社区首页 >专栏 >python小白学习之路--01


发布2020-01-14 15:10:27
发布2020-01-14 15:10:27

为了坚持而坚持(这话说了自己不信) 作为一个不懂编程的桌面,在技术的路上越走越远,严重到了找工作都很难的阶段,很心酸。。。作为一个干啥啥不行,吃啥啥有够,韩剧看不够,年纪又不小的我来说,在进步很难,不知路又走到哪就跑偏了,为了找到好工作而学习,至少希望可以升级做个小运维也是很满足的。 没有野心的人,想在现在生存,比有野心的人还要艰难。知足没有常乐,知足只是在后退而已! 网上学习python 对于我这样没组织没纪律的人,貌似起不到神马作用,忽略我没钱报培训班,还是硬着头皮,希望靠着大神的视频让我有所进步吧! 视频中python 入门第一篇结束后,要求写博客,我是假装听老师的话,然后过来自我安慰。 没啥语言功底,数学一般逻辑性不强,字迹潦潦草草,写出的东西也只有自己能看。 python01 小白入门的第一天 了解python, 神马是python,是蟒蛇。 为啥python要用.py 结尾,为了让其他人知道你写的这是个python 脚本,老师推荐最好使用pycharm脚本编辑器,下了个试用版,免费使用30天。 python 版本 3.6 (最好学习使用3.0 版本,2.0 过时了)

字符编码 ASCII 编码

  1. 输出“Hello world” (这是个仪式) 变量名要求:a, 不能是数字开头 b,除了“_”以外不能包含其他特殊字符 c,包含大小写,数字,下划线 d,变量名要简单易懂表达所代表的东西 e,关键字不能成为变量名(and ,as,assert break class continue def del elif ………..)

定义变量 name = "Hello World" print (name)

2.注释多行:(''' ''') ''' 多行注释,也可以打印多行 ''' 打印多行: 例: name = 'alex' msg=''' print ("my name is :" , {_name} ) name = "paoche ge" '''.format(_name=name) print (msg) 输出结果: print ("my name is :" , alex ) name = "paoche ge"

3.用户输入(input)和格式化输出 例:用户输入(input) username = input("type your username:") print(username) 格式化输出 a,例:字符串拼接(''' + ''') username = input ("username is :") age = input("age is :") job = input("job is:") salary=input("salary is:") info1=''' ------info1 is ''' + username '''----------- username is : '''+ username ''' age is : ''' +age ''' job is : '''+job ''' salary is : ''' + salary print (info1)

b, 字符串拼接(''' %s ''') ,s= string 字符串 username = input ("username is :") age = input("age is :") job = input("job is:") salary=input("salary is:") info2=''' ------info2 is %s----------- username is : %s age is : %s job is : %s salary is : %s '''%(username,username,age,job,salary) print (info2)

c, 字符串拼接(''' %s ''') s= string %d=整数 int=强制为数字? username = input ("username is :") age = int(input("age is :")) job = input("job is:") salary=input("salary is:") info3=''' ------info3 is %s----------- username is : %s age is : %d job is : %s salary is : %s '''%(username,username,age,job,salary) print (info3)

d, 字符串拼接(使用排序.format) username = input ("username is :") age = input("age is :") job = input("job is:") salary=input("salary is:") info4=''' ------info4 is {0}----------- username is : {0} age is : {1} job is : {2} salary is : {3} '''.format(username,age,job,salary) print (info4)

e, 字符串拼接(.format) username = input ("username is :") age = input("age is :") job = input("job is:") salary=input("salary is:") info5=''' ------info5 is {_username}----------- username is : {_username} age is : {_age} job is : {_job} salary is : {_salary} '''.format(username=_username, age=_age, job=_job, salary=_salary) print (info5)


**/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/user input.py" username is :alex your job is:IT your age is:23 salary is :232323

--------info 5 alex------ yourname is :alex your job is :IT your age is :23 your salary is :232323 **

4.密码加密 例: username = input("username:") password = getpass.getpass("password:") print (username,password)

5.if 条件判断语句() 例: oldboy_age=55 age = input("guess oldboy age is :")

if oldboy_age == age print("yes,you got it") else print("wrong ansser")

例:使用and 或是 or 连接符,满足条件才执行 username = 'alex'(错误的写法为 usename=alex ,表示是变量) password = '123456' _username =input("please input your name:") _pass=input("please input your password:") if usename=_username and _pass=password: print ("welcom login system") else: print("wrong user")

