社区首页 >专栏 >QQ x FARMER BOB联名设计揭秘


发布2020-09-15 17:40:55
发布2020-09-15 17:40:55

01 概述

What is Farmer BOB ?

韩国设计师JO YOUNG WOON在大学时主攻设计,并曾留学日本两年,2016年和2017年在Tokyo Design Festa崭露头角。家乡在韩国光州,巧合下与同为设计师的女朋友一起加入ARTTOY的制作行列。WHAT THE FARMER设定中主角BOB是一名农民,不过造型和配件方面均没有传统农民的感觉。BOB之名,取自设计师喜欢的画家BOB ROSS 和雷鬼音乐人BOB MARLEY。

JO YOUNG WOON,a South Korean designer specialized in design when he was in college and used to study in Japan for two years. In 2016 and 2017, he build his reputation at Tokyo Design Festa. His was born in Gwangju, South Korea. By coincidence,he joined ARTTOY with his girlfriend who was also a designer. In the role of setting for WHAT THE FARMER, BOB is a farmer, but there is no traditional farmer's feeling in terms of modeling and accessories. The name of BOB comes from the designer's favorite painter BOB ROSS and reggae musician BOB MARLEY.

Farmer表示,其他系列的设计思考也是从未中断的,并且不单是以现在形态,而是更多元化的设计,融入其他的设计元素。作为潮流先锋,全球粉丝量超过260万!曾与innisfree/ McDonald / LANCOME等17个全球品牌跨界联名,为其注入更多潮流元素与新鲜创造力。最初没有大量生产,每一款公仔都是纯手工制作和上色,所以每次数量都只有20-30个,十分稀少,直到与新晋单位知名艺术潮流IP发行商-寻找独角兽合作,将产量和质量迅速提升,引爆新一轮热潮。

The Farmer said he never interrupted the thinking of his design on other series of BOB. He expanded his design not only in its current form but in a more diversified form through incorporating other design elements. As a trend pioneer, BOB has accumulated more than 2.6 million fans worldwide! It has co-branded with more than 17 global brands such as Innisfree/ McDonald/ LANCOME, which injected more trendy elements and fresh creativity into its design. In the beginning, each BOB toy was too rare to be massively produced. It was handmade and colored by the designer, which the quantity was limited within 20-30 each time. After BOB cooperated with FINDINGUNICRON company, the output and quality were rapidly improved and detonated a new wave of a craze in the field of art toys.

02 Farmer BOB X QQ联名系列

本次Farmer BOB X QQ联名系列企鹅BOB,高12cm,为150%尺寸,全球限量151体。BOB身着保暖企鹅连体衣,脚踩一双黄色雪地靴。帽子外圈的绒毛短而密实,下方还有两个圆溜溜的抽绳绒球,远看活脱脱的像一只呆萌小企鹅。背面QQ企鹅化身成连体衣的绒帽,在风雪中陪伴BOB一路前行。(以下图片为3D渲染效果图,并非实物,仅供参考)

This co-branded BOB is 12cm high, which is 150% of the original size and was only launched 151 worldwide. This BOB wore a warm penguin jumpsuit and stepped on a pair of yellow snow boots. The fluff on the outer of the hat is short and dense, and there are two round drawstring pompoms below, which looks like a cute little penguin from a distance. The QQ penguin on the back is transformed into a fleece cap of a jumpsuit, who accompanies BOB all the way in the wind and snow.(The below picture is from 3D rendering, for reference only)

03 角色概念

本次Farmer BOB X QQ联名系列企鹅BOB,由Farmer BOB之父,韩国设计师JO YOUNG WOON负责设计主刀。


The co-branded Penguin BOB is designed by the Korean designer JO YOUNG WOON who is the father of Farmer BOB.

In terms of this co-branded toy, BOB is an Inuit who lives in the North Polar all year-round. After receiving a gift from QQ penguin, which is 40,000 kilometers away, he decided to set off to visit this remote Antarctic partner.








Two places covered with snow and ice all year round,

One at the southern end of the earth, and one at the northern end of the earth;

One is surrounded by the ocean and the other is surrounded by land;

Suddenly one day, BOB living in the Arctic received a gift from the Antarctic penguin QQ.

