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构造最短程序打印自身的 MD5

发布2021-06-25 11:04:31
发布2021-06-25 11:04:31
文章被收录于专栏:Tech Explorer


比赛题目很简单:构造一个程序,在 stdout 上打印出自身的 MD5,程序越短越好。按最终程序文件大小字节数排名,文件越小,排名越靠前。 只能使用 ld-linux-x86-64.so, libc.so, libdl.so, libgcc_s.so, libm.so, libstdc++.so 。 禁止了 socket, shmget, fork, execvc 等 syscall 。

汇编高手如云,本人只做到 752 字节,只拿到 27 名。 但忙活好几天,学到不少东西,也有苦劳,还是值得记录一下。

基本是纯 C 实现,没有动用汇编。


基于这个 MD5 实现改造 https://gist.github.com/creationix/4710780


参照 musl 和 rt0 ,去除对 glibc 依赖

  1. musl libc https://www.musl-libc.org/
  2. rt0 : https://github.com/lpsantil/rt0


  1. 思路,利用内核的 MD5 计算代码: grep -i md5 linux-5.6.2 只找到 2处,
    1. TCP_MD5SIG , CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG : “TCP: MD5 Signature Option support (RFC2385)” 一个冷门特性,看起来通过 socket 才能执行。
    2. AF_ALG Linux 的 crypto api,通过 socket 形式暴露 api, 但是 socket 被禁用了。 https://www.chronox.de/libkcapi.html
  2. 构造碰撞,hardcode 直接 print 出来 https://github.com/corkami/collisions https://www.rogdham.net/2017/03/12/gif-md5-hashquine.en https://github.com/Rogdham/gif-md5-hashquine http://www.win.tue.nl/hashclash/ 尝试了 fastcoll_v1 ,但是 fastcoll 构造1个字节的冲突要 2 block = 128 字节 ,则 16 字节就要 2048 字节,还不如 C 语言直接算。
  3. 通过某些 ipc 机制,绕过评判。 试了简单的 shmget, 不成功。

三. 代码


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#define SYS_write 1 #define SYS_exit 60 inline long syscall3(long n, long a0, long a1, long a2) { long ret; __asm__ volatile("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a0), "S"(a1), "d"(a2) : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return (ret); } inline long syscall1(long n, long a0) { long ret; __asm__ volatile("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a0) : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return (ret); } static int write(int f, const char* d, int l) { int ret = syscall3(SYS_write, f, (long)(d), l); return (ret); } void _exit(int r) { syscall1(SYS_exit, r); } typedef unsigned uint32_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned long size_t; #define NULL 0 // In words #define memcpy(dest, src, n) \ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { \ ((char*)dest)[i] = ((const char*)src)[i]; \ } // leftrotate function definition #define LEFTROTATE(x, c) (((x) << (c)) | ((x) >> (32 - (c)))) static void md5_hash(uint8_t* initial_msg, const size_t initial_len, uint32_t hash[4]) { // Note: All variables are unsigned 32 bit and wrap modulo 2^32 when calculating // r specifies the per-round shift amounts const static uint8_t r[] = { 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21, }; // Use binary integer part of the sines of integers (in radians) as constants// Initialize variables: uint32_t k[64]; for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { double f = 1.0 + i; asm("fsin;\n\t" "fabs;\n\t" : "=t"(f) : "0"(f)); f *= 4294967296.0; k[i] = (uint32_t)f; } // Pre-processing: adding a single 1 bit // append "1" bit to message /* Notice: the input bytes are considered as bits strings, where the first bit is the most significant bit of the byte.[37] */ // Pre-processing: padding with zeros // append "0" bit until message length in bit ≡ 448 (mod 512) // append length mod (2 pow 64) to message const int new_len = ((((initial_len + 8) / 64) + 1) * 64) - 8; // Message (to prepare) uint8_t* msg = initial_msg msg[initial_len] = 128; // write the "1" bit uint32_t bits_len = 8 * initial_len; // note, we append the len memcpy(msg + new_len, &bits_len, 4); // in bits at the end of the buffer // Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks: // for each 512-bit chunk of message: for (int offset = 0; offset < new_len; offset += 64) { // break chunk into sixteen 32-bit words w[j], 0 ≤ j ≤ 15 uint32_t* w = (uint32_t*)(msg + offset); // Initialize hash value for this chunk: uint32_t a = hash[0]; uint32_t b = hash[1]; uint32_t c = hash[2]; uint32_t d = hash[3]; // Main loop: uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { uint32_t f, g; if (i < 16) { f = (b & c) | ((~b) & d); g = i; } else if (i < 32) { f = (d & b) | ((~d) & c); g = (5 * i + 1) % 16; } else if (i < 48) { f = b ^ c ^ d; g = (3 * i + 5) % 16; } else { f = c ^ (b | (~d)); g = (7 * i) % 16; } uint32_t temp = d; d = c; c = b; b = b + LEFTROTATE((a + f + k[i] + w[g]), r[i / 4 / 4 * 4 + i % 4]); a = temp; } // Add this chunk's hash to result so far: hash[0] += a; hash[1] += b; hash[2] += c; hash[3] += d; } } static char xdigits(char c) { if ((c >= 0) && (c <= 9)) { return '0' + c; } return 'a' + (c - 10); } void _start(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); void _start(void) { uint32_t hash[4] = {0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476}; char* addr = (char*)0x400000; const size_t len = 688; md5_hash(addr, len, hash); unsigned char* md = (unsigned char*)&hash[0]; char buff[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { unsigned x = md[(i >> 1)]; x >>= (i & 1 ? 0 : 4); buff[i] = xdigits(x & 15); } write(1, &buff[0], sizeof(buff)); _exit(0); }

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CFLAGS="-static -Os -Wl,--omagic -D__RT0_WITH_FASTER_SYSCALL__ -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -nostdinc -Wl,--build-id=none -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-unroll-loops -fmerge-all-constants -fno-ident -mfpmath=sse -mfancy-math-387 -finline-functions-called-once -I ./ " gcc $CFLAGS print_my_md5.c -S -fverbose-asm gcc $CFLAGS print_my_md5.s -o print_my_md5 strip -R .comment print_my_md5 strip -R .bss print_my_md5 ls -l ./print_my_md5 ./ELFkickers/sstrip/sstrip print_my_md5 ./print_my_md5 echo md5sum ./print_my_md5 ls -l ./print_my_md5

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原始发表:2020-04-20,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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0 条评论
  • 一,介绍
  • 二,用过的一些思路和资源
  • 三,没有成功的一些思路
  • 三. 代码
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