社区首页 >专栏 >DNSPod十问Neha Naik:以人民币结算海外IT业务的可能性?

DNSPod十问Neha Naik:以人民币结算海外IT业务的可能性?

发布2020-10-26 11:11:40
发布2020-10-26 11:11:40
文章被收录于专栏:腾讯云 DNSPod 团队



Neha Naik:Radix域名注册局全球渠道总监,在域名行业拥有超过15年的面向注册局、注册商、网站托管商等全产业链合作经验。

Neha Naik:The Director for Channel Partnerships at Radix, a leading Domain Registry Operator. She has over 15 years of experience in the domain name industry; having worked with registrars, registries, and web hosts across the globe.





Neha Naik:Radix是一个拥有和运营10家新域名后缀的顶级域名注册局。包括:


2012年,当ICANN(互联网名称与数字地址分配机构) 初次邀请新顶级域名(nTLDs)的申请时,Radix提交申请了31个后缀,投资超过5000万美元。最后,Radix获得了7个后缀归属权,此后几年内,又赢得了另外3款后缀,从而形成当前11款域名产品组合。截至2020年3月,Radix管理着超过600万个域名,其两个域名后缀.ONLINE和.SITE的注册量都接近200万。在2020年所有新注册的非顶级域名中,Radix占顶级域名(nTLD)市场份额的29%,而后缀个数却只占全部新顶级域名的1%。

Hongsheng Wu:Please Introduce the Radix Registry for us .

Neha Naik:Radix is one of the top domain registries that owns and operates 10 new domain extensions viz; .TECH, .STORE, .ONLINE, .SITE, .WEBSITE, .SPACE, .FUN, .PRESS, .HOST, .UNO, and one repurposed ccTLD, .PW.

In 2012, when ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) invited the initial applications for new top-level domains (nTLDs), Radix submitted applications for 31 strings with an investment of over $50 million. Of those, Radix secured 7 strings and since then has gained 3 more extensions.

Radix’s objective is to offer top-quality TLDs that allow businesses and individuals to have more meaningful names on the Internet. As of March 2020, Radix has over 6 million domains under management and two of its domain extensions .ONLINE and .SITE, both have surpassed 1 million domain registrations each. For all new registrations done across nTLDs in 2020, Radix has 29% of the nTLD market share with only 1% of total nTLDs.


Neha Naik:我大学毕业后就加入了域名行业,然后一直在这个行业深耕。在加入Radix公司担任渠道合作总监之前,我负责LogicBoxes公司的客户管理团队。LogicBoxes是一家域名注册自动化平台和咨询公司,后来被耐力国际控股集团收购。


Hongsheng Wu: Please introduce yourself, how did you enter the Domain Industry?

Neha Naik:I joined the domain industry fresh out of college and never looked back. Before joining Radix as the Director for Channel Partnerships, I led the Account Management team at LogicBoxes, a domain registrar automation platform and consulting business, which was later acquired by Endurance International Group.

Over the last 15 years of being in this industry, I have had the experience of working with registrars, registries, and web hosts across the globe leading and managing various business verticals such as sales, product management, policy, and in-depth knowledge of ICANN processes. The world of domains has kept me intrigued throughout and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.

吴洪声: 除了.com,您最喜欢的顶级域名是哪一个?

Neha Naik:对我来说,很难选择一个最喜欢的顶级域名,因为Radix的所有9个顶级域名都有自己独特的特点和潜力。但是,如果我必须要选择的话,我可能会选择.STORE和.ONLINE。



Hongsheng Wu:Besides .com, what are your favorite TLDs?

Neha Naik:It’s a bit difficult for me to pick a favorite TLD because all of Radix’s 9 TLDs have their own unique characteristics and potential. However, if I still had to make a choice, then I’d probably go with .STORE and .ONLINE.

.STORE because it offers immense potential for eCommerce businesses to mark their space on the Internet in a unique and brandable way. It has a direct connection with the eCommerce and retail industry and that shows because in May 2020, .STORE has grown by 35% because of a boom in the eCommerce industry.

.ONLINE because of its two primary characteristics--versatile and global. The word online truly encapsulates what the businesses need to do today—be online. It also allows businesses to tell the world that they are online in a creative and effective manner.


