社区首页 >专栏 >Prometheus入门


发布2020-07-10 10:11:56
发布2020-07-10 10:11:56

Prometheus(普罗米修斯)这款开源监控工具,名字和功能一样酷,本文是一个干货入门,动手来部署一个实验环境。用Prometheus+Grafana来监控MySQL。 这里安利一波docker 和 vagrant ,实在是开发的利器,校长用了都说好!

Prometheus 简介



Prometheus 可以做什么

  • 在业务层用作埋点系统


  • 在应用层用作应用监控系统


  • 在系统层用作系统监控

除了常用软件, prometheus也有相关系统层和网络层exporter,用以监控服务器或网络。

  • 集成其他的监控

prometheus还可以通过各种exporte,集成其他的监控系统,收集监控数据,如AWS CloudWatch,JMX,Pingdom等等。

Prometheus 入门案例


首先看一下目录结构,docker-compose.yml 是容器启动文件,prometheus.yml 是prometheus的配置文件,另外一个是grafana与容器交互的文件,后面我们详细说。

docker-compose.yml 的内容如下,包含4个容器,prometheus,grafana,mysql exporter 和 mysql 。其中 mysql exporter是prometheus的扩展程序,我粗略的扫了一下源码,他通过读取mysql的binlog以及其他方式,获取到必要信息,然后并对外提供监控接口的。这里使用20001和20002为prometheus和grafana的对外端口。

version: '2'



container_name: mysql-exporter-dev

image: prom/mysqld-exporter


# 这里指定的是要监控的 MySQL 数据库,这里我们以启动的 test-mysql 容器为示范。

# 实际应用当中,应该配置为具体的数据库实例。

- DATA_SOURCE_NAME=root:root@(test-mysql:3306)/


container_name: prometheus

image: prom/prometheus


- "20001:9090"


- ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml


container_name: grafana

image: grafana/grafana


# 配置 Grafana 的默认根 URL。

- GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:20002

# 配置 Grafana 的默认 admin 密码。



- "20002:3000"

# 映射 Grafana 的数据文件,方便后面进行更改。


- ./grafana:/var/lib/grafana

# 本服务只是用于演示,实际使用请注释掉本服务。


container_name: test-mysql

image: mysql



prometheus.yml 的配置内容如下,这里配置了2个target,分别是prometheus自身和mysql exporter


scrape_interval: 15s

evaluation_interval: 15s



- static_configs:

- targets:

# - alertmanager:9093


# Prometheus 监控配置

- job_name: 'prometheus'


- targets: ['prometheus:9090']

# MySQL 监控配置

- job_name: 'mysql'

# 抓取间隔

scrape_interval: 5s


# 这里配置的是具体的 MySQL Exporter 的地址,在之前的 docker compose 文件

# 定义当中,mysql exporter 的容器名为 mysql-exporter-dev。

- targets: ['mysql-exporter-dev:9104']


访问localhost:20002 端口,这里建议配置ip。grafana支持prometheus作为数据源。





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"description": "**Current QPS**\n\n根据 MySQL 的 ``SHOW STATUS`` 命令所返回的查询结果计算,它是服务器在最后一秒内执行的查询语句数。\n\n这个值包括存储过程当中所执行的 SQL 语句数量,与 ``Questions`` 所统计的结果不同,他不包含 ``COM_PING `` 与 ``COM_STATISTICS `` 命令返回的结果。",

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"title": "MySQL Server Status Variables",

"type": "absolute",

"url": "https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-status-variables.html#statvar_Queries"



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"calculatedInterval": "10m",

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"expr": "rate(mysql_global_status_queries{instance=\"

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"description": "InnoDB 维护了一个缓冲池,用于在内存当中进行数据缓存与索引。\n\n了解 InnoDB 缓冲池是如何工作地,就可以利用它将频繁访问的数据存储在内存当中。这也是 MySQL 性能调优的重要一个技巧。\n\n最终的目的就是缓存结果,在大多数情况下,他的值应该是主机内存的 60% ~ 90% 之间。",

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"title": "Tuning the InnoDB Buffer Pool Size",

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"url": "https://www.percona.com/blog/2015/06/02/80-ram-tune-innodb_buffer_pool_size/"



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"description": "**InnoDB Buffer Pool Size % of Total RAM**\n\nInnoDB maintains a storage area called the buffer pool for caching data and indexes in memory. Knowing how the InnoDB buffer pool works, and taking advantage of it to keep frequently accessed data in memory, is one of the most important aspects of MySQL tuning. The goal is to keep the working set in memory. In most cases, this should be between 60%-90% of available memory on a dedicated database host, but depends on many factors.",

