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Plan energy, supplemented by time

发布2020-07-16 11:03:10
发布2020-07-16 11:03:10


I recently continued to develop my visionary planning assistant software through the opportunity of the software engineering course. In the process of software development, experienced many difficulties and tests. In particular, in the process of development, in the process of continuously coordination development and various other things. For the schedule planning, I have some ideas of my own, so i want to writer this article and make a small record.

引语 最近借着软件工程课程练习的契机,继续开发我梦想中的规划助手软件。在开发的过程中,遇到了许多的困难与考验。特别的,在开发的过程中,在不断的协调开发和其他各种事情过程中,对于日程规划,有了自己的一些小想法,因此我写下了这篇文章,打算进行一个小的记录。


What does planning mean? Planning means envisioning what might happen in the future and planning and preparing accordingly. Planning does not mean predicting, that is to say, in planning, it may not be possible to completely plan everything that happens in the future.

If you can’t do it, do you still have to do it?

The answer is yes, and doing so may yield unexpected surprises. For example, i plan to prepare for the postgraduate exams before the start of the school yet, but the real semester begins, and i find that there are many development tasks to be carried out during this semester. At the same time, development at this time is very important for my personal development. I intend to take software development in the future and contribute my own meager strength to the software development of the motherland. At the same time, in this period, both professional knowledge and programming knowledge have accumulated to a higher degree, and this is a good period of integration and promotion. In summary, i have revised my plan to improve professionalism, and the preparation for the postgraduate study is second, and the two complement each other.

规划 规划意味着什么?规划意味着提前设想未来可能发生的事情并做相应的计划和准备。 与此同时,规划不意味着预知,也就是说,在规划中也许不能完全的计划未来要发生的所有事情。 既然无法做到的事情,还要去做吗? 答案是要的。而且这样做可能会收获到意想不到的惊喜。例如,我之前计划本学期全力准备考研。但是真实的学期开始了,我发现这学期的开发任务非常多。同时,这时的开发对我个人的发展来说非常重要。我是打算未来走软件开发并在有可能的情况下为祖国软件开发事业贡献自己的微薄之力。与此同时,这时的我,无论是专业知识还是程序开发知识都已经积累到一个很高的层次,此时是一个很好的融合提升时期。最终,我修改了我的规划,提升专业素养为主,考研准备略次之。二者互补。

In the actual implementation process, i found two thins that were basically impossible to collide together, just like a wonderful chemical reaction. Take English as an example. The original i can say that there is a complex emotion in English. For the beginning of the escape, to trying in contact, and then to the stabbing again and again, to the conflict, and then to the college entrance examination completely dysfunctional. Not long ago, English has almost become my nightmare. In this case, i think almost no one can solve it. I can only loosen myself for myself.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

During this semester, i was exposed to many foreign advanced open source libraries. There are many very efficient foreign libraries that can be very cool under the guidance of very simple English documents. In the process, i really realized the English. It is good. At the same time, i also began to use the power of google translate to groped for writing English documents. In the process, i gradually did not reject English, and the neurons in the brain that recorded the rules of English use began to grow.

在实际的执行过程中,我发现原本绝不可能碰撞在一起的两件事情,就像是发生了奇妙的化学反应。以英语为例。原来的我对于英语可以说有着复杂的情感。从开始的逃避,到试着接触,再到一次次被刺伤,到产生抵触,再到高考完全失常。在不久之前,英语几乎已经成了我的噩梦。在这样的情况下,我想几乎没有人可以解决我的问题,智能靠自己为自己松绑。 山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 最近做开发的时候接触了很多国外的先进开源库,有许多国外很高效的库可以在很简单的英文文档指导下完成很炫酷的效果,在这个过程中,我真的体会到了英文好的一面。与此同时,我也开始挑战借助谷歌翻译的力量,一点点的摸索开始写英文文档。

Although i have not yet fully prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination, i think that this kind of planning has played a better effect. If i say that i continue to enter the ocean of English words, then the final result must be the English foe postgraduate study. Destroy me.

I think that the most important skill for a university is the ability to learn. In order to learn better, it is necessary to find the most suitable way to learn and make yourself feel comfortable. In the end, it is possible to achieve a better self. But before that, there must be a trial error process.

Although my English is still very bad, the level is below most of my classmates, but i will work hard to find the best way for myself and make myself better.

To make yourself better, you need to learn to design your own life.

虽然我现在还算不上全力准备考研,但是我想这样子的规划反而起到了更好的效果。假如说以曾今的我继续进入单词的海洋遨游,不出意外的话,最后的结果一定是被考研英语毁掉的我。 我认为大学最重要的技能就是学习能力。为了更好的学习,就需要找到最适合自己,让自己最舒适的学习方式,最终才有可能成就更好的自己。在此之前,一定少不了试错的过程。 虽然我的英语依然很不好,水平位于大部分同学之下,但是我会继续努力,找到适合自己的方式,然后让自己变得更好。 为了成就更好的自己,就需要学会设计自己的人生。


Three of the most precious things, time, energy and attention.

People`s energy is limited, subject to energy, and people can only do limited things in one day.

If you achieve your energy and focus on what you do, you will improve in one aspect. Therefore, i think that if you compare time and energy, i think that energy may be a little more precious than time.

Time is limited and energy is limited. But if you plan your schedule in a time of lack of energy, this thins will be very bad.

That is to say, i think that when planning, in addition to considering the time factor, energy status is also an important indicator. The state of energy determines the efficiency and degree of accomplishing a thing, etc.

人最宝贵的三样东西,时间、精力和注意力。人的精力是有限的,受限于精力,人一天只能做有限的事情。成就于精力,将精力投入在某件事情,就会在某方面有所提升。因此,我认为如果将时间和精力相比的话,精力可能是比时间更宝贵一点点的东西。 时间是有限的,精力也是有限的。但是如果在精力不足的时间中规划日程,这件事情十有八九会完成的非常糟。也就是说,我认为在做规划的时候,除了要考虑时间因素,精力状况也是一个很重要的指标。精力状况决定了完成一件事的效率和程度等等。

Planning energy

In summary, planning energy ,not just planning time. Therefore, when designing the planning assistant, the energy curve become a major part and an important reference for the whole planning.

Although the software is not completely completed yet, for a number of reasons, i will improve it a little bit in the future and take time out to prefect to. After all, in order to better develop, i have replaced the entire computer system with a Linux environment suitable for development.

People`s energy is limited, and human development will encounter bottlenecks. That is to say, it is possible to make a powerful person by investing enough energy in a certain field.

Planning assistant, i hope that through this software, i can help me and all the people who are interested in achieving an efficient life to achieve an efficient life.

总之,规划精力,而不仅仅是规划时间。因此,当我设计规划助手的时候,精力曲线成为了一个主要的部分,是整个规划过程的重要参考量。 虽然软件还没有完全开发完毕,由于很多原因,我将会在未来闲暇的时间中,不断的完善它。毕竟,为了更好的开发,我已经将我的电脑系统完全撞上了Linux环境。 人的精力是有限的,人的发展是会遭遇瓶颈的。也就是因此,在某一领域投入足够多的精力,才有可能成就一个厉害的人。 规划助手,我希望通过这款软件,能帮助我以及一切有心实现高效人生的同道中人实现高效生活。

If you are interested in my project, please stay turned to my blog and GitHub.

Author: Frytea

Title: Plan energy, supplemented by time

Link: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1662728

Copyright: This work by TL-Song is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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