Neha Naik:域名行业是一个有温度的行业,而且总是在面对一些新的改变。在我印象里,最美好的回忆是2013年在北京参加ICANN会议。那是我第一次被介绍给我们在中国市场的所有合作伙伴和客户。尽管有语言障碍,对我个人来说我们的讨论依然是非常投入和有趣。




Hongsheng Wu: What is the most interesting domain name story you have experienced? Are there any unforgettable stories to share with?

Neha Naik:In terms of stories, I have so many to share.

The domain industry has always been warm and accepting to new ideas. I remember one of my fondest memories was when I attended ICANN, Beijing in 2013. That was the first time I was introduced to all our partners and buyers in the Chinese market. Despite the language barrier, the discussions we had were highly engaging and interesting to me personally.

That’s just the industry which albeit small, is really ambitious. I also have a lot of good memories with the business side of things. We were thrilled when some of the top marquees and global conglomerates appreciated and adopted our TLDs for their branding.

For example, Google chose business.site as its default subdomain for small businesses. Today, it has over 20M live pages and this goes to show that .SITE is the perfect TLD for small businesses and individuals.

Another was Christiano Ronaldo, one of the world’s top football players chose .STORE for his denim and perfume brand (cr7denim.store) and (cr7fragrances.store).

All of these have been significant wins and we’re happy that businesses across the world are recognizing the benefits of new domain extensions.


Neha Naik:Radix进入中国市场已近10年,自那以来,见证了通用顶级域名(gTLD)市场的指数级增长。事实上,中国国内注册的域名总数已跃升至5100万,其中将





Hongsheng Wu:As we all know, China’s domain name industry has experienced ups and downs, and it is a very special market on a global scale. What do you think of the development of the Chinese domain name market in the past ten years, from your personal point of view?

Neha Naik:It’s almost been a decade since Radix entered the China market and since then it has seen the gTLD market grow exponentially. In fact, the total number of domains registered in China jumped to 51 million, of which almost 


As of May 2020, Radix is managing more than 1M names in China on its combined portfolio of 9 nTLDs. Our generic as well as industry-focused domain extensions have been accepted well in the Chinese market with new registrations and renewals coming in every quarter.

An important reason for this growth can be attributed to the different kinds of users from varied industries who were looking for meaningful names on the Internet.

Moreover, in 2020, the one aspect that most small and big businesses are realizing is the importance of a strong online presence. Irrespective of the industry you belong to, it is crucial to have a digital presence and this factor alone will play an important role in propelling the Chinese domain industry forward.


Neha Naik:现在,大多数企业和个人面临的一个大问题是,他们无法注册到心仪的域名。通过新的域名后缀,我们努力让企业拥有更有意义和可品牌化的域名。


Hongsheng Wu:The domain name that I like or plan to use has already been registered. How do registrants react to this issue?

Neha Naik:One of the biggest issues that most businesses and individuals face today is the unavailability of their preferred domain names. With new domain extensions, we’re trying to empower businesses to have more meaningful and brandable domain names.

The relative newness of these nTLDs makes it possible for businesses to find their first-choice domain names on a meaningful and relevant domain extension. However, for some reason, if the domain name is not available on say an industry-specific TLD such as .STORE, then the registrant has the choice to go with a more generic but brandable domain extension such as .ONLINE or .SITE. It still communicates that your business is online in a creative way.

Other than that, there are many other options such as companies and mediators who can help you get the exact domain name that you’re looking for.


Neha Naik:企业的域名就是它的在线身份。所以,选择一个简洁并且可品牌化的域名非常重要。





Hongsheng Wu:How can the 9 TLDs of Radix enable Chinese users to better apply?

Neha Naik:A business’s domain name is its online identity. Therefore, it is important that the domain name you choose is clean and brandable. New domain extensions are contextual and keyword-rich which allows businesses to get more meaningful domain names for their businesses.

Few factors that I feel businesses can keep in mind when searching for their domain names could be to:

●      Keep it short and simple. A long domain name is not very memorable.

●     Keep it relevant to the business and the industry. For example, an eCommerce business could go with .STORE, a tech startup could go with .TECH, or if one is looking for a more versatile, global, and brandable presence, then they could go with .ONLINE.

The more brandable and simple your domain name, the better it will resonate with your audience and will help you build a great brand online.