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"description": "注释\n\nMySQL 默认的最大连接数为 151,增加这个值的话,会导致 mysqld 所需要的文件描述符数量。当文件描述符剩余不可用的时候,mysqld 会自动降低最大连接数。\n\n实质上 mysqld 允许 (最大连接数 + 1) 个连接,额外的 1 个连接是保留给 root 用户使用的。\n\n服务器最大连接记录是 mysqld 自启动以来同时最大使用的连接数记录。(不论成功与否)",

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"url": "https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_max_connections"



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"description": "MySQL 服务器执行的查询语句统计,这只包含客户端发送的查询请求,而不包括存储过程当中执行的语句数。\n\n该统计与 QPS 统计的信息不同,此图表不计算以下命令:\n* ``COM_PING``\n* ``COM_STATISTICS``\n* ``COM_STMT_PREPARE``\n* ``COM_STMT_CLOSE``\n* ``COM_STMT_RESET``",

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"url": "https://www.percona.com/blog/2014/05/29/how-mysql-queries-and-questions-are-measured/"



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"description": "**MySQL Table Open Cache Status**\n\nThe recommendation is to set the `table_open_cache_instances` to a loose correlation to virtual CPUs, keeping in mind that more instances means the cache is split more times. If you have a cache set to 500 but it has 10 instances, each cache will only have 50 cached.\n\nThe `table_definition_cache` and `table_open_cache` can be left as default as they are auto-sized MySQL 5.6 and above (ie: do not set them to any value).",

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"calculatedInterval": "2m",

"datasourceErrors": {},

"errors": {},

"expr": "rate(mysql_global_status_opened_tables{instance=\"

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"refId": "C",

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"expr": "rate(mysql_global_status_table_open_cache_overflows{instance=\"

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"expr": "(rate(mysql_global_status_table_open_cache_hits{instance=\"host\"}[5m]))/((rate(mysql_global_status_table_open_cache_hits{instance=\"interval]) or irate(mysql_global_status_table_open_cache_hits{instance=\"host\"}[

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"step": 20



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"description": "**MySQL Open Tables**\n\nThe recommendation is to set the `table_open_cache_instances` to a loose correlation to virtual CPUs, keeping in mind that more instances means the cache is split more times. If you have a cache set to 500 but it has 10 instances, each cache will only have 50 cached.\n\nThe `table_definition_cache` and `table_open_cache` can be left as default as they are auto-sized MySQL 5.6 and above (ie: do not set them to any value).",

"editable": true,

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"title": "Server Status Variables (table_open_cache)",

"type": "absolute",

"url": "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_table_open_cache"



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"calculatedInterval": "2m",

"datasourceErrors": {},

"errors": {},

"expr": "mysql_global_status_open_tables{instance=\"$host\"}",

"format": "time_series",

"interval": "$interval",

"intervalFactor": 1,

"legendFormat": "Open Tables",

"metric": "",

"refId": "B",

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"calculatedInterval": "2m",

"datasourceErrors": {},

"errors": {},

"expr": "mysql_global_variables_table_open_cache{instance=\"$host\"}",

"format": "time_series",

"interval": "$interval",

"intervalFactor": 1,

"legendFormat": "Table Open Cache",

"metric": "",

"refId": "C",

"step": 20



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"title": "MySQL Table Definition Cache",

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"datasource": "Prometheus",

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"description": "**MySQL Table Definition Cache**\n\nThe recommendation is to set the `table_open_cache_instances` to a loose correlation to virtual CPUs, keeping in mind that more instances means the cache is split more times. If you have a cache set to 500 but it has 10 instances, each cache will only have 50 cached.\n\nThe `table_definition_cache` and `table_open_cache` can be left as default as they are auto-sized MySQL 5.6 and above (ie: do not set them to any value).",

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"title": "Server Status Variables (table_open_cache)",

"type": "absolute",

"url": "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_table_open_cache"



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"alias": "Opened Table Definitions",

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"datasourceErrors": {},

"errors": {},

"expr": "mysql_global_status_open_table_definitions{instance=\"$host\"}",

"format": "time_series",

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"intervalFactor": 1,

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"refId": "B",

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"errors": {},

"expr": "mysql_global_variables_table_definition_cache{instance=\"$host\"}",

"format": "time_series",

"interval": "$interval",

"intervalFactor": 1,

"legendFormat": "Table Definitions Cache Size",

"metric": "",

"refId": "C",

"step": 20



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"format": "time_series",

"interval": "$interval",

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"refId": "A",

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"title": "MySQL 详细统计",

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本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2019-10-04,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 麒思妙想 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

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