I couldn't wait to open it and found it was a warm penguin jumpsuit and a pair of snow boots...






远在南极的企鹅QQ ...

The BOB who couldn't wait to put on the gift happily stepped on the snow,

Swaying happily like a penguin in the freezing cold Arctic wind,

The BOB, wrapped in warm and soft penguin clothes, is no longer afraid of wind and snow.

So he decided to embark on the road to visit the penguin QQ far away in Antarctica...




BOB and QQ hit it off after they met in Antarctica,

Penguin QQ decided to turn into a hat of warm clothes, and accompany BOB...

04 QQ角色的呈现



In terms of this Penguin BOB, in order to ensure the basic shape of the BOB, QQ needs to be adjusted in the overall proportions in conjunction with the original BOB head.

As can be seen below the original QQ is much slender, like an adult penguin but the Penguin BOB has been adjusted many times by the designer, which feels more rounded and cute. QQ appears in a sitting position, with small feet upturned, small hands drooping, and unfolding naturally, presenting a relaxed and comfortable feeling overall.

05 颜色


We tried and adjusted the colors based on the original red scarf and black body of QQ. In the past, most of BOB's products are matte and soft color styles and have been very popular in the past two years. However, the red scarf and black body of the original QQ are more saturated in color. We tried a variety of reds and finally settled on this warm pink. Regarding the adjustment of black, we slightly reduced the saturation in order to make the overall color softer.


06 包装设计

根据企鹅BOB的设计理念和造型,以及结合Farmer BOB以往的包装设计风格和材质,我们进行了这次企鹅BOB的包装设计。


According to Penguin BOB's design concept and shape, combining with Farmer BOB's previous packaging design style and materials, we carried out the packaging design for this Penguin BOB.

The whole box is mainly black, and the top is designed with white snow when erected. The color scheme is consistent with the Penguin, which gives a feeling of ice and snow. The front of the package is the front and side bust of Penguin BOB, and the bottom of two corners are equipped with both brand LOGOs, which can clearly convey the brands and images of both IP.


The left and right sides of the package are printed with three-quarters of the full-body shape of the Penguin BOB. When the user holds the packaging, they can intuitively feel the co-branded product appearance of the two IPs through the packaging.


The Penguin BOB is 12cm high and the 150% of BOB's original size, is only launched 151 worldwide.

Each Penguin BOB's sole is printed with an exclusive number. Like the previous designs of Farmer BOB, one foot is the exclusive signature of the designer, and the other is the exclusive number.


07 尺寸规格与专属编号

本次Farmer BOB X QQ联名系列企鹅BOB,高12cm,为150%尺寸,全球限量151体。

每一只企鹅BOB的脚底都跟有限量的专属编号。跟Farmer BOB以往的设计一样,一只脚底是Farmer(设计师)的专属签名,另一只脚底是限量编号。

The Penguin BOB is 12cm high and the 150% of BOB's original size, is only launched 151 worldwide.

Each Penguin BOB's sole is printed with an exclusive number. Like the previous designs of Farmer BOB, one foot is the exclusive signature of the designer, and the other is the exclusive number.


In addition, there is a limited edition badge of QQ Toys on the box.


Explanation of badge for BC series


Four series of badges for QQ TOYS

08 视频设计

这款与QQ联名的Farmer BOB,是Farmer BOB的一个新角色,我们制作了一个包含QQ和Farmer BOB背景故事的宣传视频。通过这段3D视频,可以看到只以玩具形式出现的Farmer BOB遇见QQ后,第一个栩栩如生的动作。

This Farmer BOB collaboration toy with QQ,which representing Tencent, has created another new Farmer BOB character. In this project, we have produced a promotional video that contains the background story of QQ and Farmer BOB. In the meantime, the Farmer BOB character, which has been produced only by Toy, has met QQ and now can see the first vividly alive movement through this 3D animation video.

