "Emmanuel Turlay <turlay@cern.ch>" __version__ = '$Revision: 43 $' __date__ = '$Date$'

from sys import _getframe, stdout, modules, version nOpen={}

nl = '/n' doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">/n' charset = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />/n'

tags = ['html', 'body', 'head', 'link', 'meta', 'div', 'p', 'form', 'legend', 'input', 'select', 'span', 'b', 'i', 'option', 'img', 'script', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'fieldset', 'a', 'title', 'body', 'head', 'title', 'script', 'br', 'table','font']

selfClose = ['input', 'img', 'link', 'br']

class Tag(list): tagname = '' def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): self.attributes = kw if self.tagname : name = self.tagname self.isSeq = False else: name = 'sequence' self.isSeq = True self.id = kw.get('id', name) #self.extend(arg) for a in arg: self.addObj(a)

def __iadd__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Tag) and obj.isSeq: for o in obj: self.addObj(o) else: self.addObj(obj) return self def addObj(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, Tag): obj = str(obj) id=self.setID(obj) setattr(self, id, obj) self.append(obj)

def setID(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Tag): id = obj.id n = len([t for t in self if isinstance(t, Tag) and t.id.startswith(id)]) else: id = 'content' n = len([t for t in self if not isinstance(t, Tag)]) if n: id = '%s_%03i' % (id, n) if isinstance(obj, Tag): obj.id = id return id

def __add__(self, obj): if self.tagname: return Tag(self, obj) self.addObj(obj) return self

def __lshift__(self, obj): self += obj return obj

def render(self): result = '' if self.tagname: result = '<%s%s%s>' % (self.tagname, self.renderAtt(), self.selfClose()*' /') if not self.selfClose(): for c in self: if isinstance(c, Tag): result += c.render() else: result += c if self.tagname: result += '</%s>' % self.tagname result += '/n' return result

def renderAtt(self): result = '' for n, v in self.attributes.iteritems(): if n != 'txt' and n != 'open': if n == 'cl': n = 'class' result += ' %s="%s"' % (n, v) return result

def selfClose(self): return self.tagname in selfClose def TagFactory(name): class f(Tag): tagname = name f.__name__ = name return f

thisModule = modules[__name__]

for t in tags: setattr(thisModule, t, TagFactory(t))

def ValidW3C(): out = a(img(src='http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10', alt='Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict'), href='http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer') return out

class PyH(Tag): tagname = 'html' def __init__(self, name='MyPyHPage'): self += head() self += body() self.attributes = dict(xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', lang='en') self.head += title(name)

def __iadd__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, head) or isinstance(obj, body): self.addObj(obj) elif isinstance(obj, meta) or isinstance(obj, link): self.head += obj else: self.body += obj id=self.setID(obj) setattr(self, id, obj) return self

def addJS(self, *arg): for f in arg: self.head += script(type='text/javascript', src=f)

def addCSS(self, *arg): for f in arg: self.head += link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=f) def printOut(self,file=''): if file: f = open(file, 'w') else: f = stdout f.write(doctype) f.write(self.render()) f.flush() if file: f.close() class TagCounter: _count = {} _lastOpen = [] for t in tags: _count[t] = 0 def __init__(self, name): self._name = name def open(self, tag): if isLegal(tag): self._count[tag] += 1 self._lastOpen += [tag] def close(self, tag): if isLegal(tag) and self._lastOpen[-1] == tag: self._count[tag] -= 1 self._lastOpen.pop() else: print 'Cross tagging is wrong' def isAllowed(self, tag, open): if not open and self.isClosed(tag): print 'TRYING TO CLOSE NON-OPEN TAG: %s' % tag return False return True def isOpen(self, tag): if isLegal(tag): return self._count[tag] def isClosed(self, tag): if isLegal(tag): return not self._count[tag]

def isLegal(tag): if tag in tags: return True else: print 'ILLEGAL TAG: %s' % tag return False 第二步,写和DB交互的代码,通常写报表都需要从数据库或其他数据元获取数据。我的比较简单,源代码如下