Neha Naik:域名的投资价值取决于多种因素,如交易市场的资金流动性、域名的品牌价值、新兴企业的发展趋势等等。我相信域名市场不会因为这些长期存在的变量,而面临什么无法克服的困难。但是,我确实认为评估一个域名的价值会变得比以往更加复杂。



Hongsheng Wu:What is the investment value of a domain name? What do you think of the view that the investment value of domain names is gradually declining?

Neha Naik:The investment value of domain names is dependent on multiple factors such as trade market capital liquidity, domain name’s brand equity, growth of new businesses, and more. I don’t believe that the domain name market will face any imminent difficulties with these new developments. However, I do think that assessing the value of a domain name will become a lot more flexible and dynamic than ever.

For example, someone in the tech industry would understand the value of a .TECH domain extension. Similarly, eCommerce and retail brands would appreciate the value a .STORE domain name can bring to their business.

Domain names have always been the key pillar of a business’s online presence. A domain name is an asset and destination that a brand controls, irrespective of the platform. It is extremely important for a business to be in 100% control of their online presence. While platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ, and tools such as QR codes amplify a brand’s online presence, they cannot replace the need for having a good website.


Neha Naik:我们很欣赏也很重视与腾讯云,与DNSPod的合作关系,很高兴看到Radix的顶级域名为注册商和客户的业务带来了价值。


Hongsheng Wu:After working with Tencent Cloud for so long, what are your suggestions for us, so that we can cooperate better?

Neha Naik:We appreciate and value our partnership with Tencent Cloud/DNSpod and are happy to see that Radix’s TLDs are adding value to both the registrar operations and the customers with their business.

We also want to congratulate Tencent Cloud for being so creative and customer-centric in their approach. We believe that this is just the beginning of many more innovative ideas to come and we look forward to a long-term fruitful partnership with Tencent Cloud.


Neha Naik:在全球经济放缓的当下,域名的价值有所上升,因为它们独立于目前波动性更大的其他金融资产类别。短域名(也被称为“CHIPS”或“流动域名”)供应有限,2020年为买家投资这一资产类别提供了巨大的机会。



Hongsheng Wu:Do you have any suggestions for domain name enthusiasts and enthusiasts on the road of domain name investment in 2020?

Neha Naik:The values of domain names have increased during this global slowdown as they are independent of the other financial asset classes that are more volatile right now. Short domains (also known as ‘CHIPS’ or ‘liquid domains’) are in limited supply and 2020 offers a great opportunity to the buyer’s market to invest in this asset class.

To aid this opportunity, Radix has released more than 5,700 2-letter LL domains, around 13,800 3-letter LLL domains, and over 100 NN domains which were never available for registration before.

As a brand and business out there, focus on the value of the name and what that means to your business and your brand on the Internet.


Neha Naik:随着矛盾日益突出,不排除在某个时间点,美国停止对中国提供域名(注册局在美国的后缀,以威瑞信为主)服务,根服务器等等,这将导致域名无法访问、续费受阻等极端情况出现。


Hongsheng Wu:As the contradiction of international situation intensifies, what challenges does domain name industry encounter? How should we deal with the problems arising from the intensification of conflicts? 

Neha Naik:With the increasingly prominent contradiction, do not rule out at some point in time, the United States to stop in China to provide domain name (registry suffix, in the United States is given priority to with wei credit suisse) service, the root server, etc., this will lead to domain name can't access a renewal's obstruction occurs for a long time.

Many domestic registrar outside top-up registry advance payment issue cannot be successfully completed, as the two sides friction upgrades, intensifying may be more of the seriousness of this problem to promote and upgrading of domestic registrar partner settlement way has been the development trend of the industry, hope in the future a certain point in time we can realize the settlement in RMB.


Neha Naik:随着二维码,app及其他类似产品的推出,关于域名价值的体现,我们可以通过一些更垂直,更新颖的方式去实现,比如跟多行业进行深度绑定,加深客户印象。就像我们Radix的各种新顶级后缀,我们希望能够把品牌和行业结合在一起,拓展它的应用范围,充分实现域名的行业价值。

Hongsheng Wu:What is the development trend of domain name industry in the future? How can we maximize the value of a domain name?

Neha Naik:With the development of QR code, the app and other similar products, to realize  the value about domain name, we can through some of the more vertical, more novel ways to realize, such as more in-depth binding industry, deepen customer impression as we Radix various new top suffix, we want to be able to put the brand and industry together, expand the scope of its application, fully realize the value of the domain name industry.





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