非著名情感博主 IoT小能手 twowinter,耗费数月心血,编著长篇言情小说《和ESP8266 Arduino谈场恋爱》,为广大技术宅男传授深度撩妹技巧。是时候了,关掉屏幕上的波多野结衣,跟着小能手的脚步,去找寻爱的真谛。
ESP8266是通过串口 boot 来烧写,两年前玩 ESP8266 时就接触过,ESP8266学习笔记1:如何在安信可全功能测试板上实现ESP-01的编译下载和调试。
可奇怪的是,我手头玩的是WEMOS D1 开发板,没想到直接在 Arduino IDE上点击 “Upload” 就把程序烧录进去了,甚至都不用复位模块。
都说 Arduino 开发方式很傻瓜化,可没想居然傻到这程度,哦,不傻,方便到本能手都要哭出来了。
Esp8266 for Arduino 的烧写工具是集成了 esptool,esptool 的 github 有详细的解释。
## Entering the Bootloader
Both ESP8266 and ESP32 have to be reset in a certain way in order to launch the serial bootloader.
On some development boards (including NodeMCU, WeMOS, HUZZAH Feather, Core Board, ESP32-WROVER-KIT), esptool.py can automatically trigger a reset into the serial bootloader - in which case you don't need to read this section.
For everyone else, three things must happen to enter the serial bootloader - a reset, required pins set correctly, and GPIO0 pulled low:
### Boot Mode
Both ESP8266 and ESP32 chooses the boot mode each time it resets. A reset event can happen in one of several ways:
* Power applied to chip.
* The nRESET pin was low and is pulled high (on ESP8266 only).
* The CH_PD/EN pin ("enable") pin was low and is pulled high.
On ESP8266, both the nRESET and CH_PD pins must be pulled high for the chip to start operating.
For more details on selecting the boot mode, see the following Wiki pages:
* [ESP8266 Boot Mode Selection](https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/ESP8266-Boot-Mode-Selection)
* [ESP32 Boot Mode Selection](https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/ESP32-Boot-Mode-Selection)
原来不是所有的板子都能这样神奇地烧写,NodeMCU, WeMOS, HUZZAH Feather, Core Board, ESP32-WROVER-KIT,这几款是可以。其他的板子还是得老老实实地去手动对GPIO0拉低且复位模块。
找出 WeMOS 的原理图确认了下,原来是 复位脚 和 GPIO0 其实都有串口芯片的流控脚连接着。