#coding=utf-8 import loadmylib import dbunit_mysql from pyh import *

class dbreport: def __init__(self,dbinfo='report',project='aliuid',suitid=None): self.db = dbunit_mysql.DBUnit(dbinfo,project) self.suitid = suitid if self.suitid <= 0: print "suitid must not be none" return # def get_taskresult_records(self): try: suitresult = self.db.read("SELECT * FROM ex_suit e where suitid =%d"%self.suitid) taskid = suitresult[0]['taskid'] taskresult = self.db.read("select * from task where taskid = %d"%int(taskid)) return taskresult[0] except: print "getsuitreport error"

def get_groupresult_records(self): try: groupresult = self.db.read("SELECT * FROM ex_group where suitid =%d"%self.suitid) return groupresult except: print "getgroupreport error" def get_failedcase_records(self): try: sqlstr = "SELECT e.*,f.testgroupname FROM ex_case e left join ex_group f on e.testgroupid = f.testgroupid where f.suitid=%d and e.status =1 order by testcaseid"%self.suitid groupresult = self.db.read(sqlstr) return groupresult except: print "getgroupreport error" def get_totalcase_records(self): try: sqlstr = "SELECT e.*,f.testgroupname FROM ex_case e left join ex_group f on e.testgroupid = f.testgroupid where f.suitid=%d order by testcaseid"%self.suitid groupresult = self.db.read(sqlstr) return groupresult except: print "getgroupreport error"

def getcaseresult(): mytab.attributes[''] = ''; pass

if __name__ == '__main__': dbrp = dbreport(suitid=12) result = dbrp.get_failedcase_records() result1 = dbrp.get_totalcase_records() print len(result) print result print result1 第三步,自然是生成报表的代码了。源代码如下

#coding=utf-8 import loadmylib import dbunit_mysql from pyh import * import dbreport import commonfunc import config

class report: def __init__(self,dbinfo='report',project='aliuid',suitid=None): self.page = PyH('%s test report'%project) self.page << '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />' self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.project = project self.drp = dbreport.dbreport(dbinfo,project,suitid)

#设定表格的格式 def tablecss(self,table = None,width='90%'): table.attributes['cellSpacing'] = 1; table.attributes['cellPadding'] = 1; table.attributes['border'] = 1; table.attributes['borderColor'] = '#666666'; table.attributes['width'] = width; #set colum title bgcolor def tr_title_css(self,tr = None): tr.attributes['bgcolor'] = '#CCCC00';

#get summary info def gentask_html(self): #get taskresult from mysqldb taskresult = self.drp.get_taskresult_records() sum_div = div(b('.摘要'), id='myCSSid1') self.page << sum_div interfaces = taskresult['modules'] num_interface = len(interfaces.split(',')) totalcase = int(taskresult['totalcase']) failedcase = int(taskresult['failedcase']) successcase = totalcase - failedcase tab_task = self.page << table() self.tablecss(tab_task) title_tr_task = tab_task << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_task) #add task column title title_tr_task << td('测试模块数') title_tr_task << td('通过用例数') title_tr_task << td('失败用例数') title_tr_task << td('总共用例数') #add column value value_tr_task = tab_task << tr() value_tr_task << td('%d'%num_interface) value_tr_task << td('%d'%successcase) value_tr_task << td('%d'%failedcase) value_tr_task << td('%d'%totalcase) self.page.printOut('test.html') self.page << br()

def gengroupreport(self): testgroups = self.drp.get_groupresult_records() sum_div = div(b('.模块测试报告'), id='mydiv2') self.page << sum_div tab_group = self.page << table() self.tablecss(tab_group) title_tr_group = tab_group << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_group) #add task column title title_tr_group << td('模块名称') title_tr_group << td('测试结果') title_tr_group << td('通过用例数') title_tr_group << td('失败用例数') title_tr_group << td('总共用例数') for i in range(len(testgroups)): testgroup = testgroups[i] groupname = testgroup['testgroupname'] groupstatus = int(testgroup['status']) totalcase = int(testgroup['totalcase']) failedcase = int(testgroup['failedcase']) successcase = totalcase - failedcase #add column value value_tr_group = tab_group << tr() value_tr_group << td('%s'%groupname) if groupstatus == 0: value_tr_group << td('Pass') else: value_tr_group << td('Failed') value_tr_group << td('%d'%successcase) value_tr_group << td('%d'%failedcase) value_tr_group << td('%d'%totalcase) self.page << br() def gen_failedcase_report(self): failedcases = self.drp.get_failedcase_records() sum_div = div(b('.失败用例列表'), id='mydiv2') self.page << sum_div tab_failed_case = self.page << table() self.tablecss(tab_failed_case) title_tr_failed_case = tab_failed_case << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_failed_case) #add task column title title_tr_failed_case << td('用例编号') title_tr_failed_case << td('模块名称') title_tr_failed_case << td('用例说明') title_tr_failed_case << td('用例等级') title_tr_failed_case << td('测试结果') for i in range(len(failedcases)): testcase = failedcases[i] casecode = testcase['testcasename'] groupname = testcase['testgroupname'] description = testcase['description'] level = testcase['caselevel'] status = int(testcase['status']) #add column value value_tr_failed_case = tab_failed_case << tr() value_tr_failed_case << td('%s'%casecode) value_tr_failed_case << td('%s'%groupname) value_tr_failed_case << td('%s'%description.encode('utf-8')) value_tr_failed_case << td('%s'%level) if status == 0: value_tr_failed_case << td('Pass') else: value_tr_failed_case << td('Failed') self.page << br()

