社区首页 >专栏 >21周年限定 | 噗噗星人限量版发布与设计故事

21周年限定 | 噗噗星人限量版发布与设计故事

发布2020-09-28 15:10:25
发布2020-09-28 15:10:25

噗噗扭蛋潮玩推出不久后,受到了粉丝的极度热捧。QQ正值21周年,为纪念这特殊的日子,噗噗星人推出了210体限量版潮玩。噗噗星人每个角色都极富个性,本次精选了3款。其中包括噗神炫舞 Dancing PUPU、呆奴火舞 Flaming DINOO、奥力给依 Struggling EE。

PUPU ALIENS blind ball was extremely popular with fans shortly after released. Due to QQ is 21 years old, we released 210 limited toys to commemorate this special day. Each PUPU Aliens characters was full of individual personality, we selected 3 models this time, including Dancing PUPU, Flaming DINOO and Struggling EE.

A. 限定款介绍 | Limited Edition 

1)噗神炫舞 Dancing PUPU


PUPU is the royalty of the planet, his body changes into rainbow color when he hears the beautiful sound. He has supernatural power while in the state of hot dancing.

2)呆奴火舞 Flaming DINOO


Dinoo, who is mischievous, likes to spray out fire and sends out his unique dinosaur heroic posture when he is in high spirits.

3)奥力给依 Struggling EE


Lovely EE, who has a tough steel body, is the representative of strength, he puts on cheering headband to cheer and help the brave PUPU Aliens.

B. 尺寸 | Size


The height of Dancing PUPU is 12.5cm and the side of transparent cube box is 18cm.


The height of Flaming DINOO is 12cm and the side of transparent cube box is 18cm.


The height of Struggling EE is 11cm and the side of transparent cube box is 18cm.

C.限量编码| Limited Edition Number


The quantity of limited toy with QQ 21st anniversary is 210, each limited edition is printed with the exclusive code of QQ 21st anniversary logo, which is very collectable.

1) 噗神炫舞 Dancing PUPU


Dancing PUPU was designed by selecting the most dynamic and suitable pose to be produced as a toy among the PUPU movements. The character concept that PUPU’s body changes into rainbow color when he hears the beautiful sound is applied to the toy, and the dancing PUPU toy of the purple gradient color was created.

2) 呆奴火舞 Flaming DINOO


The limited toy of DINOO was designed in the shape of him flaming the fire on the ground, which is his signature pose. The form of ‘Flaming DINOO’ was once made into an online sticker. This flaming DINOO toy was designed while maintaining the pose in the online sticker as much as possible.


Unlike the fact that fire was expressed in 2D graphics in the online sticker, the form of fire was newly designed because the exact stereoscopic form of fire was needed for the toy.


In order to express the form of fire, approximate form was roughly made first, and then the separated modeling was combined into one modeling shape through the retopolyge progress. And the end part of each fire shape was refined to express the feeling of natural and powerful fire.

DINOO 的形状刚开始被设计成向天空喷火,但火焰形状的原因,玩具重心向前倾斜,导致很难站立。所以我们将火的方向改为向下,重新设计了DINOO的姿势和火的形状,以使玩具更加地稳固。

At the beginning of the work progress, DINOO was produced in the form of emitting fire towards the sky. Due to the fire shape, toy’s center of gravity was tilted forward, making it difficult to stand still. Therefore, the direction of the fire was changed downward, so the pose of DINOO and the shape of the fire were redesigned to make the toy stable.

3) 奥力给依 Struggling EE


EE is a golden egg which his arms are protruding from the shell. The struggling EE’s concept came from the external characteristics of this character, applying the energetic feeling of EE on the toy.


The shape of the bottom part was cut so that the EE with the circular body could sit on the floor stably, and the wrinkles were expressed on the white band part surrounded by the head of the EE, applying the natural feeling of the cloth.

A. 包装 | Package Design


For this limited toy package, we decided to use transparent materials so that customers can easily see the toy inside.


Because we’re using a transparent box, we thought it would not be appropriate to use too many design elements on the box because it can make the toy look not clear. We thought it would be better to design the box only with some small decorative elements around the toy so that they can make the toy look better with the whole package. So we didn’t use so many colors and just applied white colored simple patterns and line type graphics. On the back and bottom of the toy, we placed colored papers that go well with each toy so that the toy can look better with it.


For the main graphic, we drew the toy in a simple line style with some decorative graphic elements. Because this graphic will be layered on the toy itself, we tried not to make it so complicated and used only white color.

B.  QTX海报 | QTX Poster


We also designed QTX (QQ TOYS EXPO) event posters, maintaining a similar tone of the package design. Although we tried to make the package design not too complicated and used only white color, for these posters, we designed it more like hand drawn doodles and used some other colors together.


More funny PUPU Aliens are coming, please look forward to it!


This product will be officially released on August 28, please scan the QR code below to purchase!

更多噗噗星人限量版谍照,上小程序HIT TOP,关注话题#噗噗星人限量版?

PS:ISUX 开通粉丝QQ群啦!





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本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2020-09-28,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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