A.. 前期制作 |  Pre-production

1) 概念 &故事 Concept & Story

玩具设定是QQ和Famer BOB生活在不同世界但在同一个世界相遇。所以宣传视频讲述两个生活在不同世界的角色通过神秘之门相遇后,一起去新世界旅行的故事。

This collaboration toy has two characters attached together, but QQ and Farmer BOB are looking in different directions.The two characters are symbolically expressing QQ and Farmer BOB, which are living in different worlds but have met  together in one world. So in this QQ X Farmer BOB collaboration video, two characters living in different worlds meet through mysterious door, expressing the story of traveling a new world together.

2) 故事板 Story board

故事板上画的是,QQ和Farmer BOB 一牵手,就被神秘的魔法结合在一起。视频初期集中展示Farmer BOB生活的美丽森林和QQ生活的不知名的白雪飘落的宇宙空间,并将他们进行对比。

In this video, QQ and Farmer BOB who lived in different worlds, meet each other through mysterious door. It wa drawn on the story board that as soon as QQ and Farmer BOB held their hands, the two characters became together by mysterious magic. At the beginning of the video, we focused on expressing the beautiful forest where Farmer BOB lives, contrasting with the world of QQ living in an unknown space where white snow falls.

B. 后期制作| Post-production


After the initialplanning stage was completed, the work was carried out with the general full 3d image production process from the most basic modeling work to the last synthesis stage.

1) 角色建模 Character Modeling

为了在动画中使用玩具的造型,我们进行了再拓补。这一部分最重要的是在改装过程中,不能改变玩具的原始形状。在尽可能保持原始形状的同时,Farmer BOB被调整成可以放到动画中的形状。原来的玩具造型是手臂连接着身体,但在动画中,手臂和身体必须分开,因此我们调整角色造型,增加了可以自由移动的手臂。

To use the toy modeling of the toy figure on the animation, the retopology process was carried out. The most important thing in this part is that the original form of the toy should not be changed during the modification process. The Farmer BOB was modified in to a form that can be animated while maintaining the original shape as much as possible. The original toy modeling was made in a shape with arms connected to the body, but the body part and arm had to be separated for various expressions in animation, so we adjusted the modeling of the character to add arms which can be moved freely.

2) 背景建模 Background Modeling 

所有表现Farmer BOB世界的背景元素都是在3D建模中设计的。树木和花朵等元素被设计成可以适应Farmer BOB的图形风格。由于角色的颜色和布局必须同时确定,所以在调整颜色和布局的同时,我们也同步进行了3D建模工作。所有背景元素的色彩都与Farmer BOB温暖可爱的色调相一致。

All the background elements to express the world of Farmer BOB were designed in 3D modeling. The elements such as trees and flower were designed to suit the graphic style of the Farmer BOB character. Because the color and layout of the character must be confirmed at the same time, the modeling process was carried out while adjusting the color and layout. The color of background elements was applied to harmonize with the warm and lovely color tone of Farmer Bob.

3) 可视化预览 &动画 Pre-visualizing& Animation  


Based on the storyboards that have been worked on, need to arrange the screen composition of the image and the frame length of the character animation first on the pre-visual stage. After the rough work, the detailed movement and screen composition of the character can be adjusted.

4)渲染&合成 Rendering & Compositing 

在渲染与合成步骤中,补充了诸如角色颜色等需要校正的部分。当在合成过程中进行渲染时,为了可以轻松地修改颜色和渲染图像的每个部分,RGB 哑光通道被分为五个步骤。

During the rendering and synthesis step, parts requiring correction such as the color of character etc. are supplemented. The RGB matte passes were divided into five steps when it is rendered on synthesis progress to easily modify colors and render pass on each part of the images.

C. 最终视频 | Final Video

QQ 和Farmer BOB都在公众中有着稳定的知名度和兴趣度,并且受到人们广泛关注。就像来自不同世界的这两个角色如何结合在一起一样,通过这次合作,我们希望拥有独特品牌身份的它们能够有一个良好的协同作用。

QQ’s collaboration project with Farmer BOB,which has a steady popularity and interest of the public, who has received alot of attention from people. Just like how these two characters from different worlds combined together, we hope that these two character brands with unique brand identities will be able to proceed good synergy through this collaboration.

PS:ISUX 设有一个IP爱好者群





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原始发表:2020-09-14,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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