def gen_totalcase_report(self): totalcases = self.drp.get_totalcase_records() sum_div = div(b('.所有用例列表'), id='mydiv4') self.page << sum_div tab_total_case = self.page << table() self.tablecss(tab_total_case) title_tr_total_case = tab_total_case << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_total_case) #add task column title title_tr_total_case << td('用例编号') title_tr_total_case << td('模块名称') title_tr_total_case << td('用例说明') title_tr_total_case << td('用例等级') title_tr_total_case << td('测试结果') for i in range(len(totalcases)): testcase = totalcases[i] casecode = testcase['testcasename'] groupname = testcase['testgroupname'] description = testcase['description'] level = testcase['caselevel'] status = int(testcase['status']) #add column value value_tr_total_case = tab_total_case << tr() value_tr_total_case << td('%s'%casecode) value_tr_total_case << td('%s'%groupname) value_tr_total_case << td('%s'%description.encode('utf-8')) value_tr_total_case << td('%s'%level) if status == 0: value_tr_total_case << td('Pass') else: value_tr_total_case << td('Failed') self.page << br()

def getdev_build_info(self,section='build_dev'): import os build_dev = section self.build_dev_info = config.SysConfig(self.project).getdbconnectinfo(build_dev) host = self.build_dev_info['host'] user = self.build_dev_info['user'] pwd = self.build_dev_info['password'] source = self.build_dev_info['source'] result = commonfunc.ssh_cmd(host,user,pwd,"svn info %s"%source) lresult = result.split("/r/n") url = lresult[2] reversion = lresult[5] last_author = lresult[8] last_date = lresult[10] return lresult

def genbuildreport(self): dev_info = self.getdev_build_info('build_dev') test_info = self.getdev_build_info('build_test') build_div = div(b('.版本信息'), id='mydiv5') self.page << build_div tab_build = self.page << table()

self.tablecss(tab_build,'70%') title_tr_build = tab_build << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_build) #add task column title title_td = title_tr_build << td('开发代码版本信息') title_td.attributes['colspan'] = '1'; #add column value value_tr_build = tab_build << tr() td_dev = value_tr_build << td() #td_dev.attributes['font'] = 'size =1' td_dev = td_dev << font() td_dev.attributes['size'] = '2' pt = td_dev << p() pt << dev_info[2].strip() pt <<br() pt << dev_info[5].strip() pt <<br() pt <<dev_info[8].strip() pt <<br() pt <<dev_info[10].strip() title_tr_build = tab_build << tr() self.tr_title_css(title_tr_build) #add task column title title_td = title_tr_build << td('测试代码版本信息') title_td.attributes['colspan'] = '1'; #add column value value_tr_build = tab_build << tr() td_test = value_tr_build << td() td_test = td_test << font() td_test.attributes['size'] = '2' pt = td_test << p() pt << test_info[2].strip() pt <<br() pt << test_info[5].strip() pt <<br() pt << test_info[8].strip() pt <<br() pt << test_info[10].strip() pt <<br() self.page << br()

def genreport(self,filename='test.html'): self.genbuildreport() self.gentask_html() self.gengroupreport() self.gen_failedcase_report() self.gen_totalcase_report() self.page.printOut('test.html')

if __name__ == '__main__': file = 'first.html' rp = report(suitid=12) rp.genreport(file)

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原始发表:2019-08-28 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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腾讯云 BI
腾讯云 BI(Business Intelligence,BI)提供从数据源接入、数据建模到数据可视化分析全流程的BI能力,帮助经营者快速获取决策数据依据。系统采用敏捷自助式设计,使用者仅需通过简单拖拽即可完成原本复杂的报表开发过程,并支持报表的分享、推送等企业协作场景。
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