  1. while 循环语句 while True 循环语句:表示为真则执行,反之则执行else 语句 例: count = 0 while True: print ("count:",count) count = count +1 # count +=1 每次循环加1,打印显示循环后的数值

while True 和 if 一起循环判断语句 例: age= 55 while True: guess = int(input("guess age :")) if guess == age: print("yes,you got it.") elif guess < age: print("think older.") else: print ("think smaler") 输入结果如下 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/whiel True 循环.py" guess age :34 think older. guess age :56 think smaler guess age :

加上条件:使用户最多可以猜错三次条件 或是while 加条件语句如(while count < 3 ) 定义计数器 count = 0, count += 1 每次循环+1 跳出循环break 例: age= 55 count = 0 while True: if count == 3: break guess = int(input("guess age :")) if guess == age: print("yes,you got it.") elif guess < age: print("think older.") else: print ("think smaler") count += 1 执行的结果为: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/whiel True 循环.py" guess age :23 think older. guess age :23 think older. guess age :23 think older.

Process finished with exit code 0

对以上的代码做优化 例: age = 55 count = 0 while count < 3: guess = int(input("guess age: ")) if age == guess: print ("yes ,you got it") elif age < guess: print ("think older") else: print ("think smaller") count += 1

** # if count == 3:

print ("you have try too many times.")**

else: print("you have try too many times.") 输出结果是: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/whiel True 循环.py" guess age: 34 think smaller guess age: 35 think smaller guess age: 78 think older you have try too many times.

Process finished with exit code 0

6.for 循环 a,#最基本的for 循环 for i in range(10): print(i) 输出结果: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

b,显示不连续的数字(0:从0 开始,10:循环10次,2:每隔2位输出一个数字) for i in range(0,10,2): print (i) 输出结果为: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/for 循环.py" 0 2 4 6 8 Process finished with exit code 0 c,使用for 循环 猜年龄 例: age = 55 for i in range (3): guess = int(input("guess age:")) if guess == age: print ("yes,you got it .") break elif guess < age: print ("think older") else: print ("think smaller") else: print("you have trid too many times.") 输出结果: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/for 循环.py" guess age:34 think older guess age:34 think older guess age:34 think older you have trid too many times. Process finished with exit code 0

6.continue #跳出本次循环,执行下一次循环 while True: for i in range(3): user = int(input("guess age:")) if user == age: print("1") elif user > age: print(">") elif user < age: print("<") con = input("do you want con?")

if con == 'c':

age_of_oldboy = 55 count = 0 while count < 3: age = int(input("please input age of oldboy:"))

if age_of_oldboy == age:
    print("yes ,you got it!")
elif age_of_oldboy < age:
    print("think smaller")
    print("think older")
    count += 1

if count == 3:
    continue_confirm = input("do you want to keep guessing..?")
    if continue_confirm  != 'n':
        count = 0
        # != 不等于
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原始发表:2019/07/19 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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0 条评论
  • 2.注释多行:(''' ''') ''' 多行注释,也可以打印多行 ''' 打印多行: 例: name = 'alex' msg=''' print ("my name is :" , {_name} ) name = "paoche ge" '''.format(_name=name) print (msg) 输出结果: print ("my name is :" , alex ) name = "paoche ge"
  • --------info 5 alex------ yourname is :alex your job is :IT your age is :23 your salary is :232323 **
  • 例:使用and 或是 or 连接符,满足条件才执行 username = 'alex'(错误的写法为 usename=alex ,表示是变量) password = '123456' _username =input("please input your name:") _pass=input("please input your password:") if usename=_username and _pass=password: print ("welcom login system") else: print("wrong user")
  • while True 和 if 一起循环判断语句 例: age= 55 while True: guess = int(input("guess age :")) if guess == age: print("yes,you got it.") elif guess < age: print("think older.") else: print ("think smaler") 输入结果如下 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/whiel True 循环.py" guess age :34 think older. guess age :56 think smaler guess age :
  • print ("you have try too many times.")**
    • 6.for 循环 a,#最基本的for 循环 for i in range(10): print(i) 输出结果: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      • b,显示不连续的数字(0:从0 开始,10:循环10次,2:每隔2位输出一个数字) for i in range(0,10,2): print (i) 输出结果为: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/for 循环.py" 0 2 4 6 8 Process finished with exit code 0 c,使用for 循环 猜年龄 例: age = 55 for i in range (3): guess = int(input("guess age:")) if guess == age: print ("yes,you got it .") break elif guess < age: print ("think older") else: print ("think smaller") else: print("you have trid too many times.") 输出结果: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 "/Users/a1/PycharmProjects/untitled3/day1/for 循环.py" guess age:34 think older guess age:34 think older guess age:34 think older you have trid too many times. Process finished with exit code 0
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